@ -18,286 +18,73 @@ package org.apache.kafka.common.requests;
@@ -18,286 +18,73 @@ package org.apache.kafka.common.requests;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ApiKeys ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.ArrayOf ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Field ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Schema ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Struct ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsRequestData ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsRequestData.CreatableTopic ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsResponseData ;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsResponseData.CreatableTopicResult ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.CommonFields.PARTITION_ID ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.CommonFields.TOPIC_NAME ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type.BOOLEAN ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type.INT16 ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type.INT32 ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type.NULLABLE_STRING ;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Type.STRING ;
public class CreateTopicsRequest extends AbstractRequest {
private static final String REQUESTS_KEY_NAME = "create_topic_requests" ;
private static final String TIMEOUT_KEY_NAME = "timeout" ;
private static final String VALIDATE_ONLY_KEY_NAME = "validate_only" ;
private static final String NUM_PARTITIONS_KEY_NAME = "num_partitions" ;
private static final String REPLICATION_FACTOR_KEY_NAME = "replication_factor" ;
private static final String REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_KEY_NAME = "replica_assignment" ;
private static final String REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_REPLICAS_KEY_NAME = "replicas" ;
private static final String CONFIG_NAME_KEY_NAME = "config_name" ;
private static final String CONFIG_VALUE_KEY_NAME = "config_value" ;
private static final String CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME = "config_entries" ;
private static final Schema CONFIG_ENTRY = new Schema (
new Field ( CONFIG_NAME_KEY_NAME , STRING , "Configuration name" ) ,
new Field ( CONFIG_VALUE_KEY_NAME , NULLABLE_STRING , "Configuration value" ) ) ;
private static final Schema PARTITION_REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_ENTRY = new Schema (
new Field ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_REPLICAS_KEY_NAME , new ArrayOf ( INT32 ) , "The set of all nodes that should " +
"host this partition. The first replica in the list is the preferred leader." ) ) ;
private static final Schema SINGLE_CREATE_TOPIC_REQUEST_V0 = new Schema (
new Field ( NUM_PARTITIONS_KEY_NAME , INT32 , "Number of partitions to be created. -1 indicates unset." ) ,
new Field ( REPLICATION_FACTOR_KEY_NAME , INT16 , "Replication factor for the topic. -1 indicates unset." ) ,
"Replica assignment among kafka brokers for this topic partitions. If this is set num_partitions " +
"and replication_factor must be unset." ) ,
new Field ( CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME , new ArrayOf ( CONFIG_ENTRY ) , "Topic level configuration for topic to be set." ) ) ;
private static final Schema CREATE_TOPICS_REQUEST_V0 = new Schema (
"An array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic." ) ,
new Field ( TIMEOUT_KEY_NAME , INT32 , "The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the " +
"controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic creation and return immediately" ) ) ;
private static final Schema CREATE_TOPICS_REQUEST_V1 = new Schema (
new Field ( REQUESTS_KEY_NAME , new ArrayOf ( SINGLE_CREATE_TOPIC_REQUEST_V1 ) , "An array of single " +
"topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic." ) ,
new Field ( TIMEOUT_KEY_NAME , INT32 , "The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the " +
"controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic creation and return immediately" ) ,
new Field ( VALIDATE_ONLY_KEY_NAME , BOOLEAN , "If this is true, the request will be validated, but the " +
"topic won't be created." ) ) ;
/* v2 request is the same as v1. Throttle time has been added to the response */
/ * *
* The version number is bumped to indicate that on quota violation brokers send out responses before throttling .
* /
public static Schema [ ] schemaVersions ( ) {
public static final class TopicDetails {
public final int numPartitions ;
public final short replicationFactor ;
public final Map < Integer , List < Integer > > replicasAssignments ;
public final Map < String , String > configs ;
private TopicDetails ( int numPartitions ,
short replicationFactor ,
Map < Integer , List < Integer > > replicasAssignments ,
Map < String , String > configs ) {
this . numPartitions = numPartitions ;
this . replicationFactor = replicationFactor ;
this . replicasAssignments = replicasAssignments ;
this . configs = configs ;
public TopicDetails ( int partitions ,
short replicationFactor ,
Map < String , String > configs ) {
this ( partitions , replicationFactor , Collections . emptyMap ( ) , configs ) ;
public TopicDetails ( int partitions ,
short replicationFactor ) {
this ( partitions , replicationFactor , Collections . emptyMap ( ) ) ;
public TopicDetails ( Map < Integer , List < Integer > > replicasAssignments ,
Map < String , String > configs ) {
this ( NO_NUM_PARTITIONS , NO_REPLICATION_FACTOR , replicasAssignments , configs ) ;
public TopicDetails ( Map < Integer , List < Integer > > replicasAssignments ) {
this ( replicasAssignments , Collections . emptyMap ( ) ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
bld . append ( "(numPartitions=" ) . append ( numPartitions ) .
append ( ", replicationFactor=" ) . append ( replicationFactor ) .
append ( ", replicasAssignments=" ) . append ( replicasAssignments ) .
append ( ", configs=" ) . append ( configs ) .
append ( ")" ) ;
return bld . toString ( ) ;
public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest . Builder < CreateTopicsRequest > {
private final Map < String , TopicDetails > topics ;
private final int timeout ;
private final boolean validateOnly ; // introduced in V1
public Builder ( Map < String , TopicDetails > topics , int timeout ) {
this ( topics , timeout , false ) ;
private final CreateTopicsRequestData data ;
public Builder ( Map < String , TopicDetails > topics , int timeout , boolean validateOnly ) {
public Builder ( CreateTopicsRequestData data ) {
super ( ApiKeys . CREATE_TOPICS ) ;
this . topics = topics ;
this . timeout = timeout ;
this . validateOnly = validateOnly ;
this . data = data ;
public CreateTopicsRequest build ( short version ) {
if ( validateOnly & & version = = 0 )
if ( data . validateOnly ( ) & & version = = 0 )
throw new UnsupportedVersionException ( "validateOnly is not supported in version 0 of " +
"CreateTopicsRequest" ) ;
return new CreateTopicsRequest ( topics , timeout , validateOnly , version ) ;
return new CreateTopicsRequest ( data , version ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
bld . append ( "(type=CreateTopicsRequest" ) .
append ( ", topics=" ) . append ( topics ) .
append ( ", timeout=" ) . append ( timeout ) .
append ( ", validateOnly=" ) . append ( validateOnly ) .
append ( ")" ) ;
return bld . toString ( ) ;
return data . toString ( ) ;
private final Map < String , TopicDetails > topics ;
private final Integer timeout ;
private final boolean validateOnly ; // introduced in V1
// Set to handle special case where 2 requests for the same topic exist on the wire.
// This allows the broker to return an error code for these topics.
private final Set < String > duplicateTopics ;
private final CreateTopicsRequestData data ;
private final short version ;
public static final int NO_NUM_PARTITIONS = - 1 ;
public static final short NO_REPLICATION_FACTOR = - 1 ;
private CreateTopicsRequest ( Map < String , TopicDetails > topics , Integer timeout , boolean validateOnly , short version ) {
private CreateTopicsRequest ( CreateTopicsRequestData data , short version ) {
super ( ApiKeys . CREATE_TOPICS , version ) ;
this . topics = topics ;
this . timeout = timeout ;
this . validateOnly = validateOnly ;
this . duplicateTopics = Collections . emptySet ( ) ;
this . data = data ;
this . version = version ;
public CreateTopicsRequest ( Struct struct , short version ) {
super ( ApiKeys . CREATE_TOPICS , version ) ;
this . data = new CreateTopicsRequestData ( struct , version ) ;
this . version = version ;
Object [ ] requestStructs = struct . getArray ( REQUESTS_KEY_NAME ) ;
Map < String , TopicDetails > topics = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
Set < String > duplicateTopics = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( Object requestStructObj : requestStructs ) {
Struct singleRequestStruct = ( Struct ) requestStructObj ;
String topic = singleRequestStruct . get ( TOPIC_NAME ) ;
if ( topics . containsKey ( topic ) )
duplicateTopics . add ( topic ) ;
int numPartitions = singleRequestStruct . getInt ( NUM_PARTITIONS_KEY_NAME ) ;
short replicationFactor = singleRequestStruct . getShort ( REPLICATION_FACTOR_KEY_NAME ) ;
//replica assignment
Object [ ] assignmentsArray = singleRequestStruct . getArray ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_KEY_NAME ) ;
Map < Integer , List < Integer > > partitionReplicaAssignments = new HashMap < > ( assignmentsArray . length ) ;
for ( Object assignmentStructObj : assignmentsArray ) {
Struct assignmentStruct = ( Struct ) assignmentStructObj ;
Integer partitionId = assignmentStruct . get ( PARTITION_ID ) ;
Object [ ] replicasArray = assignmentStruct . getArray ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_REPLICAS_KEY_NAME ) ;
List < Integer > replicas = new ArrayList < > ( replicasArray . length ) ;
for ( Object replica : replicasArray ) {
replicas . add ( ( Integer ) replica ) ;
partitionReplicaAssignments . put ( partitionId , replicas ) ;
Object [ ] configArray = singleRequestStruct . getArray ( CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME ) ;
Map < String , String > configs = new HashMap < > ( configArray . length ) ;
for ( Object configStructObj : configArray ) {
Struct configStruct = ( Struct ) configStructObj ;
String key = configStruct . getString ( CONFIG_NAME_KEY_NAME ) ;
String value = configStruct . getString ( CONFIG_VALUE_KEY_NAME ) ;
configs . put ( key , value ) ;
TopicDetails args = new TopicDetails ( numPartitions , replicationFactor , partitionReplicaAssignments , configs ) ;
topics . put ( topic , args ) ;
this . topics = topics ;
this . timeout = struct . getInt ( TIMEOUT_KEY_NAME ) ;
if ( struct . hasField ( VALIDATE_ONLY_KEY_NAME ) )
this . validateOnly = struct . getBoolean ( VALIDATE_ONLY_KEY_NAME ) ;
this . validateOnly = false ;
this . duplicateTopics = duplicateTopics ;
public CreateTopicsRequestData data ( ) {
return data ;
public AbstractResponse getErrorResponse ( int throttleTimeMs , Throwable e ) {
Map < String , ApiError > topicErrors = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
for ( String topic : topics . keySet ( ) ) {
topicErrors . put ( topic , ApiError . fromThrowable ( e ) ) ;
CreateTopicsResponseData response = new CreateTopicsResponseData ( ) ;
if ( version ( ) > = 2 ) {
response . setThrottleTimeMs ( throttleTimeMs ) ;
short versionId = version ( ) ;
switch ( versionId ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
return new CreateTopicsResponse ( topicErrors ) ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
return new CreateTopicsResponse ( throttleTimeMs , topicErrors ) ;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( String . format ( "Version %d is not valid. Valid versions for %s are 0 to %d" ,
versionId , this . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) , ApiKeys . CREATE_TOPICS . latestVersion ( ) ) ) ;
ApiError apiError = ApiError . fromThrowable ( e ) ;
for ( CreatableTopic topic : data . topics ( ) ) {
response . topics ( ) . add ( new CreatableTopicResult ( ) .
setName ( topic . name ( ) ) .
setErrorCode ( apiError . error ( ) . code ( ) ) .
setErrorMessage ( apiError . message ( ) ) ) ;
public Map < String , TopicDetails > topics ( ) {
return this . topics ;
public int timeout ( ) {
return this . timeout ;
public boolean validateOnly ( ) {
return validateOnly ;
public Set < String > duplicateTopics ( ) {
return this . duplicateTopics ;
return new CreateTopicsResponse ( response ) ;
public static CreateTopicsRequest parse ( ByteBuffer buffer , short version ) {
@ -309,46 +96,6 @@ public class CreateTopicsRequest extends AbstractRequest {
@@ -309,46 +96,6 @@ public class CreateTopicsRequest extends AbstractRequest {
* /
public Struct toStruct ( ) {
short version = version ( ) ;
Struct struct = new Struct ( ApiKeys . CREATE_TOPICS . requestSchema ( version ) ) ;
List < Struct > createTopicRequestStructs = new ArrayList < > ( topics . size ( ) ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , TopicDetails > entry : topics . entrySet ( ) ) {
Struct singleRequestStruct = struct . instance ( REQUESTS_KEY_NAME ) ;
String topic = entry . getKey ( ) ;
TopicDetails args = entry . getValue ( ) ;
singleRequestStruct . set ( TOPIC_NAME , topic ) ;
singleRequestStruct . set ( NUM_PARTITIONS_KEY_NAME , args . numPartitions ) ;
singleRequestStruct . set ( REPLICATION_FACTOR_KEY_NAME , args . replicationFactor ) ;
// replica assignment
List < Struct > replicaAssignmentsStructs = new ArrayList < > ( args . replicasAssignments . size ( ) ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , List < Integer > > partitionReplicaAssignment : args . replicasAssignments . entrySet ( ) ) {
Struct replicaAssignmentStruct = singleRequestStruct . instance ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_KEY_NAME ) ;
replicaAssignmentStruct . set ( PARTITION_ID , partitionReplicaAssignment . getKey ( ) ) ;
replicaAssignmentStruct . set ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_REPLICAS_KEY_NAME , partitionReplicaAssignment . getValue ( ) . toArray ( ) ) ;
replicaAssignmentsStructs . add ( replicaAssignmentStruct ) ;
singleRequestStruct . set ( REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT_KEY_NAME , replicaAssignmentsStructs . toArray ( ) ) ;
// configs
List < Struct > configsStructs = new ArrayList < > ( args . configs . size ( ) ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > configEntry : args . configs . entrySet ( ) ) {
Struct configStruct = singleRequestStruct . instance ( CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME ) ;
configStruct . set ( CONFIG_NAME_KEY_NAME , configEntry . getKey ( ) ) ;
configStruct . set ( CONFIG_VALUE_KEY_NAME , configEntry . getValue ( ) ) ;
configsStructs . add ( configStruct ) ;
singleRequestStruct . set ( CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME , configsStructs . toArray ( ) ) ;
createTopicRequestStructs . add ( singleRequestStruct ) ;
struct . set ( REQUESTS_KEY_NAME , createTopicRequestStructs . toArray ( ) ) ;
struct . set ( TIMEOUT_KEY_NAME , timeout ) ;
if ( version > = 1 )
struct . set ( VALIDATE_ONLY_KEY_NAME , validateOnly ) ;
return struct ;
return data . toStruct ( version ) ;