@ -788,6 +788,193 @@ class GroupCoordinatorTest extends JUnitSuite {
@@ -788,6 +788,193 @@ class GroupCoordinatorTest extends JUnitSuite {
assertNotEquals ( firstGenerationId , secondJoinResult . generationId )
/* *
* Test if the following scenario completes a rebalance correctly : A new member starts a JoinGroup request with
* an UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , attempting to join a stable group . But never initiates the second JoinGroup request with
* the provided member ID and times out . The test checks if original member remains the sole member in this group ,
* which should remain stable throughout this test .
def testSecondMemberPartiallyJoinAndTimeout ( ) {
val firstJoinResult = joinGroup ( groupId , JoinGroupRequest . UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , protocolType , protocols )
val firstMemberId = firstJoinResult . memberId
val firstGenerationId = firstJoinResult . generationId
assertEquals ( firstMemberId , firstJoinResult . leaderId )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , firstJoinResult . error )
// Starting sync group leader
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val firstSyncResult = syncGroupLeader ( groupId , firstGenerationId , firstMemberId , Map ( firstMemberId -> Array [ Byte ] ( ) ) )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , firstSyncResult . _2 )
timer . advanceClock ( 100 )
assertEquals ( 1 , groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) . get . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 0 , groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) . get . numPending )
val group = groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) . get
// ensure the group is stable before a new member initiates join request
assertEquals ( Stable , group . currentState )
// new member initiates join group
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val secondJoinResult = joinGroupPartial ( groupId , JoinGroupRequest . UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , protocolType , protocols )
assertEquals ( Errors . MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED , secondJoinResult . error )
assertEquals ( 1 , group . numPending )
assertEquals ( Stable , group . currentState )
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
EasyMock . expect ( replicaManager . getMagic ( EasyMock . anyObject ( ) ) ) . andReturn ( Some ( RecordBatch . MAGIC_VALUE_V1 ) ) . anyTimes ( )
EasyMock . replay ( replicaManager )
// advance clock to timeout the pending member
assertEquals ( 1 , group . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 1 , group . numPending )
timer . advanceClock ( 300 )
// original ( firstMember ) member sends heartbeats to prevent session timeouts .
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val heartbeatResult = heartbeat ( groupId , firstMemberId , 1 )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , heartbeatResult )
// timeout the pending member
timer . advanceClock ( 300 )
// at this point the second member should have been removed from pending list ( session timeout ) ,
// and the group should be in Stable state with only the first member in it .
assertEquals ( 1 , group . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 0 , group . numPending )
assertEquals ( Stable , group . currentState )
assertTrue ( group . has ( firstMemberId ) )
/* *
* Create a group with two members in Stable state . Create a third pending member by completing it 's first JoinGroup
* request without a member id .
private def setupGroupWithPendingMember ( ) : JoinGroupResult = {
// add the first member
val joinResult1 = joinGroup ( groupId , JoinGroupRequest . UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , protocolType , protocols )
assertGroupState ( groupState = CompletingRebalance )
// now the group is stable , with the one member that joined above
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val firstSyncResult = syncGroupLeader ( groupId , joinResult1 . generationId , joinResult1 . memberId , Map ( joinResult1 . memberId -> Array [ Byte ] ( ) ) )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , firstSyncResult . _2 )
assertGroupState ( groupState = Stable )
// start the join for the second member
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val secondJoinFuture = sendJoinGroup ( groupId , JoinGroupRequest . UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , protocolType , protocols )
// rejoin the first member back into the group
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val firstJoinFuture = sendJoinGroup ( groupId , joinResult1 . memberId , protocolType , protocols )
val firstMemberJoinResult = await ( firstJoinFuture , DefaultSessionTimeout + 100 )
val secondMemberJoinResult = await ( secondJoinFuture , DefaultSessionTimeout + 100 )
assertGroupState ( groupState = CompletingRebalance )
// stabilize the group
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val secondSyncResult = syncGroupLeader ( groupId , firstMemberJoinResult . generationId , joinResult1 . memberId , Map ( joinResult1 . memberId -> Array [ Byte ] ( ) ) )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , secondSyncResult . _2 )
assertGroupState ( groupState = Stable )
// re - join an existing member , to transition the group to PreparingRebalance state .
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
sendJoinGroup ( groupId , firstMemberJoinResult . memberId , protocolType , protocols )
assertGroupState ( groupState = PreparingRebalance )
// create a pending member in the group
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
var pendingMember = joinGroupPartial ( groupId , JoinGroupRequest . UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID , protocolType , protocols , sessionTimeout = 100 )
assertEquals ( 1 , groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) . get . numPending )
// re - join the second existing member
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
sendJoinGroup ( groupId , secondMemberJoinResult . memberId , protocolType , protocols )
assertGroupState ( groupState = PreparingRebalance )
assertEquals ( 1 , groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) . get . numPending )
/* *
* Setup a group in with a pending member . The test checks if the a pending member joining completes the rebalancing
* operation
def testJoinGroupCompletionWhenPendingMemberJoins ( ) {
val pendingMember = setupGroupWithPendingMember ( )
// compete join group for the pending member
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val pendingMemberJoinFuture = sendJoinGroup ( groupId , pendingMember . memberId , protocolType , protocols )
await ( pendingMemberJoinFuture , DefaultSessionTimeout + 100 )
assertGroupState ( groupState = CompletingRebalance )
assertEquals ( 3 , group ( ) . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 0 , group ( ) . numPending )
/* *
* Setup a group in with a pending member . The test checks if the timeout of the pending member will
* cause the group to return to a CompletingRebalance state .
def testJoinGroupCompletionWhenPendingMemberTimesOut ( ) {
setupGroupWithPendingMember ( )
// Advancing Clock by > 100 ( session timeout for third and fourth member )
// and < 500 ( for first and second members ) . This will force the coordinator to attempt join
// completion on heartbeat expiration ( since we are in PendingRebalance stage ) .
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
EasyMock . expect ( replicaManager . getMagic ( EasyMock . anyObject ( ) ) ) . andReturn ( Some ( RecordBatch . MAGIC_VALUE_V1 ) ) . anyTimes ( )
EasyMock . replay ( replicaManager )
timer . advanceClock ( 120 )
assertGroupState ( groupState = CompletingRebalance )
assertEquals ( 2 , group ( ) . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 0 , group ( ) . numPending )
def testPendingMembersLeavesGroup ( ) : Unit = {
val pending = setupGroupWithPendingMember ( )
EasyMock . reset ( replicaManager )
val leaveGroupResult = leaveGroup ( groupId , pending . memberId )
assertEquals ( Errors . NONE , leaveGroupResult )
assertGroupState ( groupState = CompletingRebalance )
assertEquals ( 2 , group ( ) . allMembers . size )
assertEquals ( 0 , group ( ) . numPending )
private def group ( groupId : String = groupId ) = {
groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) match {
case Some ( g ) => g
case None => null
private def assertGroupState ( groupId : String = groupId ,
groupState : GroupState ) : Unit = {
groupCoordinator . groupManager . getGroup ( groupId ) match {
case Some ( group ) => assertEquals ( groupState , group . currentState )
case None => fail ( s" Group $groupId not found in coordinator " )
private def joinGroupPartial ( groupId : String ,
memberId : String ,
protocolType : String ,
protocols : List [ ( String , Array [ Byte ] ) ] ,
sessionTimeout : Int = DefaultSessionTimeout ,
rebalanceTimeout : Int = DefaultRebalanceTimeout ) : JoinGroupResult = {
val requireKnownMemberId = true
val responseFuture = sendJoinGroup ( groupId , memberId , protocolType , protocols , sessionTimeout , rebalanceTimeout , requireKnownMemberId )
Await . result ( responseFuture , Duration ( rebalanceTimeout + 100 , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) )
def testLeaderFailureInSyncGroup ( ) {
// to get a group of two members :