KAFKA-7597: Add configurable transaction support to ProduceBenchWorker. In order to get support for serializing Optional<> types to JSON, add a new library: jackson-datatype-jdk8. Once Jackson 3 comes out, this library will not be needed.
Reviewers: Colin McCabe <cmccabe@apache.org>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Add threads with separate consumers to ConsumeBenchWorker. Update the Trogdor test scripts and documentation with the new functionality.
Reviewers: Colin McCabe <cmccabe@apache.org>
* Implement process stop faults via SIGSTOP / SIGCONT
* Implement RoundTripWorkload, which both sends messages, and confirms that they are received at least once.
* Allow Trogdor tasks to block until other Trogdor tasks are complete.
* Add CreateTopicsWorker, which can be a building block for a lot of tests.
* Simplify how TaskSpec subclasses in ducktape serialize themselves to JSON.
* Implement some fault injection tests in round_trip_workload_test.py
Author: Colin P. Mccabe <cmccabe@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>, Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>
Closes#4323 from cmccabe/KAFKA-5849
Fix an omission where Kibosh was not getting installed on Vagrant
instances running in AWS.
Fix an issue where the Dockerfile was unable to download old Apache
Kafka releases. See the discussion on KAFKA-6233.
Author: Colin P. Mccabe <cmccabe@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Closes#4240 from cmccabe/KAFKA-6247
For ducktape: add Kibosh to the testing Dockerfile.
Create files_unreadable_fault_spec.py.
For trogdor: create FilesUnreadableFaultSpec.java.
Add a unit test of using the Kibosh service.
Author: Colin P. Mccabe <cmccabe@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>
Closes#4195 from cmccabe/KAFKA-5811
Previously, Trogdor only handled "Faults." Now, Trogdor can handle
"Tasks" which may be either faults, or workloads to execute in the
The Agent and Coordinator have been refactored from a
mutexes-and-condition-variables paradigm into a message passing
paradigm. No locks are necessary, because only one thread can access
the task state or worker state. This makes them a lot easier to reason
The MockTime class can now handle mocking deferred message passing
(adding a message to an ExecutorService with a delay). I added a
MiniTrogdorCluster now starts up Agent and Coordinator classes in
paralle in order to minimize junit test time.
RPC messages now inherit from a common Message.java class. This class
handles implementing serialization, equals, hashCode, etc.
Remove FaultSet, since it is no longer necessary.
Previously, if CoordinatorClient or AgentClient hit a networking
problem, they would throw an exception. They now retry several times
before giving up. Additionally, the REST RPCs to the Coordinator and
Agent have been changed to be idempotent. If a response is lost, and
the request is resent, no harm will be done.
Author: Colin P. Mccabe <cmccabe@confluent.io>
Reviewers: Rajini Sivaram <rajinisivaram@googlemail.com>, Ismael Juma <ismael@juma.me.uk>
Closes#4073 from cmccabe/KAFKA-6060