1 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# |
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
# distributed with this work for additional information |
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
# |
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
# |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
# specific language governing permissions and limitations |
# under the License. |
# |
# |
# Pre Commit Hook for running tests and updating JIRA |
# |
# Original version was copied from SQOOP project. |
# |
import sys, os, re, urllib2, base64, subprocess, tempfile, shutil |
import json |
import datetime |
from optparse import OptionParser |
tmp_dir = None |
BASE_JIRA_URL = 'https://issues.apache.org/jira' |
BRANCHES = ["trunk", "0.7", "0.7.0", "0.7.1", "0.7.2", "0.8", "0.8.1", "0.8.2"] |
# Write output to file |
def write_file(filename, content): |
with open(filename, "w") as text_file: |
text_file.write(content) |
# Guess branch for given versions |
# |
# Return None if detects that JIRA belongs to more than one branch |
def kafka_guess_branch(versions): |
if not versions: |
return BRANCHES[0] |
for version in versions: |
for branch in BRANCHES: |
if version == branch: |
return branch |
return BRANCHES[0] |
# Verify supported branch |
def kafka_verify_branch(branch): |
return branch in BRANCHES |
def execute(cmd, log=True): |
if log: |
print "INFO: Executing %s" % (cmd) |
return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) |
def jenkins_link_for_jira(name, endpoint): |
if "BUILD_URL" in os.environ: |
return "[%s|%s%s]" % (name, os.environ['BUILD_URL'], endpoint) |
else: |
return name |
def jenkins_file_link_for_jira(name, file): |
return jenkins_link_for_jira(name, "artifact/patch-process/%s" % file) |
def jira_request(result, url, username, password, data, headers): |
request = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers) |
print "INFO: URL = %s, Username = %s, data = %s, headers = %s" % (url, username, data, str(headers)) |
if username and password: |
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '') |
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) |
return urllib2.urlopen(request) |
def jira_get_defect_html(result, defect, username, password): |
url = "%s/browse/%s" % (BASE_JIRA_URL, defect) |
return jira_request(result, url, username, password, None, {}).read() |
def jira_get_defect(result, defect, username, password): |
url = "%s/rest/api/2/issue/%s" % (BASE_JIRA_URL, defect) |
return jira_request(result, url, username, password, None, {}).read() |
def jira_generate_comment(result, branch): |
body = [ "Testing file [%s|%s] against branch %s took %s." % (result.attachment.split('/')[-1] , result.attachment, branch, datetime.datetime.now() - result.start_time) ] |
body += [ "" ] |
if result._fatal: |
result._error = [ result._fatal ] + result._error |
if result._error: |
count = len(result._error) |
if count == 1: |
body += [ "{color:red}Overall:{color} -1 due to an error" ] |
else: |
body += [ "{color:red}Overall:{color} -1 due to %d errors" % (count) ] |
else: |
body += [ "{color:green}Overall:{color} +1 all checks pass" ] |
body += [ "" ] |
for error in result._error: |
body += [ "{color:red}ERROR:{color} %s" % (error.replace("\n", "\\n")) ] |
for info in result._info: |
body += [ "INFO: %s" % (info.replace("\n", "\\n")) ] |
for success in result._success: |
body += [ "{color:green}SUCCESS:{color} %s" % (success.replace("\n", "\\n")) ] |
if "BUILD_URL" in os.environ: |
body += [ "" ] |
body += [ "Console output is available %s." % (jenkins_link_for_jira("here", "console")) ] |
body += [ "" ] |
body += [ "This message is automatically generated." ] |
return "\\n".join(body) |
def jira_post_comment(result, defect, branch, username, password): |
url = "%s/rest/api/2/issue/%s/comment" % (BASE_JIRA_URL, defect) |
# Generate body for the comment and save it to a file |
body = jira_generate_comment(result, branch) |
write_file("%s/jira-comment.txt" % output_dir, body.replace("\\n", "\n")) |
# Send the comment to the JIRA |
body = "{\"body\": \"%s\"}" % body |
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'} |
response = jira_request(result, url, username, password, body, headers) |
body = response.read() |
if response.code != 201: |
msg = """Request for %s failed: |
URL = '%s' |
Code = '%d' |
Comment = '%s' |
Response = '%s' |
""" % (defect, url, response.code, comment, body) |
print "FATAL: %s" % (msg) |
sys.exit(1) |
# hack (from hadoop) but REST api doesn't list attachments? |
def jira_get_attachment(result, defect, username, password): |
html = jira_get_defect_html(result, defect, username, password) |
escaped_colon = re.escape("%3A") |
pattern = "(/secure/attachment/[0-9]+/(bug)?%s[0-9\-]*((\.|-)v?[0-9]+)?\.(patch|txt|patch\.txt))" % (re.escape(defect)) |
kafka_pattern = "(/secure/attachment/[0-9]+/(bug)?%s_[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+_[0-9]+%s[0-9]+%s[0-9]+[0-9\-]*((\.|-)v?[0-9]+)?\.(patch|txt|patch\.txt))" % (re.escape(defect), escaped_colon, escaped_colon) |
matches = [] |
for match in re.findall(kafka_pattern, html, re.IGNORECASE) or re.findall(pattern, html, re.IGNORECASE): |
matches += [ match[0] ] |
if matches: |
matches.sort() |
return "%s%s" % (BASE_JIRA_URL, matches.pop()) |
return None |
# Get versions from JIRA JSON object |
def json_get_version(json): |
versions = [] |
# Load affectedVersion field |
for version in json.get("fields").get("versions"): |
versions = versions + [version.get("name").strip()] |
# Load fixVersion field |
for version in json.get("fields").get("fixVersions"): |
versions = versions + [version.get("name").strip()] |
if not versions: |
print "No Affected or Fixed version found in JIRA" |
return versions |
def git_cleanup(): |
rc = execute("git clean -d -f", False) |
if rc != 0: |
print "ERROR: git clean failed" |
rc = execute("git reset --hard HEAD", False) |
if rc != 0: |
print "ERROR: git reset failed" |
def git_checkout(result, branch): |
if not branch: |
result.fatal("Branch wasn't specified nor was correctly guessed") |
return |
if execute("git checkout %s" % (branch)) != 0: |
result.fatal("git checkout %s failed" % branch) |
if execute("git clean -d -f") != 0: |
result.fatal("git clean failed") |
if execute("git reset --hard HEAD") != 0: |
result.fatal("git reset failed") |
if execute("git fetch origin") != 0: |
result.fatal("git fetch failed") |
if execute("git merge --ff-only origin/%s" % (branch)): |
result.fatal("git merge failed") |
def git_apply(result, cmd, patch_file, strip, output_dir): |
output_file = "%s/apply.txt" % (output_dir) |
rc = execute("%s -p%s < %s 1>%s 2>&1" % (cmd, strip, patch_file, output_file)) |
output = "" |
if os.path.exists(output_file): |
with open(output_file) as fh: |
output = fh.read() |
if rc == 0: |
if output: |
result.success("Patch applied, but there has been warnings:\n{code}%s{code}\n" % (output)) |
else: |
result.success("Patch applied correctly") |
else: |
result.fatal("failed to apply patch (exit code %d):\n{code}%s{code}\n" % (rc, output)) |
def static_test(result, patch_file, output_dir): |
output_file = "%s/static-test.txt" % (output_dir) |
rc = execute("grep '^+++.*/test' %s 1>%s 2>&1" % (patch_file, output_file)) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Patch add/modify test case") |
else: |
result.error("Patch does not add/modify any test case") |
def gradle_bootstrap(result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("gradle 1>%s/bootstrap.txt 2>&1" % output_dir) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Gradle bootstrap was successful") |
else: |
result.fatal("failed to bootstrap project (exit code %d, %s)" % (rc, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "bootstrap.txt"))) |
def gradle_clean(result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("./gradlew clean 1>%s/clean.txt 2>&1" % output_dir) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Clean was successful") |
else: |
result.fatal("failed to clean project (exit code %d, %s)" % (rc, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "clean.txt"))) |
def gradle_install(result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("./gradlew jarAll 1>%s/install.txt 2>&1" % output_dir) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Patch compiled") |
else: |
result.fatal("failed to build with patch (exit code %d, %s)" % (rc, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "install.txt"))) |
def checkstyleMain(result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("./gradlew checkstyleMain 1>%s/checkstyleMain.txt 2>&1" % output_dir) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Checked style for Main") |
else: |
result.fatal("checkstyleMain failed with patch (exit code %d, %s)" % (rc, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "checkstyleMain.txt"))) |
def checkstyleTest(result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("./gradlew checkstyleTest 1>%s/checkstyleTest.txt 2>&1" % output_dir) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("Checked style for Test") |
else: |
result.fatal("checkstyleTest failed with patch (exit code %d, %s)" % (rc, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "checkstyleTest.txt"))) |
def gradle_test(result, output_dir): |
run_gradle_test("testAll", "unit", result, output_dir) |
def run_gradle_test(command, test_type, result, output_dir): |
rc = execute("./gradlew %s 1>%s/test_%s.txt 2>&1" % (command, output_dir, test_type)) |
if rc == 0: |
result.success("All %s tests passed" % test_type) |
else: |
result.error("Some %s tests failed (%s)" % (test_type, jenkins_file_link_for_jira("report", "test_%s.txt" % test_type))) |
failed_tests = [] |
fd = open("%s/test_%s.txt" % (output_dir, test_type), "r") |
for line in fd: |
if "FAILED" in line and " > " in line: |
failed_tests += [line] |
fd.close() |
for failed_test in set(failed_tests): |
result.error("Failed %s test: {{%s}}" % (test_type, failed_test)) |
def clean_folder(folder): |
for the_file in os.listdir(folder): |
file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) |
try: |
if os.path.isfile(file_path): |
os.unlink(file_path) |
except Exception, e: |
print e |
class Result(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self._error = [] |
self._info = [] |
self._success = [] |
self._fatal = None |
self.exit_handler = None |
self.attachment = "Not Found" |
self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now() |
def error(self, msg): |
self._error.append(msg) |
def info(self, msg): |
self._info.append(msg) |
def success(self, msg): |
self._success.append(msg) |
def fatal(self, msg): |
self._fatal = msg |
self.exit_handler() |
self.exit() |
def exit(self): |
git_cleanup() |
global tmp_dir |
global copy_output_dir |
global output_dir |
if copy_output_dir: |
print "INFO: Moving output to %s" % (copy_output_dir) |
os.renames(output_dir, copy_output_dir) |
tmp_dir = None |
if tmp_dir: |
print "INFO: output is located %s" % (tmp_dir) |
sys.exit(0) |
usage = "usage: %prog [options]" |
parser = OptionParser(usage) |
parser.add_option("--branch", dest="branch", |
help="Local git branch to test against", metavar="trunk") |
parser.add_option("--defect", dest="defect", |
help="Defect name", metavar="KAFKA-1856") |
parser.add_option("--file", dest="filename", |
help="Test patch file", metavar="FILE") |
parser.add_option("--run-tests", dest="run_tests", |
help="Run Tests", action="store_true") |
parser.add_option("--username", dest="username", |
help="JIRA Username", metavar="USERNAME", default="kafkaqa") |
parser.add_option("--output", dest="output_dir", |
help="Directory to write output", metavar="DIRECTORY") |
parser.add_option("--post-results", dest="post_results", |
help="Post results to JIRA (only works in defect mode)", action="store_true") |
parser.add_option("--password", dest="password", |
help="JIRA Password", metavar="PASSWORD") |
parser.add_option("--patch-command", dest="patch_cmd", default="git apply", |
help="Patch command such as `git apply' or `patch'", metavar="COMMAND") |
parser.add_option("-p", "--strip", dest="strip", default="1", |
help="Remove <n> leading slashes from diff paths", metavar="N") |
(options, args) = parser.parse_args() |
if not (options.defect or options.filename): |
print "FATAL: Either --defect or --file is required." |
sys.exit(1) |
if options.defect and options.filename: |
print "FATAL: Both --defect and --file cannot be specified." |
sys.exit(1) |
if options.post_results and not options.password: |
print "FATAL: --post-results requires --password" |
sys.exit(1) |
branch = options.branch |
if options.output_dir and not options.output_dir.startswith('/'): |
print "INFO: A temporary staging dir for output will be used to avoid deletion of output files during 'git reset'" |
copy_output_dir = options.output_dir |
output_dir = None |
else: |
output_dir = options.output_dir |
copy_output_dir = None |
defect = options.defect |
username = options.username |
password = options.password |
run_tests = options.run_tests |
post_results = options.post_results |
strip = options.strip |
patch_cmd = options.patch_cmd |
result = Result() |
if output_dir and os.path.isdir(output_dir): |
clean_folder(output_dir) |
if copy_output_dir and os.path.isdir(copy_output_dir): |
clean_folder(copy_output_dir) |
# Default exit handler in case that we do not want to submit results to JIRA |
def log_and_exit(): |
# Write down comment generated for jira (won't be posted) |
write_file("%s/jira-comment.txt" % output_dir, jira_generate_comment(result, branch).replace("\\n", "\n")) |
if result._fatal: |
print "FATAL: %s" % (result._fatal) |
for error in result._error: |
print "ERROR: %s" % (error) |
for info in result._info: |
print "INFO: %s" % (info) |
for success in result._success: |
print "SUCCESS: %s" % (success) |
result.exit() |
result.exit_handler = log_and_exit |
if post_results: |
def post_jira_comment_and_exit(): |
jira_post_comment(result, defect, branch, username, password) |
result.exit() |
result.exit_handler = post_jira_comment_and_exit |
if not output_dir: |
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() |
output_dir = tmp_dir |
if output_dir.endswith("/"): |
output_dir = output_dir[:-1] |
if output_dir and not os.path.isdir(output_dir): |
os.makedirs(output_dir) |
# If defect parameter is specified let's download the latest attachment |
if defect: |
print "Defect: %s" % defect |
jira_json = jira_get_defect(result, defect, username, password) |
json = json.loads(jira_json) |
# JIRA must be in Patch Available state |
if '"Patch Available"' not in jira_json: |
print "ERROR: Defect %s not in patch available state" % (defect) |
sys.exit(1) |
# If branch is not specified, let's try to guess it from JIRA details |
if not branch: |
versions = json_get_version(json) |
branch = kafka_guess_branch(versions) |
if not branch: |
print "ERROR: Can't guess branch name from %s" % (versions) |
sys.exit(1) |
else: |
print "INFO: Guessed branch as %s" % (branch) |
attachment = jira_get_attachment(result, defect, username, password) |
if not attachment: |
print "ERROR: No attachments found for %s" % (defect) |
sys.exit(1) |
result.attachment = attachment |
patch_contents = jira_request(result, result.attachment, username, password, None, {}).read() |
patch_file = "%s/%s.patch" % (output_dir, defect) |
with open(patch_file, 'a') as fh: |
fh.write(patch_contents) |
elif options.filename: |
patch_file = options.filename |
else: |
raise Exception("Not reachable") |
# Verify that we are on supported branch |
if not kafka_verify_branch(branch): |
print "ERROR: Unsupported branch %s" % (branch) |
sys.exit(1) |
gradle_bootstrap(result, output_dir) |
gradle_clean(result, output_dir) |
git_checkout(result, branch) |
git_apply(result, patch_cmd, patch_file, strip, output_dir) |
static_test(result, patch_file, output_dir) |
gradle_bootstrap(result, output_dir) |
gradle_install(result, output_dir) |
checkstyleMain(result, output_dir) |
checkstyleTest(result, output_dir) |
if run_tests: |
gradle_test(result, output_dir) |
else: |
result.info("patch applied and built but tests did not execute") |
result.exit_handler() |
Reference in new issue