* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import sbt._
import scala.xml.{Node, Elem}
import scala.xml.transform.{RewriteRule, RuleTransformer}
class KafkaProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends ParentProject(info) with IdeaProject {
override def managedStyle = ManagedStyle.Maven
val publishTo = "Maven Repo" at "http://maven/content/repositories/repository.snapshots"
Credentials(Path.userHome / ".m2" / ".credentials", log)
lazy val core = project("core", "core-kafka", new CoreKafkaProject(_))
lazy val examples = project("examples", "java-examples", new KafkaExamplesProject(_), core)
lazy val contrib = project("contrib", "contrib", new ContribProject(_))
lazy val perf = project("perf", "perf", new KafkaPerfProject(_))
lazy val releaseZipTask = core.packageDistTask
val releaseZipDescription = "Compiles every sub project, runs unit tests, creates a deployable release zip file with dependencies, config, and scripts."
lazy val releaseZip = releaseZipTask dependsOn(core.corePackageAction, core.test, examples.examplesPackageAction,
contrib.producerPackageAction, contrib.consumerPackageAction) describedAs releaseZipDescription
val runRatDescription = "Runs Apache rat on Kafka"
lazy val runRatTask = task {
} describedAs runRatDescription
val rat = "org.apache.rat" % "apache-rat" % "0.8"
class CoreKafkaProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
with IdeaProject with CoreDependencies with TestDependencies with CompressionDependencies {
val corePackageAction = packageAllAction
//The issue is going from log4j 1.2.14 to 1.2.15, the developers added some features which required
// some dependencies on various sun and javax packages.
override def ivyXML =
override def organization = "org.apache"
override def filterScalaJars = false
// build the executable jar's classpath.
// (why is it necessary to explicitly remove the target/{classes,resources} paths? hm.)
def dependentJars = {
val jars =
publicClasspath +++ mainDependencies.scalaJars --- mainCompilePath --- mainResourcesOutputPath
if (jars.get.find { jar => jar.name.startsWith("scala-library-") }.isDefined) {
// workaround bug in sbt: if the compiler is explicitly included, don't include 2 versions
// of the library.
jars --- jars.filter { jar =>
jar.absolutePath.contains("/boot/") && jar.name == "scala-library.jar"
} else {
def dependentJarNames = dependentJars.getFiles.map(_.getName).filter(_.endsWith(".jar"))
override def manifestClassPath = Some(dependentJarNames.map { "libs/" + _ }.mkString(" "))
def distName = (artifactID + "-" + projectVersion.value)
def distPath = "dist" / distName ##
def configPath = "config" ##
def configOutputPath = distPath / "config"
def binPath = "bin" ##
def binOutputPath = distPath / "bin"
def distZipName = {
"%s-%s.zip".format(artifactID, projectVersion.value)
lazy val packageDistTask = task {
(distPath / "libs").asFile.mkdirs()
FileUtilities.copyFlat(List(jarPath), distPath, log).left.toOption orElse
FileUtilities.copyFlat(dependentJars.get, distPath / "libs", log).left.toOption orElse
FileUtilities.copy((configPath ***).get, configOutputPath, log).left.toOption orElse
FileUtilities.copy((binPath ***).get, binOutputPath, log).left.toOption orElse
FileUtilities.zip((("dist" / distName) ##).get, "dist" / distZipName, true, log)
val PackageDistDescription = "Creates a deployable zip file with dependencies, config, and scripts."
lazy val packageDist = packageDistTask dependsOn(`package`, `test`) describedAs PackageDistDescription
val cleanDist = cleanTask("dist" ##) describedAs("Erase any packaged distributions.")
override def cleanAction = super.cleanAction dependsOn(cleanDist)
override def javaCompileOptions = super.javaCompileOptions ++
List(JavaCompileOption("-source"), JavaCompileOption("1.5"))
override def packageAction = super.packageAction dependsOn (testCompileAction, packageTestAction)
class KafkaPerfProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
with IdeaProject
with CoreDependencies {
val perfPackageAction = packageAllAction
val dependsOnCore = core
//The issue is going from log4j 1.2.14 to 1.2.15, the developers added some features which required
// some dependencies on various sun and javax packages.
override def ivyXML =
override def artifactID = "kafka-perf"
override def filterScalaJars = false
override def javaCompileOptions = super.javaCompileOptions ++
class KafkaExamplesProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
with IdeaProject
with CoreDependencies {
val examplesPackageAction = packageAllAction
val dependsOnCore = core
//The issue is going from log4j 1.2.14 to 1.2.15, the developers added some features which required
// some dependencies on various sun and javax packages.
override def ivyXML =
override def artifactID = "kafka-java-examples"
override def filterScalaJars = false
override def javaCompileOptions = super.javaCompileOptions ++
class ContribProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends ParentProject(info) with IdeaProject {
lazy val hadoopProducer = project("hadoop-producer", "hadoop producer",
new HadoopProducerProject(_), core)
lazy val hadoopConsumer = project("hadoop-consumer", "hadoop consumer",
new HadoopConsumerProject(_), core)
val producerPackageAction = hadoopProducer.producerPackageAction
val consumerPackageAction = hadoopConsumer.consumerPackageAction
class HadoopProducerProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
with IdeaProject
with CoreDependencies with HadoopDependencies {
val producerPackageAction = packageAllAction
override def ivyXML =
class HadoopConsumerProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
with IdeaProject
with CoreDependencies {
val consumerPackageAction = packageAllAction
override def ivyXML =
val jodaTime = "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "1.6"
trait TestDependencies {
val easymock = "org.easymock" % "easymock" % "3.0" % "test"
val junit = "junit" % "junit" % "4.1" % "test"
val scalaTest = "org.scalatest" % "scalatest" % "1.2" % "test"
trait CoreDependencies {
val log4j = "log4j" % "log4j" % "1.2.15"
val jopt = "net.sf.jopt-simple" % "jopt-simple" % "3.2"
val slf4jSimple = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.6.4"
trait HadoopDependencies {
val avro = "org.apache.avro" % "avro" % "1.4.0"
val commonsLogging = "commons-logging" % "commons-logging" % "1.0.4"
val jacksonCore = "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-core-asl" % "1.5.5"
val jacksonMapper = "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-mapper-asl" % "1.5.5"
val hadoop = "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-core" % "0.20.2"
trait CompressionDependencies {
val snappy = "org.xerial.snappy" % "snappy-java" % ""