Mirror of Apache Kafka
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

638 lines
23 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ===================================
# system_test_utils.py
# ===================================
import copy
import difflib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
logger = logging.getLogger("namedLogger")
aLogger = logging.getLogger("anonymousLogger")
thisClassName = '(system_test_utils)'
d = {'name_of_class': thisClassName}
def get_current_unix_timestamp():
ts = time.time()
return "{0:.6f}".format(ts)
def get_local_hostname():
return socket.gethostname()
def sys_call(cmdStr):
output = ""
#logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmdStr, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
output += line
return output
def remote_async_sys_call(host, cmd):
cmdStr = "ssh " + host + " \"" + cmd + "\""
logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def remote_sys_call(host, cmd):
cmdStr = "ssh " + host + " \"" + cmd + "\""
logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def get_dir_paths_with_prefix(fullPath, dirNamePrefix):
dirsList = []
for dirName in os.listdir(fullPath):
if not os.path.isfile(dirName) and dirName.startswith(dirNamePrefix):
dirsList.append(os.path.abspath(fullPath + "/" + dirName))
return dirsList
def get_testcase_prop_json_pathname(testcasePathName):
testcaseDirName = os.path.basename(testcasePathName)
return testcasePathName + "/" + testcaseDirName + "_properties.json"
def get_json_list_data(infile):
json_file_str = open(infile, "r").read()
json_data = json.loads(json_file_str)
data_list = []
for key,settings in json_data.items():
if type(settings) == list:
for setting in settings:
if type(setting) == dict:
kv_dict = {}
for k,v in setting.items():
kv_dict[k] = v
return data_list
def get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(listOfDicts, lookupKey, lookupVal):
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '0', 'role': 'zookeeper', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '1', 'role': 'broker', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# Usage:
# 1. get_data_from_list_of_dicts(self.clusterConfigsList, "entity_id", "0", "role")
# returns:
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '0', 'role': 'zookeeper', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# 2. get_data_from_list_of_dicts(self.clusterConfigsList, None, None, "role")
# returns:
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '0', 'role': 'zookeeper', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '1', 'role': 'broker', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
retList = []
if ( lookupVal is None or lookupKey is None ):
for dict in listOfDicts:
for k,v in dict.items():
if ( k == fieldToRetrieve ): # match with fieldToRetrieve ONLY
retList.append( dict )
for dict in listOfDicts:
for k,v in dict.items():
if ( k == lookupKey and v == lookupVal ): # match with lookupKey and lookupVal
retList.append( dict )
return retList
def get_data_from_list_of_dicts(listOfDicts, lookupKey, lookupVal, fieldToRetrieve):
# Sample List of Dicts:
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '0', 'role': 'zookeeper', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# {'kafka_home': '/mnt/u001/kafka_0.8_sanity', 'entity_id': '1', 'role': 'broker', 'hostname': 'localhost'}
# Usage:
# 1. get_data_from_list_of_dicts(self.clusterConfigsList, "entity_id", "0", "role")
# => returns ['zookeeper']
# 2. get_data_from_list_of_dicts(self.clusterConfigsList, None, None, "role")
# => returns ['zookeeper', 'broker']
retList = []
if ( lookupVal is None or lookupKey is None ):
for dict in listOfDicts:
for k,v in dict.items():
if ( k == fieldToRetrieve ): # match with fieldToRetrieve ONLY
retList.append( dict[fieldToRetrieve] )
logger.debug("field not found: " + fieldToRetrieve, extra=d)
for dict in listOfDicts:
for k,v in dict.items():
if ( k == lookupKey and v == lookupVal ): # match with lookupKey and lookupVal
retList.append( dict[fieldToRetrieve] )
logger.debug("field not found: " + fieldToRetrieve, extra=d)
return retList
def get_data_by_lookup_keyval(listOfDict, lookupKey, lookupVal, fieldToRetrieve):
returnValue = ""
returnValuesList = get_data_from_list_of_dicts(listOfDict, lookupKey, lookupVal, fieldToRetrieve)
if len(returnValuesList) > 0:
returnValue = returnValuesList[0]
return returnValue
def get_json_dict_data(infile):
json_file_str = open(infile, "r").read()
json_data = json.loads(json_file_str)
data_dict = {}
for key,val in json_data.items():
if ( type(val) != list ):
data_dict[key] = val
return data_dict
def get_remote_child_processes(hostname, pid):
pidStack = []
cmdList = ['''ssh ''' + hostname,
''''pid=''' + pid + '''; prev_pid=""; echo $pid;''',
'''while [[ "x$pid" != "x" ]];''',
'''do prev_pid=$pid;''',
''' for child in $(ps -o pid,ppid ax | awk "{ if ( \$2 == $pid ) { print \$1 }}");''',
''' do echo $child; pid=$child;''',
''' done;''',
''' if [ $prev_pid == $pid ]; then''',
''' break;''',
''' fi;''',
'''done' 2> /dev/null''']
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr, extra=d)
subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmdStr, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
procId = line.rstrip('\n')
return pidStack
def get_child_processes(pid):
pidStack = []
currentPid = pid
parentPid = ""
while ( len(currentPid) > 0 ):
psCommand = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %s --noheaders" % currentPid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
psOutput = psCommand.stdout.read()
outputLine = psOutput.rstrip('\n')
childPid = outputLine.lstrip()
if ( len(childPid) > 0 ):
currentPid = childPid
return pidStack
def sigterm_remote_process(hostname, pidStack):
while ( len(pidStack) > 0 ):
pid = pidStack.pop()
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'kill -15 " + pid + "'"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
print "WARN - pid:",pid,"not found"
def sigkill_remote_process(hostname, pidStack):
while ( len(pidStack) > 0 ):
pid = pidStack.pop()
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'kill -9 " + pid + "'"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
print "WARN - pid:",pid,"not found"
def simulate_garbage_collection_pause_in_remote_process(hostname, pidStack, pauseTimeInSeconds):
pausedPidStack = []
# pause the processes
while len(pidStack) > 0:
pid = pidStack.pop()
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'kill -SIGSTOP " + pid + "'"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
print "WARN - pid:",pid,"not found"
# resume execution of the processes
while len(pausedPidStack) > 0:
pid = pausedPidStack.pop()
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'kill -SIGCONT " + pid + "'"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
print "WARN - pid:",pid,"not found"
def terminate_process(pidStack):
while ( len(pidStack) > 0 ):
pid = pidStack.pop()
os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
print "WARN - pid:",pid,"not found"
def convert_keyval_to_cmd_args(configFilePathname):
cmdArg = ""
inlines = open(configFilePathname, "r").readlines()
for inline in inlines:
line = inline.rstrip()
tokens = line.split('=', 1)
if (len(tokens) == 2):
cmdArg = cmdArg + " --" + tokens[0] + " " + tokens[1]
elif (len(tokens) == 1):
cmdArg = cmdArg + " --" + tokens[0]
print "ERROR: unexpected arguments list", line
return cmdArg
def async_sys_call(cmd_str):
subprocess.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def sys_call_return_subproc(cmd_str):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return p
def remote_host_file_exists(hostname, pathname):
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'ls " + pathname + "'"
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if "No such file or directory" in line:
return False
return True
def remote_host_directory_exists(hostname, path):
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'ls -d " + path + "'"
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if "No such file or directory" in line:
return False
return True
def remote_host_processes_stopped(hostname):
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + \
" \"ps auxw | grep -v grep | grep -v Bootstrap | grep -i 'java\|run\-\|producer\|consumer\|jmxtool\|kafka' | wc -l\" 2> /dev/null"
logger.info("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
line = line.rstrip('\n')
logger.info("no. of running processes found : [" + line + "]", extra=d)
if line == '0':
return True
return False
def setup_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv):
# sanity check on remote hosts to make sure:
# - all directories (eg. java_home) specified in cluster_config.json exists in all hosts
# - no conflicting running processes in remote hosts
aLogger.info("setting up remote hosts ...")
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
localKafkaHome = os.path.abspath(systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/..")
# when configuring "default" java_home, use JAVA_HOME environment variable, if exists
# otherwise, use the directory with the java binary
localJavaHome = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
if localJavaHome is not None:
localJavaBin = localJavaHome + '/bin/java'
subproc = sys_call_return_subproc("which java")
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if line.startswith("which: no "):
logger.error("No Java binary found in local host", extra=d)
return False
line = line.rstrip('\n')
localJavaBin = line
matchObj = re.match("(.*)\/bin\/java$", line)
localJavaHome = matchObj.group(1)
listIndex = -1
for clusterEntityConfigDict in clusterEntityConfigDictList:
listIndex += 1
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
kafkaHome = clusterEntityConfigDict["kafka_home"]
javaHome = clusterEntityConfigDict["java_home"]
if hostname == "localhost" and javaHome == "default":
clusterEntityConfigDictList[listIndex]["java_home"] = localJavaHome
if hostname == "localhost" and kafkaHome == "default":
clusterEntityConfigDictList[listIndex]["kafka_home"] = localKafkaHome
if hostname == "localhost" and kafkaHome == "system_test/migration_tool_testsuite/0.7":
clusterEntityConfigDictList[listIndex]["kafka_home"] = localKafkaHome + "/system_test/migration_tool_testsuite/0.7"
kafkaHome = clusterEntityConfigDict["kafka_home"]
javaHome = clusterEntityConfigDict["java_home"]
logger.debug("checking java binary [" + localJavaBin + "] in host [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
if not remote_host_directory_exists(hostname, javaHome):
logger.error("Directory not found: [" + javaHome + "] in host [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
return False
logger.debug("checking directory [" + kafkaHome + "] in host [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
if not remote_host_directory_exists(hostname, kafkaHome):
logger.info("Directory not found: [" + kafkaHome + "] in host [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
if hostname == "localhost":
return False
localKafkaSourcePath = systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/.."
logger.debug("copying local copy of [" + localKafkaSourcePath + "] to " + hostname + ":" + kafkaHome, extra=d)
copy_source_to_remote_hosts(hostname, localKafkaSourcePath, kafkaHome)
return True
def copy_source_to_remote_hosts(hostname, sourceDir, destDir):
cmdStr = "rsync -avz --delete-before " + sourceDir + "/ " + hostname + ":" + destDir
logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
dummyVar = 1
def remove_kafka_home_dir_at_remote_hosts(hostname, kafkaHome):
if remote_host_file_exists(hostname, kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"):
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'chmod -R 777 " + kafkaHome + "'"
logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'rm -rf " + kafkaHome + "'"
logger.info("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
logger.warn("possible destructive command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
logger.warn("check config file: system_test/cluster_config.properties", extra=d)
logger.warn("aborting test...", extra=d)
def get_md5_for_file(filePathName, blockSize=8192):
md5 = hashlib.md5()
f = open(filePathName, 'rb')
while True:
data = f.read(blockSize)
if not data:
return md5.digest()
def load_cluster_config(clusterConfigPathName, clusterEntityConfigDictList):
# empty the list
clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# retrieve each entity's data from cluster config json file
# as "dict" and enter them into a "list"
jsonFileContent = open(clusterConfigPathName, "r").read()
jsonData = json.loads(jsonFileContent)
for key, cfgList in jsonData.items():
if key == "cluster_config":
for cfg in cfgList:
def setup_remote_hosts_with_testcase_level_cluster_config(systemTestEnv, testCasePathName):
# =======================================================================
# starting a new testcase, check for local cluster_config.json
# =======================================================================
# 1. if there is a xxxx_testsuite/testcase_xxxx/cluster_config.json
# => load it into systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
# 2. if there is NO testcase_xxxx/cluster_config.json but has a xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.json
# => retore systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestSuite
# 3. if there is NO testcase_xxxx/cluster_config.json NOR xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.json
# => restore system_test/cluster_config.json
testCaseLevelClusterConfigPathName = testCasePathName + "/cluster_config.json"
if os.path.isfile(testCaseLevelClusterConfigPathName):
# if there is a cluster_config.json in this directory, load it and use it for this testsuite
logger.info("found a new cluster_config : " + testCaseLevelClusterConfigPathName, extra=d)
# empty the current cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# load the cluster config for this testcase level
load_cluster_config(testCaseLevelClusterConfigPathName, systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList)
# back up this testcase level cluster config
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestCase = copy.deepcopy(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList)
elif len(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestSuite) > 0:
# if there is NO testcase_xxxx/cluster_config.json, but has a xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.json
# => restore the config in xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.json
# empty the current cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# restore the system_test/cluster_config.json
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList = copy.deepcopy(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestSuite)
# if there is NONE, restore the config in system_test/cluster_config.json
# empty the current cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# restore the system_test/cluster_config.json
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList = copy.deepcopy(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListInSystemTestLevel)
# set up remote hosts
if not setup_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv):
logger.error("Remote hosts sanity check failed. Aborting test ...", extra=d)
def setup_remote_hosts_with_testsuite_level_cluster_config(systemTestEnv, testModulePathName):
# =======================================================================
# starting a new testsuite, check for local cluster_config.json:
# =======================================================================
# 1. if there is a xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.son
# => load it into systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
# 2. if there is NO xxxx_testsuite/cluster_config.son
# => restore system_test/cluster_config.json
testSuiteLevelClusterConfigPathName = testModulePathName + "/cluster_config.json"
if os.path.isfile(testSuiteLevelClusterConfigPathName):
# if there is a cluster_config.json in this directory, load it and use it for this testsuite
logger.info("found a new cluster_config : " + testSuiteLevelClusterConfigPathName, extra=d)
# empty the current cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# load the cluster config for this testsuite level
load_cluster_config(testSuiteLevelClusterConfigPathName, systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList)
# back up this testsuite level cluster config
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestSuite = copy.deepcopy(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList)
# if there is NONE, restore the config in system_test/cluster_config.json
# empty the last testsuite level cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListLastFoundInTestSuite[:] = []
# empty the current cluster config list
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList[:] = []
# restore the system_test/cluster_config.json
systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList = copy.deepcopy(systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictListInSystemTestLevel)
# set up remote hosts
if not setup_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv):
logger.error("Remote hosts sanity check failed. Aborting test ...", extra=d)
# =================================================
# lists_diff_count
# - find the no. of different items in both lists
# - both lists need not be sorted
# - input lists won't be changed
# =================================================
def lists_diff_count(a, b):
c = list(b)
d = []
for item in a:
if len(d) > 0:
print "#### Mismatch MessageID"
print d
return len(c) + len(d)
# =================================================
# subtract_list
# - subtract items in listToSubtract from mainList
# and return the resulting list
# - both lists need not be sorted
# - input lists won't be changed
# =================================================
def subtract_list(mainList, listToSubtract):
remainingList = list(mainList)
for item in listToSubtract:
return remainingList
# =================================================
# diff_lists
# - find the diff of 2 lists and return the
# total no. of mismatch from both lists
# - diff of both lists includes:
# - no. of items mismatch
# - ordering of the items
# sample lists:
# a = ['8','4','3','2','1']
# b = ['8','3','4','2','1']
# difflib will return the following:
# 8
# + 3
# 4
# - 3
# 2
# 1
# diff_lists(a,b) returns 2 and prints the following:
# #### only in seq 2 : + 3
# #### only in seq 1 : - 3
# =================================================
def diff_lists(a, b):
mismatchCount = 0
d = difflib.Differ()
diff = d.compare(a,b)
for item in diff:
result = item[0:1].strip()
if len(result) > 0:
mismatchCount += 1
if '-' in result:
logger.debug("#### only in seq 1 : " + item, extra=d)
elif '+' in result:
logger.debug("#### only in seq 2 : " + item, extra=d)
return mismatchCount