{ "description": "Basic test to produce and consume messages to a single topic partition. This test sends messages to n replicas and at the end verifies the log size and contents as well as using a consumer to verify no message loss. Optionally, the test bounces the leader periodically to introduce failures during the message replication.", "testcase_args": { "bounce_leader": "true", "replica_factor": "3", "num_partition": "2", "num_iteration": "2", "sleep_seconds_between_producer_calls": "1", "num_messages_to_produce_per_producer_call": "50" }, "entities": [ { "entity_id": "0", "clientPort": "2188", "dataDir": "/tmp/zookeeper_0", "log_filename": "zookeeper_2188.log", "config_filename": "zookeeper_2188.properties" }, { "entity_id": "1", "port": "9091", "brokerid": "1", "log.file.size": "10240", "log.dir": "/tmp/kafka_server_1_logs", "log_filename": "kafka_server_9091.log", "config_filename": "kafka_server_9091.properties" }, { "entity_id": "2", "port": "9092", "brokerid": "2", "log.file.size": "10240", "log.dir": "/tmp/kafka_server_2_logs", "log_filename": "kafka_server_9092.log", "config_filename": "kafka_server_9092.properties" }, { "entity_id": "3", "port": "9093", "brokerid": "3", "log.file.size": "10240", "log.dir": "/tmp/kafka_server_3_logs", "log_filename": "kafka_server_9093.log", "config_filename": "kafka_server_9093.properties" }, { "entity_id": "4", "topic": "test_1", "threads": "5", "compression-codec": "1", "message-size": "500", "message": "500", "log_filename": "producer_performance.log", "config_filename": "producer_performance.properties" }, { "entity_id": "5", "topic": "test_1", "groupid": "mytestgroup", "consumer-timeout-ms": "10000", "log_filename": "console_consumer.log", "config_filename": "console_consumer.properties" } ] }