Update system test method signatures and method calls to use the new consumer by default.
Author: Vahid Hashemian <vahidhashemian@us.ibm.com>
Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Closes#2060 from vahidhashemian/KAFKA-4211
This patch adds logic for the following:
- remove hard-coded paths to various scripts and jars in kafkatest service classes
- provide a mechanism for overriding path resolution logic with a "pluggable" path resolver class
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#1245 from granders/configurable-install-path
Run a sanity test with SASL/PLAIN and a couple of replication tests with SASL/PLAIN and multiple mechanisms.
Author: Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#1282 from rajinisivaram/KAFKA-2693
Run sanity check, replication tests and benchmarks with SASL/Kerberos using MiniKdc.
Author: Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>
Reviewers: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
Closes#358 from rajinisivaram/KAFKA-2644
ewencp gwenshap
This needs some refactoring to avoid the duplicated code between replication test and upgrade test, but in shape for initial feedback.
I'm interested in feedback on the added `KafkaConfig` class and `kafka_props` file. This addition makes it:
- easier to attach different configs to different nodes (e.g. during broker upgrade process)
- easier to reason about the configuration of a particular node
- in the default values in the KafkaConfig class, I removed many properties which were in kafka.properties before. This is because most of those properties were set to what is already the default value.
- when running non-trunk VerifiableProducer, I append the trunk tools jar to the classpath, and run it with the non-trunk kafka-run-class.sh script
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Dong Lin, Ewen Cheslack-Postava
Closes#229 from granders/KAFKA-1888-upgrade-test
Parametrize console consumer sanity test, replication tests and benchmarks tests to run with both PLAINTEXT and SSL.
Author: Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>
Reviewers: Geoff Anderson, Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Guozhang Wang
Closes#271 from rajinisivaram/KAFKA-2581
Tests standalone mode by running separate source and sink connectors, catting
data into the source file, and validating the output in the sink file. Restarts
the service to verify that clean restarts will result in tasks resuming where
they left off.
Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org>
Reviewers: Geoff Andreson, Gwen Shapira
Closes#150 from ewencp/kafka-2377-copycat-system-test
Added MirrorMaker service and a few corresponding sanity checks, as well as necessary config template files. A few additional updates to accomodate the change in wait_until from ducktape0.2.0->0.3.0
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Gwen Shapira
Closes#148 from granders/KAFKA-2439 and squashes the following commits:
c7c3ebd [Geoff Anderson] MirrorMaker now can run as multi-node service. Added kill -9 to various clean_node methods.
1e806f2 [Geoff Anderson] Various cleanups per review.
1b4b049 [Geoff Anderson] Added MirrorMaker service and a few corresponding sanity checks, as well as necessary config template files. A few additional updates to accomodate the change in wait_until from ducktape0.2.0->0.3.0
console consumer writes to System.out, while (some) log4j loggers operate in other threads.
This occasionally led to funky interleaved output which disrupted parsing of consumed messages by ConsoleConsumerService, leading to spurious test failures.
This fix directs log output to a separate file.
Author: Geoff Anderson <geoff@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava
Closes#123 from granders/KAFKA-2408 and squashes the following commits:
247b0e0 [Geoff Anderson] Updated line counting to use wc -l
66d6f4f [Geoff Anderson] lower -> uperrcase constants
e67f554 [Geoff Anderson] Changed incorrect license header
af67e01 [Geoff Anderson] Merged in upstream trunk
8f89044 [Geoff Anderson] Added another lifecycle check. Wait for log file to exist before exmaning contents.
521a84b [Geoff Anderson] Updated console consumer to directo log output directly to file rather than stdout