* KAFKA-9074: Correct Connect’s `Values.parseString` to properly parse a time and timestamp literal
Time and timestamp literal strings contain a `:` character, but the internal parser used in the `Values.parseString(String)` method tokenizes on the colon character to tokenize and parse map entries. The colon could be escaped, but then the backslash character used to escape the colon is not removed and the parser fails to match the literal as a time or timestamp value.
This fix corrects the parsing logic to properly parse timestamp and time literal strings whose colon characters are either escaped or unescaped. Additional unit tests were added to first verify the incorrect behavior and then to validate the correction.
Author: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Chris Egerton <chrise@confluent.io>, Nigel Liang <nigel@nigelliang.com>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Fix bug in Connect REST extension API caused by invalid constructor parameter validation, and update integration test to play nicely with Jenkins
Fix instantiation of TaskState objects by Connect framework.
Author: Chris Egerton <chrise@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Magesh Nandakumar <mageshn@confluent.io>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Implementation of [KIP-382 "MirrorMaker 2.0"](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-382%3A+MirrorMaker+2.0)
Author: Ryanne Dolan <ryannedolan@gmail.com>
Author: Arun Mathew <arunmathew88@gmail.com>
Author: In Park <inpark@cloudera.com>
Author: Andre Price <obsoleted@users.noreply.github.com>
Author: christian.hagel@rio.cloud <christian.hagel@rio.cloud>
Reviewers: Eno Thereska <eno.thereska@gmail.com>, William Hammond <william.t.hammond@gmail.com>, Viktor Somogyi <viktorsomogyi@gmail.com>, Jakub Korzeniowski, Tim Carey-Smith, Kamal Chandraprakash <kamal.chandraprakash@gmail.com>, Arun Mathew, Jeremy-l-ford, vpernin, Oleg Kasian <oleg.kasian@gmail.com>, Mickael Maison <mickael.maison@gmail.com>, Qihong Chen, Sriharsha Chintalapani <sriharsha@apache.org>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Closes#6295 from ryannedolan/KIP-382
Implemented KIP-440 to allow Connect converters to use record headers when serializing or deserializing keys and values. This change is backward compatible in that the new methods default to calling the older existing methods, so existing Converter implementations need not be changed. This changes the WorkerSinkTask and WorkerSourceTask to use the new converter methods, but Connect's existing Converter implementations and the use of converters for internal topics are intentionally not modified. Added unit tests.
Author: Yaroslav Tkachenko <sapiensy@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ryanne Dolan <ryannedolan@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Implementation to enable policy for Connector Client config overrides. This is
implemented per the KIP-458.
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Expand ConnectClusterState interface and implementation with methods that provide the immutable cluster details and the connector configuration. This includes unit tests for the new methods.
Author: Chris Egerton <cegerton@oberlin.edu>
Reviews: Arjun Satish <arjun@confluent.io>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
* Fixed bug in Struct.equals where we returned prematurely and added tests
* Update RequestResponseTest to check that `equals` and `hashCode` of
the struct is the same after serialization/deserialization only when possible.
* Use `Objects.equals` and `Long.hashCode` to simplify code
* Removed deprecated usages of `JUnitTestSuite`
Reviewers: Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>
Replace `headers.isEmpty()` by calls to `isEmpty()` as the latter does a null check on heathers (that is lazily created).
Author: Sebastián Ortega <sebastian.ortega@letgo.com>
Reviewers: Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Arjun Satish <arjunconfluent.io>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
JUnit 4.13 fixes the issue where `Category` and `Parameterized` annotations
could not be used together. It also deprecates `ExpectedException` and
`assertThat`. Given this, we:
- Replace `ExpectedException` with the newly introduced `assertThrows`.
- Replace `Assert.assertThat` with `MatcherAssert.assertThat`.
- Annotate `AbstractLogCleanerIntegrationTest` with `IntegrationTest` category.
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>, David Arthur <mumrah@gmail.com>
Added testing of logical types for Kafka Connect in support of KIP-145 features.
Added tests for Boolean, Time, Date and Timestamp, including the valid conversions.
The area of ISO8601 strings is a bit of a mess because the tokenizer is not compatible with
that format, and a subsequent JIRA will be needed to fix that.
A few small fixes as well as creating test cases, but they're clearly just corrections such as
using 0 to mean January (java.util.Calendar uses zero-based month numbers).
Author: Andrew Schofield <andrew_schofield@uk.ibm.com>
Reviewers: Mickael Maison <mimaison@users.noreply.github.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#6077 from AndrewJSchofield/KAFKA-7461-ConverterValuesLogicalTypesTest
Should be ported back to 2.0
Author: Cyrus Vafadari <cyrus@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#6004 from cyrusv/cyrus-npe
Includes Update to ConnectRecord string representation to give
visibility into schemas, useful in SMT tracing
Author: Cyrus Vafadari <cyrus@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5860 from cyrusv/cyrus-logging
- Use Xlint:all with 3 exclusions (filed KAFKA-7613 to remove the exclusions)
- Use the same javac options when compiling tests (seems accidental that
we didn't do this before)
- Replaced several deprecated method calls with non-deprecated ones:
- `KafkaConsumer.poll(long)` and `KafkaConsumer.close(long)`
- `Class.newInstance` and `new Integer/Long` (deprecated since Java 9)
- `scala.Console` (deprecated in Scala 2.11)
- `PartitionData` taking a timestamp (one of them seemingly a bug)
- `JsonMappingException` single parameter constructor
- Fix unnecessary usage of raw types in several places.
- Add @SuppressWarnings for deprecations, unchecked and switch fallthrough in
several places.
- Scala clean-ups (var -> val, ETA expansion warnings, avoid reflective calls)
- Use lambdas to simplify code in a few places
- Add @SafeVarargs, fix varargs usage and remove unnecessary `Utils.mkList` method
Reviewers: Matthias J. Sax <mjsax@apache.org>, Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Bill Bejeck <bill@confluent.io>, Stanislav Kozlovski <stanislav_kozlovski@outlook.com>
Changes made to improve the code readability:
- Removed `throws Exception` from the place where there won't be an
- Removed type arguments where those can be inferred explicitly by compiler
- Rewritten Anonymous classes to Java 8 with lambdas
Author: Srinivas Reddy <mrsrinivas@users.noreply.github.com>
Author: Srinivas Reddy <srinivas96alluri@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Ryanne Dolan <ryannedolan@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5681 from mrsrinivas/cleanup-connect-uts
Various converters (AvroConverter and JsonConverter) produce a
SchemaAndValue consisting of a logical schema type and a java.util.Date.
This is a fix for SchemaProjector to properly handle the Date.
Author: Robert Yokota <rayokota@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5736 from rayokota/KAFKA-7476
Allow to cast LogicalType to string by calling the serialized (Java) object's toString().
Added tests for `BigDecimal` and `Date` as whole record and as fields.
Author: Amit Sela <amitsela33@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Robert Yokota <rayokota@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4820 from amitsela/cast-transform-bytes
Switches to normal year format instead of week date years and day of month instead of day of year.
This is directly from #4820, but separated into a different JIRA/PR to keep the fixes independent. Original authorship should be maintained in the commit.
Author: Amit Sela <amitsela33@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5718 from ewencp/fix-header-converter-date-format
Modified several classes' `equals` methods and simplified a complex method to
reduce the NPath complexity so they could be removed from the checkstyle
suppressions that were required with the recent move to Java 8 and upgrade
of Checkstyle: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/5046.
Reviewers: Robert Yokota <rayokota@gmail.com>, Arjun Satish <arjun@confluent.io>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
* Summary of testing strategy: Added new unit test
Author: Gunnar Morling <gunnar.morling@googlemail.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5225 from gunnarmorling/KAFKA-7058
KIP-305 added numeric converters to Connect, but these were added in Connect’s API module in the same package as the `StringConverter`. This commit moves them into the Runtime module and into the `converters` package where the `ByteArrayConverter` already lives. These numeric converters have not yet been included in a release, and so they can be moved without concern.
All of Connect’s converters must be referenced in worker / connector configurations and are therefore part of the API, but otherwise do not need to be in the “api” module as they do not need to be instantiated or directly used by extensions. This change makes them more similar to and aligned with the `ByteArrayConverter`.
It also gives us the opportunity to move them into the “api” module in the future (keeping the same package name), should we ever want or need to do so. However, if we were to start out with them in the “api” module, we would never be able to move them out into the “runtime” module, even if we kept the same package name. Therefore, moving them to “runtime” now gives us a bit more flexibility.
This PR moves the unit tests for the numeric converters accordingly, and updates the `PluginsUtil` and `PluginUtilsTest` as well.
Author: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5222 from rhauch/kafka-7056
This commit allows secrets in Connect configs to be externalized and replaced with variable references of the form `${provider:[path:]key}`, where the "path" is optional.
There are 2 main additions to `org.apache.kafka.common.config`: a `ConfigProvider` and a `ConfigTransformer`. The `ConfigProvider` is an interface that allows key-value pairs to be provided by an external source for a given "path". An a TTL can be associated with the key-value pairs returned from the path. The `ConfigTransformer` will use instances of `ConfigProvider` to replace variable references in a set of configuration values.
In the Connect framework, `ConfigProvider` classes can be specified in the worker config, and then variable references can be used in the connector config. In addition, the herder can be configured to restart connectors (or not) based on the TTL returned from a `ConfigProvider`. The main class that performs restarts and transformations is `WorkerConfigTransformer`.
Finally, a `configs()` method has been added to both `SourceTaskContext` and `SinkTaskContext`. This allows connectors to get configs with variables replaced by the latest values from instances of `ConfigProvider`.
Most of the other changes in the Connect framework are threading various objects through classes to enable the above functionality.
Author: Robert Yokota <rayokota@gmail.com>
Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5068 from rayokota/KAFKA-6886-connect-secrets
This PR provides the implementation for KIP-285 and also a reference implementation for authenticating BasicAuth credentials using JAAS LoginModule
Author: Magesh Nandakumar <magesh.n.kumar@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Arjun Satish <wicknicks@users.noreply.github.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4931 from mageshn/KIP-285
*[KIP-305](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-305%3A+Add+Connect+primitive+number+converters) has been approved.*
Added converters and header converters for the primitive number types for which Kafka already had serializers and deserializers. All extend a common base class, `NumberConverter`, that encapsulates most of the shared functionality. Unit tests were added to check the basic functionality.
These classes are not used by any other Connect code, and must be explicitly used in Connect workers and connectors.
Author: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Arjun Satish <wicknicks@users.noreply.github.com>, Magesh Nandakumar <magesh.n.kumar@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5034 from rhauch/kafka-6913
Little back story on this. Was helping a user over email. This could be much easier to debug if we assume that the connector developer might not return valid configs. For example Intellij will generate a stub that returns a null. This was the case that inspired this JIRA.
Author: Jeremy Custenborder <jcustenborder@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>, Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#3762 from jcustenborder/KAFKA-5807
We no longer need them since we now require Java 8.
Author: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Reviewers: Andras Beni <andrasbeni@cloudera.com>, Manikumar Reddy O <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>
Closes#5049 from ijuma/remove-base64
* Set --source, --target and --release to 1.8.
* Build Scala 2.12 by default.
* Remove some conditionals in the build file now that Java 8
is the minimum version.
* Bump the version of Jetty, Jersey and Checkstyle (the newer
versions require Java 8).
* Fixed issues uncovered by the new version if Checkstyle.
* A couple of minor updates to handle an incompatible source
change in the new version of Jetty.
* Add dependency to jersey-hk2 to fix failing tests caused
by Jersey upgrade.
* Update release script to use Java 8 and to take into account
that Scala 2.12 is now built by default.
* While we're at it, bump the version of Gradle, Gradle plugins,
ScalaLogging, JMH and apache directory api.
* Minor documentation updates including the readme and upgrade
notes. A number of Streams Java 7 examples can be removed
Corrected the parsing of invalid list values. A list can only be parsed if it contains elements that have a common type, and a map can only be parsed if it contains keys with a common type and values with a common type.
Reviewers: Arjun Satish <arjun@confluent.io>, Magesh Nandakumar <magesh.n.kumar@gmail.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Changed call to use the overload of ConnectSchema.validateValue() method with the field name passed in. Ensure that field in put call is not null.
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
The commits for KIP-145 (KAFKA-5142) changed how the Connect workers instantiate and configure the Converters, and also added the ability to do the same for the new HeaderConverters. However, the last few commits removed the default value for the `converter.type` property for Converters and HeaderConverters, and this broke how the internal converters were being created.
This change corrects the behavior so that the `converter.type` property is always set by the worker (or by the Plugins class), which means the existing Converter implementations will not have to do this. The built-in JsonConverter, ByteArrayConverter, and StringConverter also implement HeaderConverter which implements Configurable, but the Worker and Plugins methods do not yet use the `Configurable.configure(Map)` method and instead still use the `Converter.configure(Map,boolean)`.
Several tests were modified, and a new PluginsTest was added to verify the new behavior in Plugins for instantiating and configuring the Converter and HeaderConverter instances.
Author: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4512 from rhauch/kafka-6513
**[KIP-145](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-145+-+Expose+Record+Headers+in+Kafka+Connect) has been accepted, and this PR implements KIP-145 except without the SMTs.**
Changed the Connect API and runtime to support message headers as described in [KIP-145](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-145+-+Expose+Record+Headers+in+Kafka+Connect).
The new `Header` interface defines an immutable representation of a Kafka header (key-value pair) with support for the Connect value types and schemas. This interface provides methods for easily converting between many of the built-in primitive, structured, and logical data types.
The new `Headers` interface defines an ordered collection of headers and is used to track all headers associated with a `ConnectRecord` (and thus `SourceRecord` and `SinkRecord`). This does allow multiple headers with the same key. The `Headers` contains methods for adding, removing, finding, and modifying headers. Convenience methods allow connectors and transforms to easily use and modify the headers for a record.
A new `HeaderConverter` interface is also defined to enable the Connect runtime framework to be able to serialize and deserialize headers between the in-memory representation and Kafka’s byte[] representation. A new `SimpleHeaderConverter` implementation has been added, and this serializes to strings and deserializes by inferring the schemas (`Struct` header values are serialized without the schemas, so they can only be deserialized as `Map` instances without a schema.) The `StringConverter`, `JsonConverter`, and `ByteArrayConverter` have all been extended to also be `HeaderConverter` implementations. Each connector can be configured with a different header converter, although by default the `SimpleHeaderConverter` is used to serialize header values as strings without schemas.
Unit and integration tests are added for `ConnectHeader` and `ConnectHeaders`, the two implementation classes for headers. Additional test methods are added for the methods added to the `Converter` implementations. Finally, the `ConnectRecord` object is already used heavily, so only limited tests need to be added while quite a few of the existing tests already cover the changes.
Author: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Arjun Satish <arjun@confluent.io>, Ted Yu <yuzhihong@gmail.com>, Magesh Nandakumar <magesh.n.kumar@gmail.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4319 from rhauch/kafka-5142-b
Making clear that implementations of poll() shouldn't block indefinitely in order to allow the task instance to transition to PAUSED state.
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
This changes the Struct's equals and hashCode method to use Arrays#deepEquals and Arrays#deepHashCode, respectively. This resolves a problem where two structs with values of type byte[] would not be considered equal even though the byte arrays' contents are equal. By using deepEquals, the byte arrays' contents are compared instead of ther identity.
Since this changes the behavior of the equals method for byte array values, the behavior of hashCode must change alongside it to ensure the methods still fulfill the general contract of "equal objects must have equal hashCodes".
Test rationale:
All existing unit tests for equals were untouched and continue to work. A new test method was added to verify the behavior of equals and hashCode for Struct instances that contain a byte array value. I verify the reflixivity and transitivity of equals as well as the fact that equal Structs have equal hashCodes
and not-equal structs do not have equal hashCodes.
Author: Tobias Gies <tobias.gies@trivago.com>
Author: Tobias Gies <tobias@tobiasgies.de>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Closes#4293 from tobiasgies/feature/kafka-6308-deepequals
There are more methods that had to be touched than I anticipated when writing [the KIP](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-215%3A+Add+topic+regex+support+for+Connect+sinks).
The implementation here is now complete and includes a test that verifies that there's a call to `consumer.subscribe(Pattern, RebalanceHandler)` when `topics.regex` is provided.
Author: Jeff Klukas <jeff@klukas.net>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4151 from jklukas/connect-topics.regex
Re-arrange order of comparisons in equals() to evaluate non-composite fields first
Cache hash code
Author: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <konstantine@confluent.io>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4176 from tedyu/trunk
Changed the condition in **if** statement
**(schema.name() == null || !(schema.name().equals(LOGICAL_NAME)))** which
requires two comparisons in worst case with
**(!LOGICAL_NAME.equals(schema.name()))** which requires single comparison
in all cases and _avoids null pointer exception.
Author: sachinbhalekar <sachinbansibhalekar@gmail.com>
Author: sachinbhalekar <32234013+sachinbhalekar@users.noreply.github.com>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4225 from sachinbhalekar/trunk
More input validation for SchemaBuilder methods.
Author: Jeremy Custenborder <jcustenborder@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#3474 from jcustenborder/KAFKA-5548