# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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import itertools
import os
from ducktape.services.background_thread import BackgroundThreadService
from ducktape.cluster.remoteaccount import RemoteCommandError
from kafkatest.directory_layout.kafka_path import KafkaPathResolverMixin
from kafkatest.services.monitor.jmx import JmxMixin
from kafkatest.version import DEV_BRANCH, LATEST_0_8_2, LATEST_0_9, LATEST_0_10_0, V_0_10_0_0, V_0_11_0_0
| ConsoleConsumer options
The console consumer is a tool that reads data from Kafka and outputs it to standard output.
Option Description
------ -----------
--blacklist <blacklist> Blacklist of topics to exclude from
--consumer.config <config file> Consumer config properties file.
--csv-reporter-enabled If set, the CSV metrics reporter will
be enabled
--delete-consumer-offsets If specified, the consumer path in
zookeeper is deleted when starting up
--formatter <class> The name of a class to use for
formatting kafka messages for
display. (default: kafka.tools.
--from-beginning If the consumer does not already have
an established offset to consume
from, start with the earliest
message present in the log rather
than the latest message.
--max-messages <Integer: num_messages> The maximum number of messages to
consume before exiting. If not set,
consumption is continual.
--metrics-dir <metrics dictory> If csv-reporter-enable is set, and
this parameter isset, the csv
metrics will be outputed here
--property <prop>
--skip-message-on-error If there is an error when processing a
message, skip it instead of halt.
--topic <topic> The topic id to consume on.
--whitelist <whitelist> Whitelist of topics to include for
--zookeeper <urls> REQUIRED: The connection string for
the zookeeper connection in the form
host:port. Multiple URLS can be
given to allow fail-over.
class ConsoleConsumer(KafkaPathResolverMixin, JmxMixin, BackgroundThreadService):
# Root directory for persistent output
PERSISTENT_ROOT = "/mnt/console_consumer"
STDOUT_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "console_consumer.stdout")
STDERR_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "console_consumer.stderr")
LOG_DIR = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "logs")
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "console_consumer.log")
LOG4J_CONFIG = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "tools-log4j.properties")
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "console_consumer.properties")
JMX_TOOL_LOG = "/mnt/jmx_tool.log"
JMX_TOOL_ERROR_LOG = "/mnt/jmx_tool.err.log"
logs = {
"consumer_stdout": {
"collect_default": False},
"consumer_stderr": {
"collect_default": False},
"consumer_log": {
"path": LOG_FILE,
"collect_default": True},
"jmx_log": {
"path" : JMX_TOOL_LOG,
"collect_default": False},
"jmx_err_log": {
"collect_default": False}
def __init__(self, context, num_nodes, kafka, topic, group_id="test-consumer-group", new_consumer=True,
message_validator=None, from_beginning=True, consumer_timeout_ms=None, version=DEV_BRANCH,
client_id="console-consumer", print_key=False, jmx_object_names=None, jmx_attributes=None,
enable_systest_events=False, stop_timeout_sec=15, print_timestamp=False,
context: standard context
num_nodes: number of nodes to use (this should be 1)
kafka: kafka service
topic: consume from this topic
new_consumer: use new Kafka consumer if True
message_validator: function which returns message or None
from_beginning: consume from beginning if True, else from the end
consumer_timeout_ms: corresponds to consumer.timeout.ms. consumer process ends if time between
successively consumed messages exceeds this timeout. Setting this and
waiting for the consumer to stop is a pretty good way to consume all messages
in a topic.
print_key if True, print each message's key as well
enable_systest_events if True, console consumer will print additional lifecycle-related information
only available in 0.10.0 and later.
stop_timeout_sec After stopping a node, wait up to stop_timeout_sec for the node to stop,
and the corresponding background thread to finish successfully.
print_timestamp if True, print each message's timestamp as well
isolation_level How to handle transactional messages.
JmxMixin.__init__(self, num_nodes, jmx_object_names, jmx_attributes or [])
BackgroundThreadService.__init__(self, context, num_nodes)
self.kafka = kafka
self.new_consumer = new_consumer
self.group_id = group_id
self.args = {
'topic': topic,
self.consumer_timeout_ms = consumer_timeout_ms
for node in self.nodes:
node.version = version
self.from_beginning = from_beginning
self.message_validator = message_validator
self.messages_consumed = {idx: [] for idx in range(1, num_nodes + 1)}
self.clean_shutdown_nodes = set()
self.client_id = client_id
self.print_key = print_key
self.log_level = "TRACE"
self.stop_timeout_sec = stop_timeout_sec
self.isolation_level = isolation_level
self.enable_systest_events = enable_systest_events
if self.enable_systest_events:
# Only available in 0.10.0 and up
assert version >= V_0_10_0_0
self.print_timestamp = print_timestamp
def prop_file(self, node):
"""Return a string which can be used to create a configuration file appropriate for the given node."""
# Process client configuration
prop_file = self.render('console_consumer.properties')
if hasattr(node, "version") and node.version <= LATEST_0_8_2:
# in 0.8.2.X and earlier, console consumer does not have --timeout-ms option
# instead, we have to pass it through the config file
prop_file += "\nconsumer.timeout.ms=%s\n" % str(self.consumer_timeout_ms)
# Add security properties to the config. If security protocol is not specified,
# use the default in the template properties.
self.security_config = self.kafka.security_config.client_config(prop_file, node)
prop_file += str(self.security_config)
return prop_file
def start_cmd(self, node):
"""Return the start command appropriate for the given node."""
args = self.args.copy()
args['zk_connect'] = self.kafka.zk.connect_setting()
args['stdout'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE
args['stderr'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDERR_CAPTURE
args['log_dir'] = ConsoleConsumer.LOG_DIR
args['log4j_config'] = ConsoleConsumer.LOG4J_CONFIG
args['config_file'] = ConsoleConsumer.CONFIG_FILE
args['stdout'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE
args['jmx_port'] = self.jmx_port
args['console_consumer'] = self.path.script("kafka-console-consumer.sh", node)
args['broker_list'] = self.kafka.bootstrap_servers(self.security_config.security_protocol)
args['kafka_opts'] = self.security_config.kafka_opts
cmd = "export JMX_PORT=%(jmx_port)s; " \
"export LOG_DIR=%(log_dir)s; " \
"export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%(log4j_config)s\"; " \
"export KAFKA_OPTS=%(kafka_opts)s; " \
"%(console_consumer)s " \
"--topic %(topic)s --consumer.config %(config_file)s" % args
if self.new_consumer:
if node.version <= LATEST_0_10_0:
cmd += " --new-consumer"
cmd += " --bootstrap-server %(broker_list)s" % args
if node.version >= V_0_11_0_0:
cmd += " --isolation-level %s" % self.isolation_level
cmd += " --zookeeper %(zk_connect)s" % args
if self.from_beginning:
cmd += " --from-beginning"
if self.consumer_timeout_ms is not None:
# version 0.8.X and below do not support --timeout-ms option
# This will be added in the properties file instead
if node.version > LATEST_0_8_2:
cmd += " --timeout-ms %s" % self.consumer_timeout_ms
if self.print_key:
cmd += " --property print.key=true"
if self.print_timestamp:
cmd += " --property print.timestamp=true"
# LoggingMessageFormatter was introduced after 0.9
if node.version > LATEST_0_9:
cmd += " --formatter kafka.tools.LoggingMessageFormatter"
if self.enable_systest_events:
# enable systest events is only available in 0.10.0 and later
# check the assertion here as well, in case node.version has been modified
assert node.version >= V_0_10_0_0
cmd += " --enable-systest-events"
cmd += " 2>> %(stderr)s | tee -a %(stdout)s &" % args
return cmd
def pids(self, node):
cmd = "ps ax | grep -i console_consumer | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'"
pid_arr = [pid for pid in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd, allow_fail=True, callback=int)]
return pid_arr
except (RemoteCommandError, ValueError) as e:
return []
def alive(self, node):
return len(self.pids(node)) > 0
def _worker(self, idx, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % ConsoleConsumer.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
# Create and upload config file
prop_file = self.prop_file(node)
node.account.create_file(ConsoleConsumer.CONFIG_FILE, prop_file)
# Create and upload log properties
log_config = self.render('tools_log4j.properties', log_file=ConsoleConsumer.LOG_FILE)
node.account.create_file(ConsoleConsumer.LOG4J_CONFIG, log_config)
# Run and capture output
cmd = self.start_cmd(node)
self.logger.debug("Console consumer %d command: %s", idx, cmd)
consumer_output = node.account.ssh_capture(cmd, allow_fail=False)
first_line = next(consumer_output, None)
if first_line is not None:
self.logger.debug("collecting following jmx objects: %s", self.jmx_object_names)
self.start_jmx_tool(idx, node)
for line in itertools.chain([first_line], consumer_output):
msg = line.strip()
if msg == "shutdown_complete":
# Note that we can only rely on shutdown_complete message if running 0.10.0 or greater
if node in self.clean_shutdown_nodes:
raise Exception("Unexpected shutdown event from consumer, already shutdown. Consumer index: %d" % idx)
if self.message_validator is not None:
msg = self.message_validator(msg)
if msg is not None:
self.read_jmx_output(idx, node)
def start_node(self, node):
BackgroundThreadService.start_node(self, node)
def stop_node(self, node):
node.account.kill_process("console_consumer", allow_fail=True)
stopped = self.wait_node(node, timeout_sec=self.stop_timeout_sec)
assert stopped, "Node %s: did not stop within the specified timeout of %s seconds" % \
(str(node.account), str(self.stop_timeout_sec))
def clean_node(self, node):
if self.alive(node):
self.logger.warn("%s %s was still alive at cleanup time. Killing forcefully..." %
(self.__class__.__name__, node.account))
JmxMixin.clean_node(self, node)
node.account.kill_process("java", clean_shutdown=False, allow_fail=True)
node.account.ssh("rm -rf %s" % ConsoleConsumer.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
def has_partitions_assigned(self, node):
if self.new_consumer is False:
return False
idx = self.idx(node)
self.start_jmx_tool(idx, node)
self.read_jmx_output(idx, node)
if not self.assigned_partitions_jmx_attr in self.maximum_jmx_value:
return False
self.logger.debug("Number of partitions assigned %f" % self.maximum_jmx_value[self.assigned_partitions_jmx_attr])
return self.maximum_jmx_value[self.assigned_partitions_jmx_attr] > 0.0
def init_jmx_attributes(self):
if self.new_consumer is True:
if self.jmx_object_names is None:
self.jmx_object_names = []
self.jmx_object_names += ["kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=%s" % self.client_id]
self.jmx_attributes += ["assigned-partitions"]
self.assigned_partitions_jmx_attr = "kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=%s:assigned-partitions" % self.client_id