This quickstart will help you run the Kafka system tests on your local machine. Note this requires bringing up a cluster of virtual machines on your local computer, which is memory intensive; it currently requires around 10G RAM.
* Install system test dependencies, including ducktape, a command-line tool and library for testing distributed systems. We recommend to use virtual env for system test development
set up a keypair used for ssh access to the test driver and worker machines, and create a security group to allow the test driver and workers to all communicate via TCP.
* [Create an IAM role]( We'll give this role the ability to launch or kill additional EC2 machines.
- Create role "kafkatest-master"
- Role type: Amazon EC2
- Attach policy: AmazonEC2FullAccess (this will allow our test-driver to create and destroy EC2 instances)
* If you haven't already, [set up a keypair to use for SSH access]( For the purpose
of this quickstart, let's say the keypair name is kafkatest, and you've saved the private key in kafktest.pem
- After creating the group, inbound rules: allow SSH on port 22 from anywhere; also, allow access on all ports (0-65535) from other machines in the kafkatest group.
* Grab the public hostname/IP (available for example by navigating to your EC2 dashboard and viewing running instances) of your test driver and SSH into it:
The system tests have unit tests! The various services in the python `kafkatest` module are reasonably complex, and intended to be reusable. Hence we have unit tests
for the system service classes.
Where are the unit tests?
* The kafkatest unit tests are located under kafka/tests/unit
How do I run the unit tests?
* cd kafka/tests # The base system test directory
* python test
How can I add a unit test?
* Follow the naming conventions - module name starts with "check", class name begins with "Check", test method name begins with "check"
* These naming conventions are defined in "setup.cfg". We use "check" to distinguish unit tests from system tests, which use "test" in the various names.