@ -566,8 +566,8 @@ object KafkaConfig {
@@ -566,8 +566,8 @@ object KafkaConfig {
"then controller will use \"broker1.example.com:9094\" with security protocol \"SSL\" to connect to the broker.\n" + |
"If not explicitly configured, the default value will be null and there will be no dedicated endpoints for controller connections." |
val SocketSendBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_SNDBUF buffer of the socket sever sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used." |
val SocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_RCVBUF buffer of the socket sever sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used." |
val SocketSendBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_SNDBUF buffer of the socket server sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used." |
val SocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_RCVBUF buffer of the socket server sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used." |
val SocketRequestMaxBytesDoc = "The maximum number of bytes in a socket request" |
val MaxConnectionsPerIpDoc = "The maximum number of connections we allow from each ip address. This can be set to 0 if there are overrides " + |
"configured using " + MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesProp + " property" |