# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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import os
import subprocess
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
from ducktape.template import TemplateRenderer
from kafkatest.services.security.minikdc import MiniKdc
import itertools
class SslStores(object):
def __init__(self, local_scratch_dir):
self.ca_crt_path = os.path.join(local_scratch_dir, "test.ca.crt")
self.ca_jks_path = os.path.join(local_scratch_dir, "test.ca.jks")
self.ca_passwd = "test-ca-passwd"
self.truststore_path = os.path.join(local_scratch_dir, "test.truststore.jks")
self.truststore_passwd = "test-ts-passwd"
self.keystore_passwd = "test-ks-passwd"
self.key_passwd = "test-key-passwd"
# Allow upto one hour of clock skew between host and VMs
self.startdate = "-1H"
for file in [self.ca_crt_path, self.ca_jks_path, self.truststore_path]:
if os.path.exists(file):
def generate_ca(self):
Generate CA private key and certificate.
self.runcmd("keytool -genkeypair -alias ca -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore %s -storetype JKS -storepass %s -keypass %s -dname CN=SystemTestCA -startdate %s" % (self.ca_jks_path, self.ca_passwd, self.ca_passwd, self.startdate))
self.runcmd("keytool -export -alias ca -keystore %s -storepass %s -storetype JKS -rfc -file %s" % (self.ca_jks_path, self.ca_passwd, self.ca_crt_path))
def generate_truststore(self):
Generate JKS truststore containing CA certificate.
self.runcmd("keytool -importcert -alias ca -file %s -keystore %s -storepass %s -storetype JKS -noprompt" % (self.ca_crt_path, self.truststore_path, self.truststore_passwd))
def generate_and_copy_keystore(self, node):
Generate JKS keystore with certificate signed by the test CA.
The generated certificate has the node's hostname as a DNS SubjectAlternativeName.
ks_dir = mkdtemp(dir="/tmp")
ks_path = os.path.join(ks_dir, "test.keystore.jks")
csr_path = os.path.join(ks_dir, "test.kafka.csr")
crt_path = os.path.join(ks_dir, "test.kafka.crt")
self.runcmd("keytool -genkeypair -alias kafka -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore %s -storepass %s -keypass %s -dname CN=systemtest -ext SAN=DNS:%s -startdate %s" % (ks_path, self.keystore_passwd, self.key_passwd, self.hostname(node), self.startdate))
self.runcmd("keytool -certreq -keystore %s -storepass %s -keypass %s -alias kafka -file %s" % (ks_path, self.keystore_passwd, self.key_passwd, csr_path))
self.runcmd("keytool -gencert -keystore %s -storepass %s -alias ca -infile %s -outfile %s -dname CN=systemtest -ext SAN=DNS:%s -startdate %s" % (self.ca_jks_path, self.ca_passwd, csr_path, crt_path, self.hostname(node), self.startdate))
self.runcmd("keytool -importcert -keystore %s -storepass %s -alias ca -file %s -noprompt" % (ks_path, self.keystore_passwd, self.ca_crt_path))
self.runcmd("keytool -importcert -keystore %s -storepass %s -keypass %s -alias kafka -file %s -noprompt" % (ks_path, self.keystore_passwd, self.key_passwd, crt_path))
node.account.copy_to(ks_path, SecurityConfig.KEYSTORE_PATH)
def hostname(self, node):
""" Hostname which may be overridden for testing validation failures
return node.account.hostname
def runcmd(self, cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d: %s" % (cmd, proc.returncode, stdout))
class SecurityConfig(TemplateRenderer):
SCRAM_CLIENT_USER = "kafka-client"
SCRAM_CLIENT_PASSWORD = "client-secret"
SCRAM_BROKER_USER = "kafka-broker"
SCRAM_BROKER_PASSWORD = "broker-secret"
CONFIG_DIR = "/mnt/security"
KEYSTORE_PATH = "/mnt/security/test.keystore.jks"
TRUSTSTORE_PATH = "/mnt/security/test.truststore.jks"
JAAS_CONF_PATH = "/mnt/security/jaas.conf"
KRB5CONF_PATH = "/mnt/security/krb5.conf"
KEYTAB_PATH = "/mnt/security/keytab"
# This is initialized only when the first instance of SecurityConfig is created
ssl_stores = None
def __init__(self, context, security_protocol=None, interbroker_security_protocol=None,
client_sasl_mechanism=SASL_MECHANISM_GSSAPI, interbroker_sasl_mechanism=SASL_MECHANISM_GSSAPI,
zk_sasl=False, template_props=""):
Initialize the security properties for the node and copy
keystore and truststore to the remote node if the transport protocol
is SSL. If security_protocol is None, the protocol specified in the
template properties file is used. If no protocol is specified in the
template properties either, PLAINTEXT is used as default.
self.context = context
if not SecurityConfig.ssl_stores:
# This generates keystore/trustore files in a local scratch directory which gets
# automatically destroyed after the test is run
# Creating within the scratch directory allows us to run tests in parallel without fear of collision
SecurityConfig.ssl_stores = SslStores(context.local_scratch_dir)
if security_protocol is None:
security_protocol = self.get_property('security.protocol', template_props)
if security_protocol is None:
security_protocol = SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT
elif security_protocol not in [SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT, SecurityConfig.SSL, SecurityConfig.SASL_PLAINTEXT, SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL]:
raise Exception("Invalid security.protocol in template properties: " + security_protocol)
if interbroker_security_protocol is None:
interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
self.interbroker_security_protocol = interbroker_security_protocol
self.has_sasl = self.is_sasl(security_protocol) or self.is_sasl(interbroker_security_protocol) or zk_sasl
self.has_ssl = self.is_ssl(security_protocol) or self.is_ssl(interbroker_security_protocol)
self.zk_sasl = zk_sasl
self.properties = {
'security.protocol' : security_protocol,
'ssl.keystore.location' : SecurityConfig.KEYSTORE_PATH,
'ssl.keystore.password' : SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.keystore_passwd,
'ssl.key.password' : SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.key_passwd,
'ssl.truststore.location' : SecurityConfig.TRUSTSTORE_PATH,
'ssl.truststore.password' : SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.truststore_passwd,
'ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm' : 'HTTPS',
'sasl.mechanism' : client_sasl_mechanism,
'sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol' : interbroker_sasl_mechanism,
'sasl.kerberos.service.name' : 'kafka'
def client_config(self, template_props=""):
return SecurityConfig(self.context, self.security_protocol, client_sasl_mechanism=self.client_sasl_mechanism, template_props=template_props)
def setup_ssl(self, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % SecurityConfig.CONFIG_DIR, allow_fail=False)
node.account.copy_to(SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.truststore_path, SecurityConfig.TRUSTSTORE_PATH)
def setup_sasl(self, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % SecurityConfig.CONFIG_DIR, allow_fail=False)
jaas_conf_file = "jaas.conf"
java_version = node.account.ssh_capture("java -version")
if any('IBM' in line for line in java_version):
is_ibm_jdk = True
is_ibm_jdk = False
jaas_conf = self.render(jaas_conf_file, node=node, is_ibm_jdk=is_ibm_jdk,
node.account.create_file(SecurityConfig.JAAS_CONF_PATH, jaas_conf)
if self.has_sasl_kerberos:
node.account.copy_to(MiniKdc.LOCAL_KEYTAB_FILE, SecurityConfig.KEYTAB_PATH)
node.account.copy_to(MiniKdc.LOCAL_KRB5CONF_FILE, SecurityConfig.KRB5CONF_PATH)
def setup_node(self, node):
if self.has_ssl:
if self.has_sasl:
def setup_credentials(self, node, path, zk_connect, broker):
if broker:
self.maybe_create_scram_credentials(node, zk_connect, path, self.interbroker_sasl_mechanism,
self.maybe_create_scram_credentials(node, zk_connect, path, self.client_sasl_mechanism,
def maybe_create_scram_credentials(self, node, zk_connect, path, mechanism, user_name, password):
if self.has_sasl and self.is_sasl_scram(mechanism):
cmd = "%s --zookeeper %s --entity-name %s --entity-type users --alter --add-config %s=[password=%s]" % \
(path.script("kafka-configs.sh", node), zk_connect,
user_name, mechanism, password)
def clean_node(self, node):
if self.security_protocol != SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT:
node.account.ssh("rm -rf %s" % SecurityConfig.CONFIG_DIR, allow_fail=False)
def get_property(self, prop_name, template_props=""):
Get property value from the string representation of
a properties file.
value = None
for line in template_props.split("\n"):
items = line.split("=")
if len(items) == 2 and items[0].strip() == prop_name:
value = str(items[1].strip())
return value
def is_ssl(self, security_protocol):
return security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SSL or security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL
def is_sasl(self, security_protocol):
return security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_PLAINTEXT or security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL
def is_sasl_scram(self, sasl_mechanism):
return sasl_mechanism == SecurityConfig.SASL_MECHANISM_SCRAM_SHA_256 or sasl_mechanism == SecurityConfig.SASL_MECHANISM_SCRAM_SHA_512
def security_protocol(self):
return self.properties['security.protocol']
def client_sasl_mechanism(self):
return self.properties['sasl.mechanism']
def interbroker_sasl_mechanism(self):
return self.properties['sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol']
def enabled_sasl_mechanisms(self):
return set([self.client_sasl_mechanism, self.interbroker_sasl_mechanism])
def has_sasl_kerberos(self):
return self.has_sasl and (SecurityConfig.SASL_MECHANISM_GSSAPI in self.enabled_sasl_mechanisms)
def kafka_opts(self):
if self.has_sasl:
return "\"-Djava.security.auth.login.config=%s -Djava.security.krb5.conf=%s\"" % (SecurityConfig.JAAS_CONF_PATH, SecurityConfig.KRB5CONF_PATH)
return ""
def props(self, prefix=''):
Return properties as string with line separators, optionally with a prefix.
This is used to append security config properties to
a properties file.
:param prefix: prefix to add to each property
:return: a string containing line-separated properties
if self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT:
return ""
config_lines = (prefix + key + "=" + value for key, value in self.properties.iteritems())
# Extra blank lines ensure this can be appended/prepended safely
return "\n".join(itertools.chain([""], config_lines, [""]))
def __str__(self):
Return properties as a string with line separators.
return self.props()