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from ducktape.cluster.remoteaccount import RemoteCommandError
from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
class JmxMixin(object):
"""This mixin helps existing service subclasses start JmxTool on their worker nodes and collect jmx stats.
A couple things worth noting:
- this is not a service in its own right.
- we assume the service using JmxMixin also uses KafkaPathResolverMixin
def __init__(self, num_nodes, jmx_object_names=None, jmx_attributes=None):
self.jmx_object_names = jmx_object_names
self.jmx_attributes = jmx_attributes or []
self.jmx_port = 9192
self.started = [False] * num_nodes
self.jmx_stats = [{} for x in range(num_nodes)]
self.maximum_jmx_value = {} # map from object_attribute_name to maximum value observed over time
self.average_jmx_value = {} # map from object_attribute_name to average value observed over time
self.jmx_tool_log = "/mnt/jmx_tool.log"
self.jmx_tool_err_log = "/mnt/jmx_tool.err.log"
def clean_node(self, node):
node.account.kill_process("jmx", clean_shutdown=False, allow_fail=True)
node.account.ssh("rm -rf %s" % self.jmx_tool_log, allow_fail=False)
def start_jmx_tool(self, idx, node):
if self.jmx_object_names is None:
self.logger.debug("%s: Not starting jmx tool because no jmx objects are defined" % node.account)
if self.started[idx-1]:
self.logger.debug("%s: jmx tool has been started already on this node" % node.account)
cmd = "%s kafka.tools.JmxTool " % self.path.script("kafka-run-class.sh", node)
cmd += "--reporting-interval 1000 --jmx-url service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" % self.jmx_port
for jmx_object_name in self.jmx_object_names:
cmd += " --object-name %s" % jmx_object_name
for jmx_attribute in self.jmx_attributes:
cmd += " --attributes %s" % jmx_attribute
cmd += " 1>> %s" % self.jmx_tool_log
cmd += " 2>> %s &" % self.jmx_tool_err_log
self.logger.debug("%s: Start JmxTool %d command: %s" % (node.account, idx, cmd))
node.account.ssh(cmd, allow_fail=False)
wait_until(lambda: self._jmx_has_output(node), timeout_sec=10, backoff_sec=.5, err_msg="%s: Jmx tool took too long to start" % node.account)
self.started[idx-1] = True
def _jmx_has_output(self, node):
"""Helper used as a proxy to determine whether jmx is running by that jmx_tool_log contains output."""
node.account.ssh("test -z \"$(cat %s)\"" % self.jmx_tool_log, allow_fail=False)
return False
except RemoteCommandError:
return True
def read_jmx_output(self, idx, node):
if not self.started[idx-1]:
object_attribute_names = []
cmd = "cat %s" % self.jmx_tool_log
self.logger.debug("Read jmx output %d command: %s", idx, cmd)
lines = [line for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd, allow_fail=False)]
assert len(lines) > 1, "There don't appear to be any samples in the jmx tool log: %s" % lines
for line in lines:
if "time" in line:
object_attribute_names = line.strip()[1:-1].split("\",\"")[1:]
stats = [float(field) for field in line.split(',')]
time_sec = int(stats[0]/1000)
self.jmx_stats[idx-1][time_sec] = {name: stats[i+1] for i, name in enumerate(object_attribute_names)}
# do not calculate average and maximum of jmx stats until we have read output from all nodes
# If the service is multithreaded, this means that the results will be aggregated only when the last
# service finishes
if any(len(time_to_stats) == 0 for time_to_stats in self.jmx_stats):
start_time_sec = min([min(time_to_stats.keys()) for time_to_stats in self.jmx_stats])
end_time_sec = max([max(time_to_stats.keys()) for time_to_stats in self.jmx_stats])
for name in object_attribute_names:
aggregates_per_time = []
for time_sec in xrange(start_time_sec, end_time_sec + 1):
# assume that value is 0 if it is not read by jmx tool at the given time. This is appropriate for metrics such as bandwidth
values_per_node = [time_to_stats.get(time_sec, {}).get(name, 0) for time_to_stats in self.jmx_stats]
# assume that value is aggregated across nodes by sum. This is appropriate for metrics such as bandwidth
self.average_jmx_value[name] = sum(aggregates_per_time) / len(aggregates_per_time)
self.maximum_jmx_value[name] = max(aggregates_per_time)
def read_jmx_output_all_nodes(self):
for node in self.nodes:
self.read_jmx_output(self.idx(node), node)