# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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import os
from kafkatest.services.performance import PerformanceService
from kafkatest.services.security.security_config import SecurityConfig
from kafkatest.version import TRUNK, V_0_9_0_0
class ConsumerPerformanceService(PerformanceService):
See ConsumerPerformance.scala as the source of truth on these settings, but for reference:
"zookeeper" "The connection string for the zookeeper connection in the form host:port. Multiple URLS can
be given to allow fail-over. This option is only used with the old consumer."
"broker-list", "A broker list to use for connecting if using the new consumer."
"topic", "REQUIRED: The topic to consume from."
"group", "The group id to consume on."
"fetch-size", "The amount of data to fetch in a single request."
"from-latest", "If the consumer does not already have an establishedoffset to consume from,
start with the latest message present in the log rather than the earliest message."
"socket-buffer-size", "The size of the tcp RECV size."
"threads", "Number of processing threads."
"num-fetch-threads", "Number of fetcher threads. Defaults to 1"
"new-consumer", "Use the new consumer implementation."
"consumer.config", "Consumer config properties file."
# Root directory for persistent output
PERSISTENT_ROOT = "/mnt/consumer_performance"
LOG_DIR = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "logs")
STDOUT_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "consumer_performance.stdout")
STDERR_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "consumer_performance.stderr")
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "consumer_performance.log")
LOG4J_CONFIG = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "tools-log4j.properties")
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "consumer.properties")
logs = {
"consumer_performance_output": {
"collect_default": True},
"consumer_performance_stderr": {
"collect_default": True},
"consumer_performance_log": {
"path": LOG_FILE,
"collect_default": True}
def __init__(self, context, num_nodes, kafka, topic, messages, version=TRUNK, new_consumer=False, settings={}):
super(ConsumerPerformanceService, self).__init__(context, num_nodes)
self.kafka = kafka
self.security_config = kafka.security_config.client_config()
self.topic = topic
self.messages = messages
self.new_consumer = new_consumer
self.settings = settings
assert version >= V_0_9_0_0 or (not new_consumer), \
"new_consumer is only supported if version >=, version %s" % str(version)
security_protocol = self.security_config.security_protocol
assert version >= V_0_9_0_0 or security_protocol == SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT, \
"Security protocol %s is only supported if version >=, version %s" % (self.security_config, str(version))
# These less-frequently used settings can be updated manually after instantiation
self.fetch_size = None
self.socket_buffer_size = None
self.threads = None
self.num_fetch_threads = None
self.group = None
self.from_latest = None
for node in self.nodes:
node.version = version
def args(self):
"""Dictionary of arguments used to start the Consumer Performance script."""
args = {
'topic': self.topic,
'messages': self.messages,
if self.new_consumer:
args['new-consumer'] = ""
args['broker-list'] = self.kafka.bootstrap_servers(self.security_config.security_protocol)
args['zookeeper'] = self.kafka.zk.connect_setting()
if self.fetch_size is not None:
args['fetch-size'] = self.fetch_size
if self.socket_buffer_size is not None:
args['socket-buffer-size'] = self.socket_buffer_size
if self.threads is not None:
args['threads'] = self.threads
if self.num_fetch_threads is not None:
args['num-fetch-threads'] = self.num_fetch_threads
if self.group is not None:
args['group'] = self.group
if self.from_latest:
args['from-latest'] = ""
return args
def start_cmd(self, node):
cmd = "export LOG_DIR=%s;" % ConsumerPerformanceService.LOG_DIR
cmd += " export KAFKA_OPTS=%s;" % self.security_config.kafka_opts
cmd += " export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\";" % ConsumerPerformanceService.LOG4J_CONFIG
cmd += " %s" % self.path.script("kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh", node)
for key, value in self.args.items():
cmd += " --%s %s" % (key, value)
if node.version >= V_0_9_0_0:
# This is only used for security settings
cmd += " --consumer.config %s" % ConsumerPerformanceService.CONFIG_FILE
for key, value in self.settings.items():
cmd += " %s=%s" % (str(key), str(value))
cmd += " 2>> %(stderr)s | tee -a %(stdout)s" % {'stdout': ConsumerPerformanceService.STDOUT_CAPTURE,
'stderr': ConsumerPerformanceService.STDERR_CAPTURE}
return cmd
def parse_results(self, line, version):
parts = line.split(',')
if version >= V_0_9_0_0:
result = {
'total_mb': float(parts[2]),
'mbps': float(parts[3]),
'records_per_sec': float(parts[5]),
result = {
'total_mb': float(parts[3]),
'mbps': float(parts[4]),
'records_per_sec': float(parts[6]),
return result
def _worker(self, idx, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % ConsumerPerformanceService.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
log_config = self.render('tools_log4j.properties', log_file=ConsumerPerformanceService.LOG_FILE)
node.account.create_file(ConsumerPerformanceService.LOG4J_CONFIG, log_config)
node.account.create_file(ConsumerPerformanceService.CONFIG_FILE, str(self.security_config))
cmd = self.start_cmd(node)
self.logger.debug("Consumer performance %d command: %s", idx, cmd)
last = None
for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
last = line
# Parse and save the last line's information
self.results[idx-1] = self.parse_results(last, node.version)