The patch clarifies the exception message for unknown key versions when loading from the group metadata topic. The patch also makes a trivial change in `KafkaAdminClient` to use `Map.computeIfAbsent`.
Reviewers: Viktor Somogyi <>, Jason Gustafson <>
`EmbeddedConnectCluster` has the ability to mask system exits to avoid killing the jvm. It appears that the default was intended to be `true`, but is actually `false`. The `maskExitProcedures` method on `EmbeddedConnectCluster.Builder` documents the parameter as:
* @param mask if false, exit and halt procedures remain unchanged; true is the default.
Because this is not enabled by default as intended, we are seeing some build failures which exit abruptly:
17:29:11 Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:integrationTest'.
17:29:11 > Process 'Gradle Test Executor 25' finished with non-zero exit value 1
The culprit often appears to be `ExampleConnectIntegrationTest`, which indeed does not override the default value of `maskExitProcedures`.
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <>
KIP-91 was included in Kafka 2.1.0, so we should mention
`` in the hint as it's the config that
users would want to change in most cases.
Reviewers: Matthias J. Sax <>, John Roesler <>, Bill Bejeck <>, Guozhang Wang <>
Leaders should make changes to the assignment and the ISR at the same time as part of processing the LeaderAndIsr requests. The leader should also preserve the order of assignment mainly for consistency with the Controller's code and data representation.
Reviewers: Vikas Singh, David Arthur <>, Jason Gustafson <>
Connect tests were using String version for KafkaService instead of the expected KafkaVersion object. This broke due to recent changes to KafkaVersion. It turns out that the tests with String version were running compatibility tests against `dev` brokers rather than the older broker versions they were expecting to run against. When version was fixed, tests using brokers started failing since new clients are not compatible with brokers. So this PR fixes version parameter and removes the two tests against brokers.
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <>, Rajini Sivaram <>
Scala 2.13 support was added to build via #5454. This PR adjusts the code so that
it compiles with 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13.
* Add `scala-collection-compat` dependency.
* Import `scala.collection.Seq` in a number of places for consistent behavior between
Scala 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13.
* Remove wildcard imports that were causing the Java classes to have priority over the
Scala ones, related Scala issue:
* Replace parallel collection usage with `Future`. The former is no longer included by
default in the standard library.
* Replace val _: Unit workaround with one that is more concise and works with Scala 2.13
* Replace `filterKeys` with `filter` when we expect a `Map`. `filterKeys` returns a view
that doesn't implement the `Map` trait in Scala 2.13.
* Replace `mapValues` with `map` or add a `toMap` as an additional transformation
when we expect a `Map`. `mapValues` returns a view that doesn't implement the
`Map` trait in Scala 2.13.
* Replace `breakOut` with `iterator` and `to`, `breakOut` was removed in Scala
* Replace to() with toMap, toIndexedSeq and toSet
* Replace `mutable.Buffer.--` with `filterNot`.
* ControlException is an abstract class in Scala 2.13.
* Variable arguments can only receive arrays or immutable.Seq in Scala 2.13.
* Use `Factory` instead of `CanBuildFrom` in DecodeJson. `CanBuildFrom` behaves
a bit differently in Scala 2.13 and it's been deprecated. `Factory` has the behavior
we need and it's available via the compat library.
* Fix failing tests due to behavior change in Scala 2.13,
" is not strict in Scala 2.13" (
* Use Java collections instead of Scala ones in StreamResetter (a Java class).
* Adjust CheckpointFile.write to take an `Iterable` instead of `Seq` to avoid
unnecessary collection copies.
* Fix DelayedElectLeader to use a Map instead of Set and avoid `to` call that
doesn't work in Scala 2.13.
* Use unordered map for mapping in SimpleAclAuthorizer, mapping of ordered
maps require an `Ordering` in Scala 2.13 for safety reasons.
* Adapt `ConsumerGroupCommand` to compile with Scala 2.13.
* CoreUtils.min takes an `Iterable` instead of `TraversableOnce`, the latter does
not exist in Scala 2.13.
* Replace `Unit` with `()` in a couple places. Scala 2.13 is stricter when it expects
a value instead of a type.
* Fix bug in CustomQuotaCallbackTest where we did not necessarily set `partitionRatio`
correctly, `forall` can terminate early.
* Add a couple of spotbugs exclusions that are needed by code generated by Scala 2.13
* Remove unused variables, simplify some code and remove procedure syntax in a few
* Remove unused `CoreUtils.JSONEscapeString`.
Reviewers: Manikumar Reddy <>, José Armando García Sancio <>
Due to the accidental duplication of `case e: ExecutionException`,
the verification code was not actually running.
Reviewers: Rajini Sivaram <>, David Arthur <>
Followers should cache the log offset metadata for the start offset of each transaction in order to be able to compute the last stable offset without an offset index lookup. This is needed for follower fetching in KIP-392.
Reviewers: Guozhang Wang <>
Include in the describe group result for better visibility.
Reviewers: A. Sophie Blee-Goldman <>, Guozhang Wang <>
The purpose here is to leverage static membership information during round robin consumer assignment, because persistent member id could help make the assignment remain the same during rebalance.
The comparison logic is changed to:
1. If member A and member B both have, then compare their
2. If member A has, while member B doesn't, then A < B
3. If both member A and B don't have, compare their
In round robin assignor, we use ephemeral to sort the members in order for assignment. This semantic is not stable and could trigger unnecessary shuffle of tasks. By leveraging the static member assignment shall be persist when satisfying following conditions:
1. number of members remain the same across generation
2. static members' identities persist across generation
Reviewers: A. Sophie Blee-Goldman <>, Guozhang Wang <>
This PR intendent to address some typos in page.
Invalid configuration option specified in the example. I've replaced with closest constant TopicConfig.MIN_IN_SYNC_REPLICAS_CONFIG, since LogConfig.MinInSyncReplicasProp() requires Scala stuff
Reference to LogConfig seems to be obsolete, I believe I've moved it to correct line
Apostrophe displayed incorrectly
Reviewers: John Roesler <>, Bill Bejeck <>
We recently observed a transient failure of this test case:
java.lang.AssertionError: Contents of the map shouldn't change expected:<Map(0 -> (340,340), 5 -> (345,345), 10 -> (350,350), 14 -> (354,354), 1 -> (341,341), 6 -> (346,346), 9 -> (349,349), 13 -> (353,353), 2 -> (342,342), 17 -> (357,357), 12 -> (352,352), 7 -> (347,347), 3 -> (343,343), 18 -> (358,358), 16 -> (356,356), 11 -> (351,351), 8 -> (348,348), 19 -> (359,359), 4 -> (344,344), 15 -> (355,355))> but was:<Map(0 -> (340,340), 5 -> (345,345), 10 -> (350,350), 14 -> (354,354), 1 -> (341,341), 6 -> (346,346), 97 -> (297,297), 9 -> (349,349), 96 -> (296,296), 13 -> (353,353), 2 -> (342,342), 17 -> (357,357), 12 -> (352,352), 7 -> (347,347), 98 -> (298,298), 3 -> (343,343), 18 -> (358,358), 95 -> (295,295), 16 -> (356,356), 11 -> (351,351), 99 -> (299,299), 8 -> (348,348), 19 -> (359,359), 4 -> (344,344), 15 -> (355,355))>
The presence of old keys implies that not all old segments had been deleted. We believe the retention check (which runs asynchronously) is executing after the last modified time of all but one of the segments has been changed. This leaves one old segment behind which ultimately causes the above assertion error.
The fix here is to improve the wait condition.Rather than waiting for the number of segments to be 1, we wait for the log start offset to reach the end offset.
Reviewers: David Arthur <>
1. In ConsumerCoordinator, select the protocol as the common protocol from all configured assignor instances' supported protocols with the highest number.
1.b. In onJoinPrepare: only call onPartitionRevoked with EAGER.
1.a. In onJoinComplete: call onPartitionAssigned with EAGER; call onPartitionRevoked following onPartitionAssigned with COOPERATIVE, and then request re-join if the error indicates so.
1.c. In performAssignment: update the user's assignor returned assignments by excluding all partitions that are still owned by some other members.
2. I've refactored the Subscription / Assignment such that: assigned partitions, error codes, and group instance id are not-final anymore, instead they can be updated. For the last one, it is directly related to the logic of this PR but I felt it is more convienent to go with other fields.
3. Testing: primarily in ConsumerCoordinatorTest, make it parameterized with protocol, and add necessary scenarios for COOPERATIVE protocol.
I intentionally omitted the documentation change since there are some behavioral updates that needs to be finalized in later PRs, and hence I will also only add the docs in later PRs.
Reviewers: Bill Bejeck <>, Boyang Chen <>, Sophie Blee-Goldman <>
`ZkUtils` is not used by the broker, has been deprecated since
2.0.0 and it was never intended as a public API. We should
remove it along with `AdminUtils` methods that rely on it.
Reviewers: David Arthur <>
- include Scala 2.13 in gradle build
- handle future milestone and RC versions of Scala in a better way
- if no Scala version is specified, default to scala 2.12 (bump from 2.11)
- include certain Xlint options (removed by Scala 2.13) for Scala 2.11/2.12 build only
- upgrade versions for dependencies:
- scalaLogging: 3.9.0 -->> 3.9.2
- scalatest: 3.0.7 -->> 3.0.8
- scoverage: 1.3.1 -->> 1.4.0
Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <>, Ismael Juma <>
The existing implementation triggers warnings in Java 9+ and relies
on internal classes that vary depending on the JDK provider. The proposed
implementation fixes these issues and it's more concise.
Reviewers: Rajini Sivaram <>, Guozhang Wang <>
* KAFKA-8106:Reducing the allocation and copying of ByteBuffer when logValidator do validation.
* KAFKA-8106:Reducing the allocation and copying of ByteBuffer when logValidator do validation.
* github comments
* use batch.skipKeyValueIterator
* cleanups
* no need to skip kv for uncompressed iterator
* checkstyle fixes
* fix findbugs
* adding unit tests
* reuse decompression buffer; and using streaming iterator
* checkstyle
* add unit tests
* remove reusing buffer supplier
* fix unit tests
* add unit tests
* use streaming iterator
* minor refactoring
* rename
* github comments
* github comments
* reuse buffer at DefaultRecord caller
* some further optimization
* major refactoring
* further refactoring
* update comment
* github comments
* minor fix
* add jmh benchmarks
* update jmh
* github comments
* minor fix
* github comments
Mocking of WorkerCoordinator was not precise after adding an argument (reason) to AbstractCoordinator#maybeLeaveGroup in KAFKA-8569:
Unit test case for DistributedHerderTest is now precise with respect to the expected argument and succeeds
Reviewers: Boyang Chen <>, Guozhang Wang <>
When the log contains out of order message formats (for example v2 message followed by v1 message) and consists of compressed batches typically greater than 1kB in size, it is possible for down-conversion to fail. With compressed batches, we estimate the size of down-converted batches using:
private static int estimateCompressedSizeInBytes(int size, CompressionType compressionType) {
return compressionType == CompressionType.NONE ? size : Math.min(Math.max(size / 2, 1024), 1 << 16);
This almost always underestimates size of down-converted records if the batch is between 1kB-64kB in size. In general, this means we may under estimate the total size required for compressed batches.
Because of an implicit assumption in the code that messages with a lower message format appear before any with a higher message format, we do not grow the buffer we copy the down converted records into when we see a message <= the target message format. This assumption becomes incorrect when the log contains out of order message formats, for example because of leaders flapping while upgrading the message format.
Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <>
This adds a new Trogdor fault spec for inducing network latency on a network device for system testing. It operates very similarly to the existing network partition spec by executing the `tc` linux utility.
It has been deprecated since 0.11.0, it was never meant as a publicly
supported API and people should use
`org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient` instead. Its presence
causes confusion and people still use them accidentally at times.
`BrokerApiVersionsCommand` uses one method that is not available
in `org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient`, we inline it for now.
Reviewers: David Arthur <>, Ismael Juma <>
Static members never leave the group, so potentially we could log a flooding number of warning messages in the hb thread. The solution is to only log as warning when we are on dynamic membership.
Reviewers: Guozhang Wang <>
The AllReplicas was only printing remote replica ids. This change prints
all ids, including local one.
Reviewers: José Armando García Sancio <>, Jason Gustafson <>
Kafka should not NPE while loading a deleted partition dir with no log segments. This patch ensures that there will always be at least one segment after initialization.
Co-authored-by: Edoardo Comar <>
Co-authored-by: Mickael Maison <>
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <>, Jason Gustafson <>
Cancel PeriodicProducerExpirationCheck when closing a Log instance, to avoid a memory leak. Add a method to KafkaScheduler to make this possible.
Reviewers: Colin P. McCabe <>, Ismael Juma <>
Sub-task required to allow to define custom processor names with KStreams DSL(KIP-307). This is the 4th PR for KIP-307.
Reviewers: John Roesler <>, Bill Bejeck <>
This patch simplifies the controller election API. We were passing `LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch` into the election utilities even though we just needed `LeaderAndIsr`. We also remove some unneeded collection copies `doElectLeaderForPartitions`.
Reviewers: Ismael Juma <>
This was caused by back-to-back merging of #6854 (which removed the Optional import) and #6936 (which needed the import).
Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <>