Mirror of Apache Kafka
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1499 lines
0 B

// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
buildscript {
repositories {
apply from: file('gradle/buildscript.gradle'), to: buildscript
dependencies {
// For Apache Rat plugin to ignore non-Git files
classpath "org.ajoberstar:grgit:1.9.3"
classpath 'com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.17.0'
classpath 'org.scoverage:gradle-scoverage:2.3.0'
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.4'
classpath 'org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle:3.2.1'
apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/dependencies.gradle"
allprojects {
repositories {
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'org.owasp.dependencycheck'
apply plugin: 'com.github.ben-manes.versions'
dependencyUpdates {
resolutionStrategy = {
componentSelection { rules ->
rules.all { ComponentSelection selection ->
boolean rejected = ['snap', 'alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'cr', 'm'].any { qualifier ->
selection.candidate.version ==~ /(?i).*[.-]${qualifier}[.\d-]*/
if (rejected) {
selection.reject('Release candidate')
configurations {
runtime {
resolutionStrategy {
force "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:$versions.jackson"
tasks.withType(Javadoc) {
// disable the crazy super-strict doclint tool in Java 8
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')
ext {
gradleVersion = "4.8.1"
minJavaVersion = "8"
buildVersionFileName = "kafka-version.properties"
userMaxForks = project.hasProperty('maxParallelForks') ? maxParallelForks.toInteger() : null
skipSigning = project.hasProperty('skipSigning') && skipSigning.toBoolean()
shouldSign = !skipSigning && !version.endsWith("SNAPSHOT") && project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { it.contains("upload") }
mavenUrl = project.hasProperty('mavenUrl') ? project.mavenUrl : ''
mavenUsername = project.hasProperty('mavenUsername') ? project.mavenUsername : ''
mavenPassword = project.hasProperty('mavenPassword') ? project.mavenPassword : ''
userShowStandardStreams = project.hasProperty("showStandardStreams") ? showStandardStreams : null
userTestLoggingEvents = project.hasProperty("testLoggingEvents") ? Arrays.asList(testLoggingEvents.split(",")) : null
generatedDocsDir = new File("${project.rootDir}/docs/generated")
commitId = project.hasProperty('commitId') ? commitId : null
apply from: file('wrapper.gradle')
if (new File('.git').exists()) {
apply from: file('gradle/rat.gradle')
rat {
// Exclude everything under the directory that git should be ignoring via .gitignore or that isn't checked in. These
// restrict us only to files that are checked in or are staged.
def repo = Grgit.open(project.file('.'))
excludes = new ArrayList<String>(repo.clean(ignore: false, directories: true, dryRun: true))
// And some of the files that we have checked in should also be excluded from this check
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
// apply the eclipse plugin only to subprojects that hold code. 'connect' is just a folder.
if (!project.name.equals('connect')) {
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
fineTuneEclipseClasspathFile(eclipse, project)
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'signing'
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
if (!JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible())
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
sourceCompatibility = minJavaVersion
targetCompatibility = minJavaVersion
compileJava {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:deprecation,unchecked"
// --release is the recommended way to select the target release, but it's only supported in Java 9 so we also
// set --source and --target via `sourceCompatibility` and `targetCompatibility`. If/when Gradle supports `--release`
// natively (https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2510), we should switch to that.
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible())
options.compilerArgs << "--release" << minJavaVersion
uploadArchives {
repositories {
signing {
required { shouldSign }
sign configurations.archives
// To test locally, replace mavenUrl in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties to file://localhost/tmp/myRepo/
mavenDeployer {
beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
repository(url: "${mavenUrl}") {
authentication(userName: "${mavenUsername}", password: "${mavenPassword}")
afterEvaluate {
pom.artifactId = "${archivesBaseName}"
pom.project {
name 'Apache Kafka'
packaging 'jar'
url 'http://kafka.apache.org'
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
distribution 'repo'
def testLoggingEvents = ["passed", "skipped", "failed"]
def testShowStandardStreams = false
def testExceptionFormat = 'full'
test {
maxParallelForks = userMaxForks ?: Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
minHeapSize = "256m"
maxHeapSize = "2048m"
testLogging {
events = userTestLoggingEvents ?: testLoggingEvents
showStandardStreams = userShowStandardStreams ?: testShowStandardStreams
exceptionFormat = testExceptionFormat
task integrationTest(type: Test, dependsOn: compileJava) {
maxParallelForks = userMaxForks ?: Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
minHeapSize = "256m"
maxHeapSize = "2048m"
testLogging {
events = userTestLoggingEvents ?: testLoggingEvents
showStandardStreams = userShowStandardStreams ?: testShowStandardStreams
exceptionFormat = testExceptionFormat
useJUnit {
includeCategories 'org.apache.kafka.test.IntegrationTest'
task unitTest(type: Test, dependsOn: compileJava) {
maxParallelForks = userMaxForks ?: Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
minHeapSize = "256m"
maxHeapSize = "2048m"
testLogging {
events = userTestLoggingEvents ?: testLoggingEvents
showStandardStreams = userShowStandardStreams ?: testShowStandardStreams
exceptionFormat = testExceptionFormat
useJUnit {
excludeCategories 'org.apache.kafka.test.IntegrationTest'
jar {
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
task srcJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'sources'
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from sourceSets.main.allSource
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier 'javadoc'
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from javadoc.destinationDir
task docsJar(dependsOn: javadocJar)
javadoc {
options.charSet = 'UTF-8'
options.docEncoding = 'UTF-8'
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
task systemTestLibs(dependsOn: jar)
artifacts {
archives srcJar
archives javadocJar
if(!sourceSets.test.allSource.isEmpty()) {
task testJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'test'
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from sourceSets.test.output
task testSrcJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testJar) {
classifier = 'test-sources'
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from sourceSets.test.allSource
artifacts {
archives testJar
archives testSrcJar
plugins.withType(ScalaPlugin) {
task scaladocJar(type:Jar) {
classifier = 'scaladoc'
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from scaladoc.destinationDir
//documentation task should also trigger building scala doc jar
docsJar.dependsOn scaladocJar
artifacts {
archives scaladocJar
tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) {
scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = [
"-encoding", "utf8",
if (versions.baseScala != '2.11') {
scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters += [
configure(scalaCompileOptions.forkOptions) {
memoryMaximumSize = '1g'
jvmArgs = ['-Xss2m']
checkstyle {
configFile = new File(rootDir, "checkstyle/checkstyle.xml")
configProperties = [importControlFile: "$rootDir/checkstyle/import-control.xml"]
toolVersion = '8.10'
test.dependsOn('checkstyleMain', 'checkstyleTest')
if (!JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
findbugs {
toolVersion = "3.0.1"
excludeFilter = file("$rootDir/gradle/findbugs-exclude.xml")
ignoreFailures = false
tasks.withType(FindBugs) {
reports {
// Ignore core since its a scala project
if (it.path != ':core') {
apply plugin: "jacoco"
jacoco {
toolVersion = "0.8.1"
// NOTE: Jacoco Gradle plugin does not support "offline instrumentation" this means that classes mocked by PowerMock
// may report 0 coverage, since the source was modified after initial instrumentation.
// See https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/issues/51
jacocoTestReport {
dependsOn tasks.test
sourceSets sourceSets.main
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = true
csv.enabled = false
def coverageGen = it.path == ':core' ? 'reportScoverage' : 'jacocoTestReport'
task reportCoverage(dependsOn: [coverageGen])
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
taskGraph.getAllTasks().findAll { it.name.contains('findbugsScoverage') || it.name.contains('findbugsTest') }.each { task ->
task.enabled = false
def fineTuneEclipseClasspathFile(eclipse, project) {
eclipse.classpath.file {
beforeMerged { cp ->
// for the core project add the directories defined under test/scala as separate source directories
if (project.name.equals('core')) {
cp.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("src/test/scala/integration", null))
cp.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("src/test/scala/other", null))
cp.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("src/test/scala/unit", null))
whenMerged { cp ->
// for the core project exclude the separate sub-directories defined under test/scala. These are added as source dirs above
if (project.name.equals('core')) {
cp.entries.findAll { it.kind == "src" && it.path.equals("src/test/scala") }*.excludes = ["integration/", "other/", "unit/"]
* Set all eclipse build output to go to 'build_eclipse' directory. This is to ensure that gradle and eclipse use different
* build output directories, and also avoid using the eclpise default of 'bin' which clashes with some of our script directories.
* https://discuss.gradle.org/t/eclipse-generated-files-should-be-put-in-the-same-place-as-the-gradle-generated-files/6986/2
cp.entries.findAll { it.kind == "output" }*.path = "build_eclipse"
* Some projects have explicitly added test output dependencies. These are required for the gradle build but not required
* in Eclipse since the dependent projects are added as dependencies. So clean up these from the generated classpath.
cp.entries.removeAll { it.kind == "lib" && it.path.matches(".*/build/(classes|resources)/test") }
// Aggregates all jacoco results into the root project directory
task jacocoRootReport(type: org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks.JacocoReport) {
def javaProjects = subprojects.findAll { it.path != ':core' }
description = 'Generates an aggregate report from all subprojects'
additionalSourceDirs = files(javaProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
sourceDirectories = files(javaProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
classDirectories = files(javaProjects.sourceSets.main.output)
executionData = files(javaProjects.jacocoTestReport.executionData)
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = true
// workaround to ignore projects that don't have any tests at all
onlyIf = { true }
doFirst {
executionData = files(executionData.findAll { it.exists() })
task reportCoverage(dependsOn: ['jacocoRootReport', 'core:reportCoverage'])
for ( sv in availableScalaVersions ) {
String taskSuffix = sv.replaceAll("\\.", "_")
tasks.create(name: "jar_core_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['core:jar']
tasks.create(name: "test_core_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['core:test']
tasks.create(name: "srcJar_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['core:srcJar']
tasks.create(name: "docsJar_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['core:docsJar']
tasks.create(name: "install_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['install']
tasks.create(name: "releaseTarGz_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['releaseTarGz']
tasks.create(name: "uploadCoreArchives_${taskSuffix}", type: GradleBuild) {
startParameter = project.getGradle().getStartParameter().newInstance()
startParameter.projectProperties += [scalaVersion: "${sv}"]
tasks = ['core:uploadArchives']
def connectPkgs = ['connect:api', 'connect:runtime', 'connect:transforms', 'connect:json', 'connect:file', 'connect:basic-auth-extension']
def pkgs = ['clients', 'examples', 'log4j-appender', 'tools', 'streams', 'streams:streams-scala', 'streams:test-utils', 'streams:examples'] + connectPkgs
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
/** Create one task per default Scala version */
def withDefScalaVersions(taskName) {
defaultScalaVersions.collect { taskName + '_' + it.replaceAll('\\.', '_') }
tasks.create(name: "jarConnect", dependsOn: connectPkgs.collect { it + ":jar" }) {}
tasks.create(name: "jarAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('jar_core') + pkgs.collect { it + ":jar" }) { }
tasks.create(name: "srcJarAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('srcJar') + pkgs.collect { it + ":srcJar" }) { }
tasks.create(name: "docsJarAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('docsJar') + pkgs.collect { it + ":docsJar" }) { }
tasks.create(name: "testConnect", dependsOn: connectPkgs.collect { it + ":test" }) {}
tasks.create(name: "testAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('test_core') + pkgs.collect { it + ":test" }) { }
tasks.create(name: "installAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('install') + pkgs.collect { it + ":install" }) { }
tasks.create(name: "releaseTarGzAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('releaseTarGz')) { }
tasks.create(name: "uploadArchivesAll", dependsOn: withDefScalaVersions('uploadCoreArchives') + pkgs.collect { it + ":uploadArchives" }) { }
project(':core') {
println "Building project 'core' with Scala version ${versions.scala}"
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: "org.scoverage"
archivesBaseName = "kafka_${versions.baseScala}"
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile libs.jacksonDatabind
compile libs.joptSimple
compile libs.metrics
compile libs.scalaLibrary
// only needed transitively, but set it explicitly to ensure it has the same version as scala-library
compile libs.scalaReflect
compile libs.scalaLogging
compile libs.slf4jApi
compile(libs.zkclient) {
exclude module: 'zookeeper'
compile(libs.zookeeper) {
exclude module: 'slf4j-log4j12'
exclude module: 'log4j'
exclude module: 'netty'
compileOnly libs.log4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.bcpkix
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile(libs.apacheda) {
exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'
testCompile libs.apachedsCoreApi
testCompile libs.apachedsInterceptorKerberos
testCompile libs.apachedsProtocolShared
testCompile libs.apachedsProtocolKerberos
testCompile libs.apachedsProtocolLdap
testCompile libs.apachedsLdifPartition
testCompile libs.apachedsMavibotPartition
testCompile libs.apachedsJdbmPartition
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.scalatest
testCompile libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile libs.jfreechart
scoverage libs.scoveragePlugin
scoverage libs.scoverageRuntime
scoverage {
reportDir = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/scoverage")
highlighting = false
checkScoverage {
minimumRate = 0.0
configurations {
// manually excludes some unnecessary dependencies
compile.exclude module: 'javax'
compile.exclude module: 'jline'
compile.exclude module: 'jms'
compile.exclude module: 'jmxri'
compile.exclude module: 'jmxtools'
compile.exclude module: 'mail'
// To prevent a UniqueResourceException due the same resource existing in both
// org.apache.directory.api/api-all and org.apache.directory.api/api-ldap-schema-data
testCompile.exclude module: 'api-ldap-schema-data'
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
task genProtocolErrorDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "protocol_errors.html").newOutputStream()
task genProtocolTypesDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "protocol_types.html").newOutputStream()
task genProtocolApiKeyDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ApiKeys'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "protocol_api_keys.html").newOutputStream()
task genProtocolMessageDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Protocol'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "protocol_messages.html").newOutputStream()
task genAdminClientConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClientConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "admin_client_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genProducerConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "producer_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genConsumerConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "consumer_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genKafkaConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'kafka.server.KafkaConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "kafka_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genTopicConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'kafka.log.LogConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "topic_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genConsumerMetricsDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerMetrics'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "consumer_metrics.html").newOutputStream()
task genProducerMetricsDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ProducerMetrics'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "producer_metrics.html").newOutputStream()
task siteDocsTar(dependsOn: ['genProtocolErrorDocs', 'genProtocolTypesDocs', 'genProtocolApiKeyDocs', 'genProtocolMessageDocs',
'genAdminClientConfigDocs', 'genProducerConfigDocs', 'genConsumerConfigDocs',
'genKafkaConfigDocs', 'genTopicConfigDocs',
':connect:runtime:genConnectConfigDocs', ':connect:runtime:genConnectTransformationDocs',
':streams:genStreamsConfigDocs', 'genConsumerMetricsDocs', 'genProducerMetricsDocs',
':connect:runtime:genConnectMetricsDocs'], type: Tar) {
classifier = 'site-docs'
compression = Compression.GZIP
from project.file("$rootDir/docs")
into 'site-docs'
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
tasks.create(name: "releaseTarGz", dependsOn: configurations.archives.artifacts, type: Tar) {
into "kafka_${versions.baseScala}-${version}"
compression = Compression.GZIP
from(project.file("$rootDir/bin")) { into "bin/" }
from(project.file("$rootDir/config")) { into "config/" }
from "$rootDir/LICENSE"
from "$rootDir/NOTICE"
from(configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(configurations.archives.artifacts.files) { into("libs/") }
from(project.siteDocsTar) { into("site-docs/") }
from(project(':tools').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':tools').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:api').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:api').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:runtime').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:runtime').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:transforms').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:transforms').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:json').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:json').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:file').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:file').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:basic-auth-extension').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':connect:basic-auth-extension').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:streams-scala').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:streams-scala').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:test-utils').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:test-utils').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:examples').jar) { into("libs/") }
from(project(':streams:examples').configurations.runtime) { into("libs/") }
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
jar.manifest {
'Version': "${version}"
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantTestLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-testlibs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
systemTestLibs.dependsOn('jar', 'testJar', 'copyDependantTestLibs')
checkstyle {
configProperties = [importControlFile: "$rootDir/checkstyle/import-control-core.xml"]
project(':examples') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-examples"
dependencies {
compile project(':core')
javadoc {
enabled = false
checkstyle {
configProperties = [importControlFile: "$rootDir/checkstyle/import-control-core.xml"]
project(':clients') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-clients"
configurations {
// add jacksonDatabindConfig as provided scope config with high priority (1000)
conf2ScopeMappings.addMapping(1000, configurations.jacksonDatabindConfig, "provided")
dependencies {
compile libs.lz4
compile libs.snappy
compile libs.slf4jApi
compileOnly libs.jacksonDatabind // for SASL/OAUTHBEARER bearer token parsing
jacksonDatabindConfig libs.jacksonDatabind // to publish as provided scope dependency.
testCompile libs.bcpkix
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testRuntime libs.jacksonDatabind
task determineCommitId {
def takeFromHash = 16
if (commitId) {
commitId = commitId.take(takeFromHash)
} else if (file("$rootDir/.git/HEAD").exists()) {
def headRef = file("$rootDir/.git/HEAD").text
if (headRef.contains('ref: ')) {
headRef = headRef.replaceAll('ref: ', '').trim()
if (file("$rootDir/.git/$headRef").exists()) {
commitId = file("$rootDir/.git/$headRef").text.trim().take(takeFromHash)
} else {
commitId = headRef.trim().take(takeFromHash)
} else {
commitId = "unknown"
task createVersionFile(dependsOn: determineCommitId) {
ext.receiptFile = file("$buildDir/kafka/$buildVersionFileName")
outputs.file receiptFile
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doLast {
def data = [
commitId: commitId,
version: version,
def content = data.entrySet().collect { "$it.key=$it.value" }.sort().join("\n")
receiptFile.setText(content, "ISO-8859-1")
jar {
dependsOn createVersionFile
from("$buildDir") {
include "kafka/$buildVersionFileName"
clean.doFirst {
delete "$buildDir/kafka/"
javadoc {
include "**/org/apache/kafka/clients/admin/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/clients/consumer/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/acl/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/annotation/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/errors/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/header/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/resource/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/serialization/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/config/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/config/provider/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/security/auth/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/security/plain/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/security/scram/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/security/token/delegation/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/common/security/oauthbearer/*"
include "**/org/apache/kafka/server/policy/*"
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
project(':tools') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-tools"
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile project(':log4j-appender')
compile libs.argparse4j
compile libs.jacksonDatabind
compile libs.slf4jApi
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
compile libs.jacksonJaxrsJsonProvider
compile libs.jerseyContainerServlet
compile libs.jerseyHk2
compile libs.jaxbApi // Jersey dependency that was available in the JDK before Java 9
compile libs.activation // Jersey dependency that was available in the JDK before Java 9
compile libs.jettyServer
compile libs.jettyServlet
compile libs.jettyServlets
testCompile project(':clients')
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
javadoc {
enabled = false
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
from (configurations.runtime) {
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn 'copyDependantLibs'
project(':streams') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams"
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile project(':connect:json') // this dependency should be removed after we unify data API
compile libs.slf4jApi
compile libs.rocksDBJni
// testCompileOnly prevents streams from exporting a dependency on test-utils, which would cause a dependency cycle
testCompileOnly project(':streams:test-utils')
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile project(':core')
testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.log4j
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.bcpkix
testRuntimeOnly project(':streams:test-utils')
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
javadoc {
include "**/org/apache/kafka/streams/**"
exclude "**/internals/**"
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn 'copyDependantLibs'
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
task genStreamsConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "streams_config.html").newOutputStream()
KAFKA-2276; KIP-25 initial patch Initial patch for KIP-25 Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead: ``` $ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git $ cd ducktape $ python setup.py install ``` Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io> Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang Closes #70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits: a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk. 47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j. a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses) 321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task 795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk. 1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316 2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer 0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests 69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk 4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake 7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6 8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6 f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup. 98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call 0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local 3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes 42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast 7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency 4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory 5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local 96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands 25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local 884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py 632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client 51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0. a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer. d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific 6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit 1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler 9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable. 0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements. 475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object. bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients) c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments. 8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer 2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output. da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option. 07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout. a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests 81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests
9 years ago
project(':streams:streams-scala') {
println "Building project 'streams-scala' with Scala version ${versions.scala}"
apply plugin: 'scala'
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-scala_${versions.baseScala}"
dependencies {
compile project(':streams')
compile libs.scalaLibrary
testCompile project(':core')
testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile project(':streams').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.scalatest
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
javadoc {
include "**/org/apache/kafka/streams/scala/**"
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn 'copyDependantLibs'
project(':streams:test-utils') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-test-utils"
dependencies {
compile project(':streams')
compile project(':clients')
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.easymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
javadoc {
include "**/org/apache/kafka/streams/test/**"
exclude "**/internals/**"
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn 'copyDependantLibs'
project(':streams:examples') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-examples"
dependencies {
compile project(':streams')
compile project(':connect:json') // this dependency should be removed after we unify data API
compile libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':streams:test-utils')
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output // for org.apache.kafka.test.IntegrationTest
testCompile libs.junit
javadoc {
enabled = false
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs-${versions.scala}"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn 'copyDependantLibs'
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-0100') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-0100"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_0100
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-0101') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-0101"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_0101
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-0102') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-0102"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_0102
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-0110') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-0110"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_0110
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-10') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-10"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_10
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':streams:upgrade-system-tests-11') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-streams-upgrade-system-tests-11"
dependencies {
testCompile libs.kafkaStreams_11
systemTestLibs {
dependsOn testJar
project(':jmh-benchmarks') {
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
shadowJar {
baseName = 'kafka-jmh-benchmarks-all'
classifier = null
version = null
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile project(':streams')
compile libs.jmhCore
compile libs.jmhGeneratorAnnProcess
compile libs.jmhCoreBenchmarks
jar {
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": "org.openjdk.jmh.Main"
task jmh(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: [':jmh-benchmarks:clean', ':jmh-benchmarks:shadowJar']) {
doFirst {
if (System.getProperty("jmhArgs")) {
args System.getProperty("jmhArgs").split(',')
args = [shadowJar.archivePath, *args]
javadoc {
enabled = false
project(':log4j-appender') {
archivesBaseName = "kafka-log4j-appender"
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.junit
javadoc {
enabled = false
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
project(':connect:api') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-api"
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(':clients')
compile libs.slf4jApi
compile libs.jaxrsApi
testCompile libs.junit
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
javadoc {
include "**/org/apache/kafka/connect/**" // needed for the `javadocAll` task
options.links "http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/"
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
project(':connect:transforms') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-transforms"
dependencies {
compile project(':connect:api')
compile libs.slf4jApi
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
javadoc {
enabled = false
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
project(':connect:json') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-json"
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(':connect:api')
compile libs.jacksonDatabind
compile libs.slf4jApi
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
javadoc {
enabled = false
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
project(':connect:runtime') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-runtime"
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(':connect:api')
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
compile project(':clients')
compile project(':tools')
compile project(':connect:json')
compile project(':connect:transforms')
compile libs.slf4jApi
compile libs.jacksonJaxrsJsonProvider
compile libs.jerseyContainerServlet
compile libs.jerseyHk2
compile libs.jaxbApi // Jersey dependency that was available in the JDK before Java 9
compile libs.activation // Jersey dependency that was available in the JDK before Java 9
compile libs.jettyServer
compile libs.jettyServlet
compile libs.jettyServlets
compile libs.jettyClient
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
javadoc {
enabled = false
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
task genConnectConfigDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.DistributedConfig'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "connect_config.html").newOutputStream()
task genConnectTransformationDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.TransformationDoc'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "connect_transforms.html").newOutputStream()
task genConnectMetricsDocs(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
main = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectMetrics'
if( !generatedDocsDir.exists() ) { generatedDocsDir.mkdirs() }
standardOutput = new File(generatedDocsDir, "connect_metrics.html").newOutputStream()
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
project(':connect:file') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-file"
KAFKA-2366; Initial patch for Copycat This is an initial patch implementing the basics of Copycat for KIP-26. The intent here is to start a review of the key pieces of the core API and get a reasonably functional, baseline, non-distributed implementation of Copycat in place to get things rolling. The current patch has a number of known issues that need to be addressed before a final version: * Some build-related issues. Specifically, requires some locally-installed dependencies (see below), ignores checkstyle for the runtime data library because it's lifted from Avro currently and likely won't last in its current form, and some Gradle task dependencies aren't quite right because I haven't gotten rid of the dependency on `core` (which should now be an easy patch since new consumer groups are in a much better state). * This patch currently depends on some Confluent trunk code because I prototyped with our Avro serializers w/ schema-registry support. We need to figure out what we want to provide as an example built-in set of serializers. Unlike core Kafka where we could ignore the issue, providing only ByteArray or String serializers, this is pretty central to how Copycat works. * This patch uses a hacked up version of Avro as its runtime data format. Not sure if we want to go through the entire API discussion just to get some basic code committed, so I filed KAFKA-2367 to handle that separately. The core connector APIs and the runtime data APIs are entirely orthogonal. * This patch needs some updates to get aligned with recent new consumer changes (specifically, I'm aware of the ConcurrentModificationException issue on exit). More generally, the new consumer is in flux but Copycat depends on it, so there are likely to be some negative interactions. * The layout feels a bit awkward to me right now because I ported it from a Maven layout. We don't have nearly the same level of granularity in Kafka currently (core and clients, plus the mostly ignored examples, log4j-appender, and a couple of contribs). We might want to reorganize, although keeping data+api separate from runtime and connector plugins is useful for minimizing dependencies. * There are a variety of other things (e.g., I'm not happy with the exception hierarchy/how they are currently handled, TopicPartition doesn't really need to be duplicated unless we want Copycat entirely isolated from the Kafka APIs, etc), but I expect those we'll cover in the review. Before commenting on the patch, it's probably worth reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2365 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2366 to get an idea of what I had in mind for a) what we ultimately want with all the Copycat patches and b) what we aim to cover in this initial patch. My hope is that we can use a WIP patch (after the current obvious deficiencies are addressed) while recognizing that we want to make iterative progress with a bunch of subsequent PRs. Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org> Reviewers: Ismael Juma, Gwen Shapira Closes #99 from ewencp/copycat and squashes the following commits: a3a47a6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Simplify Copycat exceptions, make them a subclass of KafkaException. 8c108b0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Rename Coordinator to Herder to avoid confusion with the consumer coordinator. 7bf8075 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Copycat CLI speific to standalone mode, clean up some config and get rid of config storage in standalone mode. 656a003 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Clarify and expand the explanation of the Copycat Coordinator interface. c0e5fdc [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 0fa7a36 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Mark Copycat classes as unstable and reduce visibility of some classes where possible. d55d31e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Reorganize Copycat code to put it all under one top-level directory. b29cb2c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat d713a21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address Gwen's review comments. 6787a85 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Make Converter generic to match serializers since some serialization formats do not require a base class of Object; update many other classes to have generic key and value class type parameters to match this change. b194c73 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Split Copycat converter option into two options for key and value. 0b5a1a0 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Normalize naming to use partition for both source and Kafka, adjusting naming in CopycatRecord classes to clearly differentiate. e345142 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove Copycat reflection utils, use existing Utils and ConfigDef functionality from clients package. be5c387 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Minor cleanup 122423e [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Style cleanup 6ba87de [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove most of the Avro-based mock runtime data API, only preserving enough schema functionality to support basic primitive types for an initial patch. 4674d13 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Address review comments, clean up some code styling. 25b5739 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Fix sink task offset commit concurrency issue by moving it to the worker thread and waking up the consumer to ensure it exits promptly. 0aefe21 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add log4j settings for Copycat. 220e42d [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Replace Avro serializer with JSON serializer. 1243a7c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into copycat 5a618c6 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove offset serializers, instead reusing the existing serializers and removing schema projection support. e849e10 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Remove duplicated TopicPartition implementation. dec1379 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Switch to using new consumer coordinator instead of manually assigning partitions. Remove dependency of copycat-runtime on core. 4a9b4f3 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add some helpful Copycat-specific build and test targets that cover all Copycat packages. 31cd1ca [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add CLI tools for Copycat. e14942c [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add Copycat file connector. 0233456 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-avro and copycat-runtime 11981d2 [Ewen Cheslack-Postava] Add copycat-data and copycat-api
9 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(':connect:api')
compile libs.slf4jApi
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
javadoc {
enabled = false
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
project(':connect:basic-auth-extension') {
archivesBaseName = "connect-basic-auth-extension"
dependencies {
compile project(':connect:api')
compile libs.slf4jApi
testCompile libs.bcpkix
testCompile libs.easymock
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.powermockJunit4
testCompile libs.powermockEasymock
testCompile project(':clients').sourceSets.test.output
testRuntime libs.slf4jlog4j
testRuntime libs.jerseyContainerServlet
javadoc {
enabled = false
tasks.create(name: "copyDependantLibs", type: Copy) {
from (configurations.testRuntime) {
from (configurations.runtime) {
into "$buildDir/dependant-libs"
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
jar {
dependsOn copyDependantLibs
task aggregatedJavadoc(type: Javadoc) {
def projectsWithJavadoc = subprojects.findAll { it.javadoc.enabled }
source = projectsWithJavadoc.collect { it.sourceSets.main.allJava }
classpath = files(projectsWithJavadoc.collect { it.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath })
includes = projectsWithJavadoc.collectMany { it.javadoc.getIncludes() }
excludes = projectsWithJavadoc.collectMany { it.javadoc.getExcludes() }
options.links "http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/"