#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import sys import os import time import datetime import tempfile import commands from jira.client import JIRA def get_jira(): options = { 'server': 'https://issues.apache.org/jira' } # read the config file home=jira_home=os.getenv('HOME') home=home.rstrip('/') jira_config = dict(line.strip().split('=') for line in open(home + '/jira.ini')) jira = JIRA(options,basic_auth=(jira_config['user'], jira_config['password'])) return jira def cmd_exists(cmd): status, result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) return status def main(): ''' main(), shut up, pylint ''' popt = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Kafka patch review tool') popt.add_argument('-b', '--branch', action='store', dest='branch', required=True, help='Tracking branch to create diff against') popt.add_argument('-j', '--jira', action='store', dest='jira', required=True, help='JIRA corresponding to the reviewboard') popt.add_argument('-s', '--summary', action='store', dest='summary', required=False, help='Summary for the reviewboard') popt.add_argument('-d', '--description', action='store', dest='description', required=False, help='Description for reviewboard') popt.add_argument('-r', '--rb', action='store', dest='reviewboard', required=False, help='Review board that needs to be updated') popt.add_argument('-t', '--testing-done', action='store', dest='testing', required=False, help='Text for the Testing Done section of the reviewboard') popt.add_argument('-db', '--debug', action='store_true', required=False, help='Enable debug mode') opt = popt.parse_args() post_review_tool = None if (cmd_exists("post-review") == 0): post_review_tool = "post-review" elif (cmd_exists("rbt") == 0): post_review_tool = "rbt post" else: print "please install RBTools" sys.exit(1) patch_file=tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + opt.jira + ".patch" if opt.reviewboard: ts = time.time() st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') patch_file=tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + opt.jira + '_' + st + '.patch' # first check if rebase is needed git_branch_hash="git rev-parse " + opt.branch p_now=os.popen(git_branch_hash) branch_now=p_now.read() p_now.close() git_common_ancestor="git merge-base " + opt.branch + " HEAD" p_then=os.popen(git_common_ancestor) branch_then=p_then.read() p_then.close() if branch_now != branch_then: print 'ERROR: Your current working branch is from an older version of ' + opt.branch + '. Please rebase first by using git pull --rebase' sys.exit(1) git_configure_reviewboard="git config reviewboard.url https://reviews.apache.org" print "Configuring reviewboard url to https://reviews.apache.org" p=os.popen(git_configure_reviewboard) p.close() git_remote_update="git remote update" print "Updating your remote branches to pull the latest changes" p=os.popen(git_remote_update) p.close() rb_command= post_review_tool + " --publish --tracking-branch " + opt.branch + " --target-groups=kafka --bugs-closed=" + opt.jira if opt.debug: rb_command=rb_command + " --debug" summary="Patch for " + opt.jira if opt.summary: summary=opt.summary rb_command=rb_command + " --summary \"" + summary + "\"" if opt.description: rb_command=rb_command + " --description \"" + opt.description + "\"" if opt.reviewboard: rb_command=rb_command + " -r " + opt.reviewboard if opt.testing: rb_command=rb_command + " --testing-done=" + opt.testing if opt.debug: print rb_command p=os.popen(rb_command) rb_url="" for line in p: print line if line.startswith('http'): rb_url = line elif line.startswith("There don't seem to be any diffs"): print 'ERROR: Your reviewboard was not created/updated since there was no diff to upload. The reasons that can cause this issue are 1) Your diff is not checked into your local branch. Please check in the diff to the local branch and retry 2) You are not specifying the local branch name as part of the --branch option. Please specify the remote branch name obtained from git branch -r' p.close() sys.exit(1) elif line.startswith("Your review request still exists, but the diff is not attached") and not opt.debug: print 'ERROR: Your reviewboard was not created/updated. Please run the script with the --debug option to troubleshoot the problem' p.close() sys.exit(1) if p.close() != None: print 'ERROR: reviewboard update failed. Exiting.' sys.exit(1) if opt.debug: print 'rb url=',rb_url git_command="git format-patch " + opt.branch + " --stdout > " + patch_file if opt.debug: print git_command p=os.popen(git_command) p.close() print 'Creating diff against', opt.branch, 'and uploading patch to JIRA',opt.jira jira=get_jira() issue = jira.issue(opt.jira) attachment=open(patch_file) jira.add_attachment(issue,attachment) attachment.close() comment="Created reviewboard " if not opt.reviewboard: print 'Created a new reviewboard',rb_url, else: print 'Updated reviewboard',rb_url comment="Updated reviewboard " comment = comment + rb_url + ' against branch ' + opt.branch jira.add_comment(opt.jira, comment) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())