Log4j based loggers use `org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLoggerAdapter::getContext`
which invokes StackLocatorUtil to walk the stacktrace. This operation is quite CPU intensive
and is performed each time during instantiation.
To avoid walking the stack often, this change uses a static variable to initialize the logger
for a few classes which seem to be instantiated frequently.
Reviewers: Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
This patch implements the existing JoinGroup protocol within the new group coordinator.
Some notable differences:
* Methods return a CoordinatorResult to the runtime framework, which includes records to append to the log as well as a future to complete after the append succeeds/fails.
* The coordinator runtime ensures that only a single thread will be processing a group at any given time, therefore there is no more locking on groups.
* Instead of using on purgatories, we rely on the Timer interface to schedule/cancel delayed operations.
Reviewers: David Jacot <djacot@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@confluent.io>, Mickael Maison <mickael.maison@gmail.com>, Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Matthias J. Sax <matthias@confluent.io>
* KAFKA-14953: Adding RemoteLogManager metrics
In this PR, I have added the following metrics that are related to tiered storage mentioned in[ KIP-405](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-405%3A+Kafka+Tiered+Storage).
| RemoteReadRequestsPerSec | Number of remote storage read requests per second |
| RemoteWriteRequestsPerSec | Number of remote storage write requests per second |
| RemoteBytesInPerSec | Number of bytes read from remote storage per second |
| RemoteReadErrorsPerSec | Number of remote storage read errors per second |
| RemoteBytesOutPerSec | Number of bytes copied to remote storage per second |
| RemoteWriteErrorsPerSec | Number of remote storage write errors per second |
| RemoteLogReaderTaskQueueSize | Number of remote storage read tasks pending for execution. |
| RemoteLogReaderAvgIdlePercent | Average idle percent of the remote storage reader thread pool|
| RemoteLogManagerTasksAvgIdlePercent | Average idle percent of RemoteLogManager thread pool |
Added unit tests for all the rate metrics.
Reviewers: Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>, Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Kamal Chandraprakash<kamal.chandraprakash@gmail.com>, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya <quilcate.jorge@gmail.com>, Staniel Yao<yaolixinylx@gmail.com>, hudeqi<1217150961@qq.com>, Satish Duggana <satishd@apache.org>
Introduced extra mapping to track verification state.
When verifying, there is a race condition that the add partitions verification response returns that the partition is in the ongoing transaction, but an abort marker is written before we get to append. Therefore, we track any given transaction we are verifying with an object unique to that transaction.
We check this unique state upon the first append to the log. After that, we can rely on currentTransactionFirstOffset. We remove the verification state on appending to the log with a transactional data record or marker.
We will also clean up lingering verification state entries via the producer state entry expiration mechanism. We do not update the the timestamp on retrying a verification for a transaction, so each entry must be verified before producer.id.expiration.ms.
There were a few other fixes:
- Moved the transaction manager handling for failed batch into the future completed exceptionally block to avoid processing it twice (this caused issues in unit tests)
- handle interrupted exceptions encountered when callback thread encountered them
- change handling to throw error if we try to set verification state and leaderLogIfLocal is None.
Reviewers: David Jacot <djacot@confluent.io>, Artem Livshits <alivshits@confluent.io>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
* Adds an exponential backoff to 1m while the controller is waiting for brokers to show up
* Increases one-time logs to INFO
* Adds a summary of the migration records
* Use RecordRedactor for summary of migration batches (TRACE only)
Reviewers: Colin P. McCabe <cmccabe@apache.org>
This patch wires the new group coordinator in BrokerServer (KRaft only). With this, it is now possible to run a cluster with the new group coordinator and to use the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat API by specifying the following two properties:
- group.coordinator.new.enable = true (to enable the new group coordinator)
- unstable.api.versions.enable = true (to enable unreleased APIs)
Note that the new group coordinator does not support all the existing APIs yet.
Reviewers: Jeff Kim <jeff.kim@confluent.io>, Justine Olshan <jolshan@confluent.io>
Update the integration tests to swap the use of the concrete KafkaConsumer class to the generic Consumer interface.
Reviewers: Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Philip Nee <philipnee@gmail.com>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
This commit prevents the leak of daemon-bounce-broker thread which was causing test failures for tests which check for thread leak prior to running.
Reviewers: Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>, Justine Olshan <jolshan@confluent.io>, Philip Nee <philipnee@gmail.com>
Splitting partitions while setting auto.offset.reset to latest may cause message delivery loss, but users might not be aware about that since currently it isn't documented anywhere.
Reviewers: Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>
Standardize controller log4j output for replaying important records. The log message should include
word "replayed" to make it clear that this is a record replay. Log the replay of records for ACLs,
client quotas, and producer IDs, which were previously not logged. Also fix a case where we weren't
logging changes to broker registrations.
AclControlManager, ClientQuotaControlManager, and ProducerIdControlManager didn't previously have a
log4j logger object, so this PR adds one. It also converts them to using Builder objects. This
makes junit tests more readable because we don't need to specify paramaters where the test can use
the default (like LogContexts).
Throw an exception in replay if we get another TopicRecord for a topic which already exists.
Example log messages:
INFO [QuorumController id=3000] Replayed a FeatureLevelRecord setting metadata version to 3.6-IV0
DEBUG [QuorumController id=3000] Replayed a ZkMigrationStateRecord which did not alter the state from NONE.
INFO [QuorumController id=3000] Replayed BrokerRegistrationChangeRecord modifying the registration for broker 0: BrokerRegistrationChangeRecord(brokerId=0, brokerEpoch=3, fenced=-1, inControlledShutdown=0)
INFO [QuorumController id=3000] Replayed ClientQuotaRecord for ClientQuotaEntity(entries={user=testkit}) setting request_percentage to 0.99.
Reviewers: Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Ron Dagostino <rndgstn@gmail.com>, David Arthur <mumrah@gmail.com>
Catch any exceptions that escape the processing logic
inside TaskExecutors and record them in the TaskManager.
Make sure the TaskExecutor survives, but the task is
unassigned. Add a method to TaskManager to drain the
exceptions. The aim here is that the polling thread will
drain the exceptions to be able to execute the
uncaught exception handler, abort transactions, etc.
Reviewer: Bruno Cadonna <cadonna@apache.org>
In JmxTool.scala, we will wait till all the object names are available from MBean server. But in the newer version, we only wait for subset of object names. Due to this, we may not enforce wait option and prematurely return the result if the objects are not yet registered in MBean sever.
Reviewers: Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>, Federico Valeri <fvaleri@redhat.com>
This patch adds the session timeout and the revocation timeout to the new consumer group protocol.
Reviewers: Calvin Liu <caliu@confluent.io>, Jeff Kim <jeff.kim@confluent.io>, Justine Olshan <jolshan@confluent.io>
KAFKA-14522 Rewrite and Move of RemoteIndexCache to storage module.
Cleanedup index file suffix usages and other minor cleanups
Reviewers: Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>, Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Kamal Chandraprakash<kamal.chandraprakash@gmail.com>, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya <quilcate.jorge@gmail.com>
During fast consecutive rebalances where a task is revoked from one worker and assigned to another one, it has been observed that there is a small time window and thus a race condition during which a RUNNING status record in the new generation is produced and is immediately followed by a delayed UNASSIGNED status record belonging to the same or a previous generation before the worker that sends this message reads the RUNNING status record that corresponds to the latest generation.
Although this doesn't inhibit the actual execution of tasks, it reports an incorrect status for those tasks(i.e UNASSIGNED). If the users have setup some kind of monitoring on tasks status then this could lead to false alarms for example.
This fix addresses this problem by checking if a status message is stale after reading it and updates it's status only when it is safe to.
Reviewers: Lucent-Wong <manchesterfans@live.cn>, Chris Egerton <chrise@aiven.io>, Yash Mayya <yash.mayya@gmail.com>, Konstantine Karantasis <k.karantasis@gmail.com>