We might decide to drop certain message batches during down-conversion because older clients might not be able to interpret them. One such example is control batches which are typically removed by the broker if down-conversion to V0 or V1 is required. This patch makes sure the chunked down-conversion implementation is able to handle such cases.
The initial PR for KIP-290 #5117 added a new `ResourceNameType`, which was initially a field on `Resource` and `ResourceFilter`. However, follow on PRs have now moved the name type fields to new `ResourcePattern` and `ResourcePatternFilter` classes. This means the old name is no longer valid and may be confusing. The PR looks to rename the class to a more intuitive `resource.PatternType`.
@cmccabe also requested that the current `ANY` value for this class be renamed to avoid confusion. `PatternType.ANY` currently causes `ResourcePatternFilter` to bring back all ACLs that would affect the supplied resource, i.e. it brings back literal, wildcard ACLs, and also does pattern matching to work out which prefix acls would affect the resource. This is very different from the behaviour of `ResourceType.ANY`, which just means the filter ignores the type of resources.
`ANY` is to be renamed to `MATCH` to disambiguate it from other `ANY` filter types. A new `ANY` will be added that works in the same way as others, i.e. it will cause the filter to ignore the pattern type, (but won't do any pattern matching).
Reviewers: Colin Patrick McCabe <colin@cmccabe.xyz>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
This patch changes the default `request.timeout.ms` of the consumer to 30 seconds. Additionally, it adds logic to `NetworkClient` and related to components to support timeouts at the request level. We use this to handle the special case of the JoinGroup request, which may block for as long as the value configured by `max.poll.interval.ms`.
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Guozhang Wang <guozhang@confluent.io>
Adds a configuration that specifies the default timeout for KafkaConsumer APIs that could block. This was introduced in KIP-266.
Reviewers: Satish Duggana <satish.duggana@gmail.com>, Jason Gustafson <jason@confluent.io>
Keep Literal ACLs on the old paths, using the old formats, to maintain backwards compatibility.
Have Prefixed, and any latter types, go on new paths, using JSON, (old brokers are not aware of them)
Add checks to reject any adminClient requests to add prefixed acls before the cluster is fully upgraded.
Colin Patrick McCabe <colin@cmccabe.xyz>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
It takes O(n^2) time to instantiate a mbean with n attributes which can be very slow if the number of attributes of this mbean is large. This PR removes metrics whose number of attributes can grow with the number of partitions in the cluster to fix the performance issue. These metrics have already been marked for removal in 2.0 by KIP-225.
Author: Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Closes#5172 from lindong28/remove-deprecated-metrics
Reviewers: Colin Patrick McCabe <colin@cmccabe.xyz>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Piyush Vijay <pvijay@apple.com>
Co-authored-by: Andy Coates <big-andy-coates@users.noreply.github.com>
- CreateTopicsRequest now requires Create auth on Topic resource
or Create on Cluster resource.
- AclCommand --producer option adjusted
- Existing unit and Integration tests adjusted accordingly and
new tests added.
Reviewers: Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Co-authored-by: Edoardo Comar <ecomar@uk.ibm.com>
Co-authored-by: Mickael Maison <mickael.maison@gmail.com>
Reviewers: Viktor Somogyi <viktorsomogyi@gmail.com>, Vahid Hashemian <vahidhashemian@us.ibm.com>, Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
- Removed internal kafka.admin.AdminClient.deleteRecordsBefore since it's
no longer used.
- Removed redundant tests and rewrote non redundant ones to use the Java
Reviewers: Viktor Somogyi <viktor.somogyi@cloudera.com>, Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
This patch contains a few follow-up improvements/cleanup for KIP-266:
- Add upgrade notes
- Add missing `commitSync(Duration)` API
- Improve timeout messages and fix some naming inconsistencies
- Various small cleanups
Reviewers: John Roesler <john@confluent.io>, Guozhang Wang <wangguoz@gmail.com>
This implements KIP-219, where a broker returns a response with throttle time on
quota violation immediately after processing the corresponding request. After
the response is sent out, the broker will keep the channel muted until the
throttle time is over. Also, on receiving a response with throttle time, client
will block outgoing communication to the broker for the specified throttle time.
See PR 4830, 5064 and 5094 for all the review history
Author: Jon Lee <jonlee@jonlee-ld1.linkedin.biz>
Reviewers: Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>, Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>
Closes#5064 from jonlee2/kip-219
Implementation of [KIP-174](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-174+-+Deprecate+and+remove+internal+converter+configs+in+WorkerConfig)
Configuration properties 'internal.key.converter' and 'internal.value.converter'
are deprecated, and default to org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter.
Warnings are logged if values are specified for either, or if properties that
appear to configure instances of internal converters (i.e., ones prefixed with
either 'internal.key.converter.' or 'internal.value.converter.') are given.
The property 'schemas.enable' is also defaulted to false for internal
JsonConverter instances (both for keys and values) if it isn't specified.
Documentation and code have also been updated with deprecation notices and
annotations, respectively.
Unit tests have been updated in `PluginsTest` to account for the new defaults for `schemas.enable` for internal key/value converters, and to ensure that (for the time being), internal key/value converters are still configurable despite being deprecated.
Author: Chris Egerton <chrise@confluent.io>
Author: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <me@ewencp.org>
Reviewers: Randall Hauch <rhauch@gmail.com>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <ewen@confluent.io>
Closes#4693 from C0urante/kafka-5540
This KIP adds the following functionality related to SASL/OAUTHBEARER:
1) Allow clients (both brokers when SASL/OAUTHBEARER is the inter-broker protocol as well as non-broker clients) to flexibly retrieve an access token from an OAuth 2 authorization server based on the declaration of a custom login CallbackHandler implementation and have that access token transparently and automatically transmitted to a broker for authentication.
2) Allow brokers to flexibly validate provided access tokens when a client establishes a connection based on the declaration of a custom SASL Server CallbackHandler implementation.
3) Provide implementations of the above retrieval and validation features based on an unsecured JSON Web Token that function out-of-the-box with minimal configuration required (i.e. implementations of the two types of callback handlers mentioned above will be used by default with no need to explicitly declare them).
4) Allow clients (both brokers when SASL/OAUTHBEARER is the inter-broker protocol as well as non-broker clients) to transparently retrieve a new access token in the background before the existing access token expires in case the client has to open new connections.
* Removed Scala producers, request classes, kafka.tools.ProducerPerformance, encoders,
* Updated ConsoleProducer to remove Scala producer support (removed `BaseProducer`
and several options that are not used by the Java producer).
* Updated a few Scala consumer tests to use the new producer (including a minor
refactor of `produceMessages` methods in `TestUtils`).
* Updated `ClientUtils.fetchTopicMetadata` to use `SimpleConsumer` instead of
* Removed `TestKafkaAppender` as it looks useless and it defined an `Encoder`.
* Minor import clean-ups
No new tests added since behaviour should remain the same after these changes.
Author: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Reviewers: Manikumar Reddy O <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>, Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>
Closes#5045 from ijuma/kafka-6921-remove-old-producer
* Set --source, --target and --release to 1.8.
* Build Scala 2.12 by default.
* Remove some conditionals in the build file now that Java 8
is the minimum version.
* Bump the version of Jetty, Jersey and Checkstyle (the newer
versions require Java 8).
* Fixed issues uncovered by the new version if Checkstyle.
* A couple of minor updates to handle an incompatible source
change in the new version of Jetty.
* Add dependency to jersey-hk2 to fix failing tests caused
by Jersey upgrade.
* Update release script to use Java 8 and to take into account
that Scala 2.12 is now built by default.
* While we're at it, bump the version of Gradle, Gradle plugins,
ScalaLogging, JMH and apache directory api.
* Minor documentation updates including the readme and upgrade
notes. A number of Streams Java 7 examples can be removed
Implementation of KIP-279 as described here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-279%3A+Fix+log+divergence+between+leader+and+follower+after+fast+leader+fail+over
In summary:
- Leader replies with the pair( largest epoch less than or equal to the requested epoch, the end offset of this epoch)
- If Follower does not know about the leader epoch that leader replies with, it truncates to the end offset of largest leader epoch less than leader epoch that leader replied with, and sends another OffsetForLeaderEpoch request. That request contains the largest leader epoch less than leader epoch that leader replied with.
Reviewers: Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>, Jun Rao <junrao@gmail.com>
Serdes are confusing in the Scala wrapper:
* We have wrappers around Serializer, Deserializer and Serde which are not very useful.
* We have Serdes in 2 places org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serde and in DefaultSerdes, instead we should be having only one place where to find all the Serdes.
I wanted to do this PR before the release as this is a breaking change.
This shouldn't add more so the current tests should be enough.
Reviewers: Debasish Ghosh <dghosh@acm.org>, Guozhang Wang <guozhang@confluent.io>
Updated the upgrade doc as well since we do not have an overloaded function without the deprecated parameter before. Also renamed the 1.2 release version to 2.0.
Reviewers: Bill Bejeck <bill@confluent.io>, Matthias J. Sax <matthias@confluent.io>
Several build and documentation updates were required after the merge of KAFKA-6670: Implement a Scala wrapper library for Kafka Streams.
Encode Scala major version into streams-scala artifacts.
To differentiate versions of the kafka-streams-scala artifact across Scala major versions it's required to encode the version into the artifact name before its published to a maven repository. This is accomplished by following a similar release process as kafka core, which encodes the Scala major version and then runs the build for each major version of Scala supported. This is considered standard practice when releasing Scala libraries, but is not handled for us automatically with the basic Scala for Gradle support.
After this change you can generate and install the kafka-streams-scala artifact into the local maven repository:
$ ./gradlew -PscalaVersion=2.11 install
$ ./gradlew -PscalaVersion=2.12 install
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Guozhang Wang <wangguoz@gmail.com>
This pull request is for JIRA 6657, for KIP-276.
Added unit tests for new getGlobalConsumerConfigs API and make sure existing restore consumer tests are passing.
Reviewers: Bill Bejeck <bill@confluent.io>, Matthias J. Sax <matthias@confluent.io>, Guozhang Wang <wangguoz@gmail.com>
This PR implements a Scala wrapper library for Kafka Streams. The library is implemented as a project under streams, namely `:streams:streams-scala`. The PR contains the following:
* the library implementation of the wrapper abstractions
* the test suite
* the changes in `build.gradle` to build the library jar
The library has been tested running the tests as follows:
$ ./gradlew -Dtest.single=StreamToTableJoinScalaIntegrationTestImplicitSerdes streams:streams-scala:test
$ ./gradlew -Dtest.single=StreamToTableJoinScalaIntegrationTestImplicitSerdesWithAvro streams:streams-scala:test
$ ./gradlew -Dtest.single=WordCountTest streams:streams-scala:test
Author: Debasish Ghosh <ghosh.debasish@gmail.com>
Author: Sean Glover <seglo@randonom.com>
Reviewers: Bill Bejeck <bill@confluent.io>, Matthias J. Sax <matthias@confluent.io>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, John Roesler <john@confluent.io>, Damian Guy <damian@confluent.io>, Guozhang Wang <wangguoz@gmail.com>
Closes#4756 from debasishg/scala-streams