When running with 4th generation instances supporting EBS only, we need
to use a larger volume or else we run out of disk space during a system
test run.
This change also parameterizes the instance type as an env variable for
easier testing.
Reviewers: David Jacot <djacot@confluent.io>
Upgrade from 171 to 202. Unpack and install directly from a cached tgz rather than going via the installer deb from webupd8. The installer is still on 8u919 while we want 202.
Testing via kafka branch builder job
Author: Jarek Rudzinski <jarek@confluent.io>
Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org>
Reviewers: Alex Diachenko <sansanichfb@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#6165 from jarekr/trunk-jdk8-from-tgz
Pricing for m3.xlarge: On-Demand is at $0.266. Reserved is at about $0.16 (40% discount). And Spot is at $0.0627 (76% discount relative to On-Demand, or 60% discount relative to Reserved). Insignificant fluctuation in the past 3 months.
Ran on branch builder and works as expected -- each worker is created using spot instances (https://jenkins.confluent.io/job/system-test-kafka-branch-builder/1982/console)
This can be safely backported to 0.10.2 (tested using https://jenkins.confluent.io/job/system-test-kafka-branch-builder/1983/)
Author: Max Zheng <maxzheng.os@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#5707 from maxzheng/minor-switch@trunk
Debian installer packages are no longer available for Java 7.
Also upgrade AMI to latest ubuntu/trusty 14 amd64 as the older
one is no longer available.
Note that this only changes the JDK used to build and run
the system tests. We still have Jenkins jobs that compile
and run the JUnit tests with Java 7 so that we don't use
features that are only available in newer Java versions.
This will allow us to trace leaked instances back to the job,
so that we can figure out what happened and fix the leak.
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Existing VMs will need to be re-provisioned or re-created to pick up this change.
Reference docs:
Author: Magnus Edenhill <magnus@edenhill.se>
Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Closes#2047 from edenhill/fix_vm_rsync_exclude
custom ip resolver in test driver makes incorrect assumption when calling vm.communicate.execute, causing driver to fail launching with Vagrant 1.8.6, due to https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/pull/7676
Author: Xavier Léauté <xavier@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#1962 from xvrl/fix-vagrant-resolver
The main impediment to bringing up aws machines in parallel using vagrant was the interaction between `vagrant-hostmanager` and `vagrant-aws`. If you disable hostmanager during the `up` phase, and run it after the cluster is up, parallel bringup is possible. The only caveat is that machines must be brought up in small-ish batches to prevent rate limit errors from AWS since `vagrant-aws` doesn't seem to have mechanisms to
This PR:
- disables `vagrant-hostmanager` during bringup
- adds a wrapper script to make it convenient to bring machines up in batches on aws
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#982 from granders/vagrant-disable-hostmanager
The hack here is no longer necessary with up-to-date versions of Vagrant, vagrant-hostmanager, and vagrant-aws. What's more, the change in c8b60b63 caused a chain of infinite recursion on OSX, preventing bringup of VMs on a typical laptop.
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Grant Henke <granthenke@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#867 from granders/remove-vagrantfile-hack and squashes the following commits:
14f4395 [Geoff Anderson] Removed uneccessary references to version 1.5.0 of vagrant-hostmanager
8799afe [Geoff Anderson] Removed Vagrantfile hack which is no longer necessary with up-to-date versions of Vagrant, vagrant-hostmanager, and vagrant-aws
This small change allows users to use Vagrantfile.local to specify a custom prefix for names of ec2 instances brought up with vagrant.
This makes management of multiple aws test clusters a little easier since individual clusters can be assigned different name prefixes.
if `ec2_instance_name_prefix` is not specified in `Vagrantfile.local`, behavior will be exactly the same as before this change.
- aws: I verified worker nodes, broker nodes, zk nodes with and without the prefix override. Behavior is as expected
- locally: I verified that bringing up worker nodes, broker nodes, zk nodes on a local machine is not impacted by this change.
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#801 from granders/minor-vagrant-aws-overrideable-prefix
ewencp Nothing too complicated here
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Gwen Shapira
Closes#392 from granders/minor-remove-system-test
Added base_box variable to Vagrantfile. This makes it possible to override the base box in Vagrantfile.local.
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Guozhang Wang
Closes#137 from granders/minor-expose-vagrant-box and squashes the following commits:
44936f7 [Geoff Anderson] Added base_box variable to Vagrantfile. This makes it possible to override the base box in Vagrantfile.local.
Initial patch for KIP-25
Note that to install ducktape, do *not* use pip to install ducktape. Instead:
$ git clone gitgithub.com:confluentinc/ducktape.git
$ cd ducktape
$ python setup.py install
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Author: Geoff <granders@gmail.com>
Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ewen, Gwen, Jun, Guozhang
Closes#70 from granders/KAFKA-2276 and squashes the following commits:
a62fb6c [Geoff Anderson] fixed checkstyle errors
a70f0f8 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk.
8b62019 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk.
47b7b64 [Geoff Anderson] Created separate tools jar so that the clients package does not pull in dependencies on the Jackson JSON tools or argparse4j.
a9e6a14 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream changes
d18db7b [Geoff Anderson] fixed :rat errors (needed to add licenses)
321fdf8 [Geoff Anderson] Ignore tests/ and vagrant/ directories when running rat build task
795fc75 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in changes from upstream trunk.
1d93f06 [Geoff Anderson] Updated provisioning to use java 7 in light of KAFKA-2316
2ea4e29 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked README, changed default log collection behavior on VerifiableProducer
0eb6fdc [Geoff Anderson] Merged in system-tests
69dd7be [Geoff Anderson] Merged in trunk
4034dd6 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk
ede6450 [Geoff] Merge pull request #4 from confluentinc/move_muckrake
7751545 [Geoff Anderson] Corrected license headers
e6d532f [Geoff Anderson] java 7 -> java 6
8c61e2d [Geoff Anderson] Reverted jdk back to 6
f14c507 [Geoff Anderson] Removed mode = "test" from Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.local examples. Updated testing README to clarify aws setup.
98b7253 [Geoff Anderson] Updated consumer tests to pre-populate kafka logs
e6a41f1 [Geoff Anderson] removed stray println
b15b24f [Geoff Anderson] leftover KafkaBenchmark in super call
0f75187 [Geoff Anderson] Rmoved stray allow_fail. kafka_benchmark_test -> benchmark_test
f469f84 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked readme, added example Vagrantfile.local
3d73857 [Geoff Anderson] Merged downstream changes
42dcdb1 [Geoff Anderson] Tweaked behavior of stop_node, clean_node to generally fail fast
7f7c3e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated setup.py for kafkatest
c60125c [Geoff Anderson] TestEndToEndLatency -> EndToEndLatency
4f476fe [Geoff Anderson] Moved aws scripts to vagrant directory
5af88fc [Geoff Anderson] Updated README to include aws quickstart
e5edf03 [Geoff Anderson] Updated example aws Vagrantfile.local
96533c3 [Geoff] Update aws-access-keys-commands
25a413d [Geoff] Update aws-example-Vagrantfile.local
884b20e [Geoff Anderson] Moved a bunch of files to kafkatest directory
fc7c81c [Geoff Anderson] added setup.py
632be12 [Geoff] Merge pull request #3 from confluentinc/verbose-client
51a94fd [Geoff Anderson] Use argparse4j instead of joptsimple. ThroughputThrottler now has more intuitive behavior when targetThroughput is 0.
a80a428 [Geoff Anderson] Added shell program for VerifiableProducer.
d586fb0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated comments to reflect that throttler is not message-specific
6842ed1 [Geoff Anderson] left out a file from last commit
1228eef [Geoff Anderson] Renamed throttler
9100417 [Geoff Anderson] Updated command-line options for VerifiableProducer. Extracted throughput logic to make it reusable.
0a5de8e [Geoff Anderson] Fixed checkstyle errors. Changed name to VerifiableProducer. Added synchronization for thread safety on println statements.
475423b [Geoff Anderson] Convert class to string before adding to json object.
bc009f2 [Geoff Anderson] Got rid of VerboseProducer in core (moved to clients)
c0526fe [Geoff Anderson] Updates per review comments.
8b4b1f2 [Geoff Anderson] Minor updates to VerboseProducer
2777712 [Geoff Anderson] Added some metadata to producer output.
da94b8c [Geoff Anderson] Added number of messages option.
07cd1c6 [Geoff Anderson] Added simple producer which prints status of produced messages to stdout.
a278988 [Geoff Anderson] fixed typos
f1914c3 [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #2 from confluentinc/system_tests
81e4156 [Liquan Pei] Bootstrap Kafka system tests