<li> Restart the brokers one by one for the new protocol version to take effect </li>
Note: If you are willing to accept downtime, you can simply take all the brokers down, update the code and start all of them. They will start with the new protocol by default.
Note: Bumping the protocol version and restarting can be done any time after the brokers were upgraded. It does not have to be immediately after.
<li> Tools packaged under <em>org.apache.kafka.clients.tools.*</em> have been moved to <em>org.apache.kafka.tools.*</em>. All included scripts will still function as usual, only custom code directly importing these classes will be affected. </li>
<li> The default Kafka JVM performance options (KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS) have been changed in kafka-run-class.sh. </li>
<li> The kafka-topics.sh script (kafka.admin.TopicCommand) now exits with non-zero exit code on failure. </li>
<li> The kafka-topics.sh script (kafka.admin.TopicCommand) will now print a warning when topic names risk metric collisions due to the use of a '.' or '_' in the topic name, and error in the case of an actual collision. </li>
<li> The kafka-console-producer.sh script (kafka.tools.ConsoleProducer) will use the new producer instead of the old producer be default, and users have to specify 'old-producer' to use the old producer. </li>
<li> By default all command line tools will print all logging messages to stderr instead of stout. </li>
<h5>Deprecations in</h5>
<li> Altering topic configuration from the kafka-topics.sh script (kafka.admin.TopicCommand) has been deprecated. Going forward, please use the kafka-configs.sh script (kafka.admin.ConfigCommand) for this functionality. </li>
<li> The kafka-consumer-offset-checker.sh (kafka.tools.ConsumerOffsetChecker) has been deprecated. Going forward, please use kafka-consumer-groups.sh (kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand) for this functionality. </li>
<li> The kafka.tools.ProducerPerformance class has been deprecated. Going forward, please use org.apache.kafka.tools.ProducerPerformance for this functionality (kafka-producer-perf-test.sh will also be changed to use the new class). </li>
Release 0.7 is incompatible with newer releases. Major changes were made to the API, ZooKeeper data structures, and protocol, and configuration in order to add replication (Which was missing in 0.7). The upgrade from 0.7 to later versions requires a <ahref="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Migrating+from+0.7+to+0.8">special tool</a> for migration. This migration can be done without downtime.