Mirror of Apache Kafka
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1736 lines
89 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ===================================
# kafka_system_test_utils.py
# ===================================
import datetime
import getpass
import hashlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import thread
import time
import traceback
import system_test_utils
import metrics
from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime
# ====================================================================
# Two logging formats are defined in system_test/system_test_runner.py
# ====================================================================
# 1. "namedLogger" is defined to log message in this format:
# "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s %(name_of_class)s"
# usage: to log message and showing the class name of the message
logger = logging.getLogger("namedLogger")
thisClassName = '(kafka_system_test_utils)'
d = {'name_of_class': thisClassName}
# 2. "anonymousLogger" is defined to log message in this format:
# "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
# usage: to log message without showing class name and it's appropriate
# for logging generic message such as "sleeping for 5 seconds"
anonLogger = logging.getLogger("anonymousLogger")
# =====================================
# Sample usage of getting testcase env
# =====================================
def get_testcase_env(testcaseEnv):
anonLogger.info("systemTestBaseDir : " + testcaseEnv.systemTestBaseDir)
anonLogger.info("testSuiteBaseDir : " + testcaseEnv.testSuiteBaseDir)
anonLogger.info("testCaseBaseDir : " + testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir)
anonLogger.info("testCaseLogsDir : " + testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir)
anonLogger.info("userDefinedEnvVarDict : (testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict)")
def get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entityId, type):
defaultLogDir = testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir + "/" + role + "-" + entityId
# type is either "metrics" or "dashboards" or "default"
if type == "metrics":
return testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir + "/" + role + "-" + entityId + "/metrics"
elif type == "log_segments" :
return testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir + "/" + role + "-" + entityId + "/log_segments"
elif type == "default" :
return testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir + "/" + role + "-" + entityId
elif type == "dashboards":
return testcaseEnv.testCaseLogsDir + "/dashboards"
elif type == "config":
return testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir + "/config"
logger.error("unrecognized log directory type : " + type, extra=d)
logger.error("returning default log dir : " + defaultLogDir, extra=d)
return defaultLogDir
def generate_testcase_log_dirs(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
testcasePathName = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
logger.debug("testcase pathname: " + testcasePathName, extra=d)
if not os.path.exists(testcasePathName + "/config") : os.makedirs(testcasePathName + "/config")
if not os.path.exists(testcasePathName + "/logs") : os.makedirs(testcasePathName + "/logs")
if not os.path.exists(testcasePathName + "/dashboards") : os.makedirs(testcasePathName + "/dashboards")
dashboardsPathName = testcasePathName + "/dashboards"
if not os.path.exists(dashboardsPathName) : os.makedirs(dashboardsPathName)
for clusterEntityConfigDict in systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList:
entityId = clusterEntityConfigDict["entity_id"]
role = clusterEntityConfigDict["role"]
metricsPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entityId, "metrics")
if not os.path.exists(metricsPathName) : os.makedirs(metricsPathName)
# create the role directory under dashboards
dashboardsRoleDir = dashboardsPathName + "/" + role
if not os.path.exists(dashboardsRoleDir) : os.makedirs(dashboardsRoleDir)
def collect_logs_from_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
anonLogger.info("collecting logs from remote machines")
testCaseBaseDir = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
tcConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
for clusterEntityConfigDict in systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList:
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
entity_id = clusterEntityConfigDict["entity_id"]
role = clusterEntityConfigDict["role"]
logger.debug("entity_id : " + entity_id, extra=d)
logger.debug("hostname : " + hostname, extra=d)
logger.debug("role : " + role, extra=d)
configPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "config")
metricsPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "metrics")
logPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "default")
# ==============================
# collect entity log file
# ==============================
cmdList = ["scp",
hostname + ":" + logPathName + "/*",
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
# ==============================
# collect entity metrics file
# ==============================
cmdList = ["scp",
hostname + ":" + metricsPathName + "/*",
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
# ==============================
# collect broker log segment file
# ==============================
if role == "broker":
dataLogPathName = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entity_id, "log.dir")
cmdList = ["scp -r",
hostname + ":" + dataLogPathName,
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
# ==============================
# collect dashboards file
# ==============================
dashboardsPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "dashboards")
cmdList = ["scp",
hostname + ":" + dashboardsPathName + "/*",
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def generate_testcase_log_dirs_in_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
testCaseBaseDir = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
for clusterEntityConfigDict in systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList:
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
entity_id = clusterEntityConfigDict["entity_id"]
role = clusterEntityConfigDict["role"]
logger.debug("entity_id : " + entity_id, extra=d)
logger.debug("hostname : " + hostname, extra=d)
logger.debug("role : " + role, extra=d)
configPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "config")
metricsPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "metrics")
dashboardsPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity_id, "dashboards")
cmdList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"'mkdir -p",
dashboardsPathName + "'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def init_entity_props(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterConfigsList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
testcasePathName = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
# consumer config / log files location
consEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
clusterConfigsList, "role", "console_consumer", "entity_id")
consLogList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", consEntityIdList[0], "log_filename")
consLogPathname = testcasePathName + "/logs/" + consLogList[0]
consCfgList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", consEntityIdList[0], "config_filename")
consCfgPathname = testcasePathName + "/config/" + consCfgList[0]
# producer config / log files location
prodEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
clusterConfigsList, "role", "producer_performance", "entity_id")
prodLogList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", prodEntityIdList[0], "log_filename")
prodLogPathname = testcasePathName + "/logs/" + prodLogList[0]
prodCfgList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", prodEntityIdList[0], "config_filename")
prodCfgPathname = testcasePathName + "/config/" + prodCfgList[0]
logger.error("Failed to initialize entity config/log path names: possibly mismatched " \
+ "number of entities in cluster_config.json & testcase_n_properties.json", extra=d)
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["consumerLogPathName"] = consLogPathname
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["consumerConfigPathName"] = consCfgPathname
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["producerLogPathName"] = prodLogPathname
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["producerConfigPathName"] = prodCfgPathname
def copy_file_with_dict_values(srcFile, destFile, dictObj, keyValToAddDict):
infile = open(srcFile, "r")
inlines = infile.readlines()
outfile = open(destFile, 'w')
for line in inlines:
for key in dictObj.keys():
if (line.startswith(key + "=")):
line = key + "=" + dictObj[key] + "\n"
if (keyValToAddDict is not None):
for key in sorted(keyValToAddDict.iterkeys()):
line = key + "=" + keyValToAddDict[key] + "\n"
def generate_overriden_props_files(testsuitePathname, testcaseEnv, systemTestEnv):
logger.info("calling generate_properties_files", extra=d)
clusterConfigsList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
tcPathname = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
tcConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
cfgTemplatePathname = os.path.abspath(testsuitePathname + "/config")
cfgDestPathname = os.path.abspath(tcPathname + "/config")
logger.info("config template (source) pathname : " + cfgTemplatePathname, extra=d)
logger.info("testcase config (dest) pathname : " + cfgDestPathname, extra=d)
# loop through all zookeepers (if more than 1) to retrieve host and clientPort
# to construct a zk.connect str for broker in the form of:
# zk.connect=<host1>:<port1>,<host2>:<port2>,...
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"] = ""
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"] = ""
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkEntityIdList"] = []
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkEntityIdList"] = []
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkHostPortDict"] = {}
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkHostPortDict"] = {}
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerEntityIdList"] = []
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerEntityIdList"] = []
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"] = ""
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"] = ""
# update zookeeper cluster info into "testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict"
zkDictList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigsList, "role", "zookeeper")
for zkDict in zkDictList:
entityID = zkDict["entity_id"]
hostname = zkDict["hostname"]
clusterName = zkDict["cluster_name"]
clientPortList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(tcConfigsList, "entity_id", entityID, "clientPort")
clientPort = clientPortList[0]
if clusterName == "source":
# update source cluster zookeeper entities
if ( len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"]) == 0 ):
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"] = hostname + ":" + clientPort
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"] += "," + hostname + ":" + clientPort
# generate these strings for zookeeper config:
# server.1=host1:2180:2182
# server.2=host2:2180:2182
zkClusterSize = len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkHostPortDict"])
zkClusterId = str(zkClusterSize + 1)
key = "server." + zkClusterId
val = hostname + ":" + str(int(clientPort) - 1) + ":" + str(int(clientPort) + 1)
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkHostPortDict"][key] = val
elif clusterName == "target":
# update target cluster zookeeper entities
if ( len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"]) == 0 ):
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"] = hostname + ":" + clientPort
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"] += "," + hostname + ":" + clientPort
# generate these strings for zookeeper config:
# server.1=host1:2180:2182
# server.2=host2:2180:2182
zkClusterSize = len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkHostPortDict"])
zkClusterId = str(zkClusterSize + 1)
key = "server." + zkClusterId
val = hostname + ":" + str(int(clientPort) - 1) + ":" + str(int(clientPort) + 1)
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkHostPortDict"][key] = val
logger.error("Invalid cluster name: " + clusterName, extra=d)
raise Exception("Invalid cluster name : " + clusterName)
# update broker cluster info into "testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict"
brokerDictList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigsList, "role", "broker")
for brokerDict in brokerDictList:
entityID = brokerDict["entity_id"]
hostname = brokerDict["hostname"]
clusterName = brokerDict["cluster_name"]
portList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(tcConfigsList, "entity_id", entityID, "port")
port = portList[0]
if clusterName == "source":
if ( len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"]) == 0 ):
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"] = hostname + ":" + port
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"] += "," + hostname + ":" + port
elif clusterName == "target":
if ( len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"]) == 0 ):
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"] = hostname + ":" + port
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"] += "," + hostname + ":" + port
logger.error("Invalid cluster name: " + clusterName, extra=d)
raise Exception("Invalid cluster name : " + clusterName)
# for each entity in the cluster config
for clusterCfg in clusterConfigsList:
cl_entity_id = clusterCfg["entity_id"]
# loop through testcase config list 'tcConfigsList' for a matching cluster entity_id
for tcCfg in tcConfigsList:
if (tcCfg["entity_id"] == cl_entity_id):
# copy the associated .properties template, update values, write to testcase_<xxx>/config
if ( clusterCfg["role"] == "broker" ):
if clusterCfg["cluster_name"] == "source":
tcCfg["zk.connect"] = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"]
elif clusterCfg["cluster_name"] == "target":
tcCfg["zk.connect"] = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"]
logger.error("Unknown cluster name: " + clusterName, extra=d)
addedCSVConfig = {}
addedCSVConfig["kafka.csv.metrics.dir"] = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "broker", clusterCfg["entity_id"], "metrics")
addedCSVConfig["kafka.metrics.polling.interval.secs"] = "5"
addedCSVConfig["kafka.metrics.reporters"] = "kafka.metrics.KafkaCSVMetricsReporter"
addedCSVConfig["kafka.csv.metrics.reporter.enabled"] = "true"
copy_file_with_dict_values(cfgTemplatePathname + "/server.properties",
cfgDestPathname + "/" + tcCfg["config_filename"], tcCfg, addedCSVConfig)
elif ( clusterCfg["role"] == "zookeeper"):
if clusterCfg["cluster_name"] == "source":
copy_file_with_dict_values(cfgTemplatePathname + "/zookeeper.properties",
cfgDestPathname + "/" + tcCfg["config_filename"], tcCfg,
elif clusterCfg["cluster_name"] == "target":
copy_file_with_dict_values(cfgTemplatePathname + "/zookeeper.properties",
cfgDestPathname + "/" + tcCfg["config_filename"], tcCfg,
logger.error("Unknown cluster name: " + clusterName, extra=d)
elif ( clusterCfg["role"] == "mirror_maker"):
tcCfg["broker.list"] = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"]
copy_file_with_dict_values(cfgTemplatePathname + "/mirror_producer.properties",
cfgDestPathname + "/" + tcCfg["mirror_producer_config_filename"], tcCfg, None)
# update zk.connect with the zk entities specified in cluster_config.json
tcCfg["zk.connect"] = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"]
copy_file_with_dict_values(cfgTemplatePathname + "/mirror_consumer.properties",
cfgDestPathname + "/" + tcCfg["mirror_consumer_config_filename"], tcCfg, None)
logger.debug("UNHANDLED role " + clusterCfg["role"], extra=d)
# scp updated config files to remote hosts
scp_file_to_remote_host(clusterConfigsList, testcaseEnv)
def scp_file_to_remote_host(clusterEntityConfigDictList, testcaseEnv):
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
for clusterEntityConfigDict in clusterEntityConfigDictList:
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
testcasePathName = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
cmdStr = "scp " + testcasePathName + "/config/* " + hostname + ":" + testcasePathName + "/config"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def start_zookeepers(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
zkEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "zookeeper", "entity_id")
for zkEntityId in zkEntityIdList:
configPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "zookeeper", zkEntityId, "config")
configFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "config_filename")
clientPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "clientPort")
dataDir = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "dataDir")
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "hostname")
minusOnePort = str(int(clientPort) - 1)
plusOnePort = str(int(clientPort) + 1)
# read configFile to find out the id of the zk and create the file "myid"
infile = open(configPathName + "/" + configFile, "r")
inlines = infile.readlines()
for line in inlines:
if line.startswith("server.") and hostname + ":" + minusOnePort + ":" + plusOnePort in line:
# server.1=host1:2187:2189
matchObj = re.match("server\.(.*?)=.*", line)
zkServerId = matchObj.group(1)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'mkdir -p " + dataDir + "; echo " + zkServerId + " > " + dataDir + "/myid'"
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
pass # dummy loop to wait until producer is completed
start_entity_in_background(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, zkEntityId)
def start_brokers(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "broker", "entity_id")
for brokerEntityId in brokerEntityIdList:
start_entity_in_background(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, brokerEntityId)
def start_mirror_makers(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "mirror_maker", "entity_id")
for brokerEntityId in brokerEntityIdList:
start_entity_in_background(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, brokerEntityId)
def get_broker_shutdown_log_line(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, leaderAttributesDict):
logger.info("looking up broker shutdown...", extra=d)
# keep track of broker related data in this dict such as broker id,
# entity id and timestamp and return it to the caller function
shutdownBrokerDict = {}
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "broker", "entity_id")
for brokerEntityId in brokerEntityIdList:
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", brokerEntityId, "hostname")
logFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", brokerEntityId, "log_filename")
logPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "broker", brokerEntityId, "default")
cmdStrList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"\"grep -i -h '" + leaderAttributesDict["BROKER_SHUT_DOWN_COMPLETED_MSG"] + "' ",
logPathName + "/" + logFile + " | ",
"sort | tail -1\""]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdStrList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
line = line.rstrip('\n')
if leaderAttributesDict["BROKER_SHUT_DOWN_COMPLETED_MSG"] in line:
logger.debug("found the log line : " + line, extra=d)
matchObj = re.match(leaderAttributesDict["REGX_BROKER_SHUT_DOWN_COMPLETED_PATTERN"], line)
datetimeStr = matchObj.group(1)
datetimeObj = datetime.strptime(datetimeStr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f")
unixTs = time.mktime(datetimeObj.timetuple()) + 1e-6*datetimeObj.microsecond
#print "{0:.3f}".format(unixTs)
# update shutdownBrokerDict when
# 1. shutdownBrokerDict has no logline entry
# 2. shutdownBrokerDict has existing logline enty but found another logline with more recent timestamp
if (len(shutdownBrokerDict) > 0 and shutdownBrokerDict["timestamp"] < unixTs) or (len(shutdownBrokerDict) == 0):
shutdownBrokerDict["timestamp"] = unixTs
shutdownBrokerDict["brokerid"] = matchObj.group(2)
shutdownBrokerDict["hostname"] = hostname
shutdownBrokerDict["entity_id"] = brokerEntityId
logger.debug("brokerid: [" + shutdownBrokerDict["brokerid"] + \
"] entity_id: [" + shutdownBrokerDict["entity_id"] + "]", extra=d)
logger.error("ERROR [unable to find matching leader details: Has the matching pattern changed?]", extra=d)
return shutdownBrokerDict
def get_leader_elected_log_line(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, leaderAttributesDict):
logger.debug("looking up leader...", extra=d)
# keep track of leader related data in this dict such as broker id,
# entity id and timestamp and return it to the caller function
leaderDict = {}
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "broker", "entity_id")
for brokerEntityId in brokerEntityIdList:
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval( \
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", brokerEntityId, "hostname")
logFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval( \
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", brokerEntityId, "log_filename")
logPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "broker", brokerEntityId, "default")
cmdStrList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"\"grep -i -h '" + leaderAttributesDict["LEADER_ELECTION_COMPLETED_MSG"] + "' ",
logPathName + "/" + logFile + " | ",
"sort | tail -1\""]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdStrList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
line = line.rstrip('\n')
if leaderAttributesDict["LEADER_ELECTION_COMPLETED_MSG"] in line:
logger.debug("found the log line : " + line, extra=d)
matchObj = re.match(leaderAttributesDict["REGX_LEADER_ELECTION_PATTERN"], line)
datetimeStr = matchObj.group(1)
datetimeObj = datetime.strptime(datetimeStr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f")
unixTs = time.mktime(datetimeObj.timetuple()) + 1e-6*datetimeObj.microsecond
#print "{0:.3f}".format(unixTs)
# update leaderDict when
# 1. leaderDict has no logline entry
# 2. leaderDict has existing logline entry but found another logline with more recent timestamp
if (len(leaderDict) > 0 and leaderDict["timestamp"] < unixTs) or (len(leaderDict) == 0):
leaderDict["timestamp"] = unixTs
leaderDict["brokerid"] = matchObj.group(2)
leaderDict["topic"] = matchObj.group(3)
leaderDict["partition"] = matchObj.group(4)
leaderDict["entity_id"] = brokerEntityId
leaderDict["hostname"] = hostname
logger.debug("brokerid: [" + leaderDict["brokerid"] + "] entity_id: [" + leaderDict["entity_id"] + "]", extra=d)
logger.error("ERROR [unable to find matching leader details: Has the matching pattern changed?]", extra=d)
# logger.debug("unmatched line found [" + line + "]", extra=d)
return leaderDict
def start_entity_in_background(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, entityId):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
# cluster configurations:
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "hostname")
role = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "role")
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home")
jmxPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "jmx_port")
clusterName = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "cluster_name")
# testcase configurations:
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
clientPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "clientPort")
configFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "config_filename")
logFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "log_filename")
mmConsumerConfigFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId,
mmProducerConfigFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId,
logger.info("starting " + role + " in host [" + hostname + "] on client port [" + clientPort + "]", extra=d)
configPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entityId, "config")
logPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entityId, "default")
if role == "zookeeper":
cmdList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaHome + "/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh ",
configPathName + "/" + configFile + " &> ",
logPathName + "/" + logFile + " & echo pid:$! > ",
logPathName + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
elif role == "broker":
cmdList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.Kafka",
configPathName + "/" + configFile + " >> ",
logPathName + "/" + logFile + " & echo pid:$! > ",
logPathName + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
elif role == "mirror_maker":
cmdList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker",
"--consumer.config " + configPathName + "/" + mmConsumerConfigFile,
"--producer.config " + configPathName + "/" + mmProducerConfigFile,
"--whitelist=\".*\" >> ",
logPathName + "/" + logFile + " & echo pid:$! > ",
logPathName + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
pidCmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'cat " + logPathName + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid' 2> /dev/null"
logger.debug("executing command: [" + pidCmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(pidCmdStr)
# keep track of the remote entity pid in a dictionary
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if line.startswith("pid"):
line = line.rstrip('\n')
logger.debug("found pid line: [" + line + "]", extra=d)
tokens = line.split(':')
if role == "zookeeper":
testcaseEnv.entityZkParentPidDict[entityId] = tokens[1]
elif role == "broker":
testcaseEnv.entityBrokerParentPidDict[entityId] = tokens[1]
elif role == "mirror_maker":
testcaseEnv.entityMirrorMakerParentPidDict[entityId] = tokens[1]
def start_console_consumer(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
consumerConfigList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterList, "role", "console_consumer")
for consumerConfig in consumerConfigList:
host = consumerConfig["hostname"]
entityId = consumerConfig["entity_id"]
jmxPort = consumerConfig["jmx_port"]
role = consumerConfig["role"]
clusterName = consumerConfig["cluster_name"]
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterList, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home")
jmxPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterList, "entity_id", entityId, "jmx_port")
kafkaRunClassBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"
logger.info("starting console consumer", extra=d)
consumerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", entityId, "default")
consumerLogPathName = consumerLogPath + "/console_consumer.log"
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["consumerLogPathName"] = consumerLogPathName
# testcase configurations:
testcaseList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseList, "entity_id", entityId, "topic")
timeoutMs = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseList, "entity_id", entityId, "consumer-timeout-ms")
formatterOption = ""
formatterOption = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseList, "entity_id", entityId, "formatter")
if len(formatterOption) > 0:
formatterOption = " --formatter " + formatterOption + " "
zkConnectStr = ""
if clusterName == "source":
zkConnectStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"]
elif clusterName == "target":
zkConnectStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"]
logger.error("Invalid cluster name : " + clusterName, extra=d)
cmdList = ["ssh " + host,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaRunClassBin + " kafka.consumer.ConsoleConsumer",
"--zookeeper " + zkConnectStr,
"--topic " + topic,
"--consumer-timeout-ms " + timeoutMs,
"--metrics-dir " + get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", entityId, "metrics"),
"--from-beginning ",
" >> " + consumerLogPathName,
" & echo pid:$! > " + consumerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
pidCmdStr = "ssh " + host + " 'cat " + consumerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"
logger.debug("executing command: [" + pidCmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(pidCmdStr)
# keep track of the remote entity pid in a dictionary
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if line.startswith("pid"):
line = line.rstrip('\n')
logger.debug("found pid line: [" + line + "]", extra=d)
tokens = line.split(':')
testcaseEnv.consumerHostParentPidDict[host] = tokens[1]
def start_producer_performance(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, kafka07Client):
entityConfigList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
brokerListStr = ""
# construct "broker-list" for producer
for entityConfig in entityConfigList:
entityRole = entityConfig["role"]
if entityRole == "broker":
hostname = entityConfig["hostname"]
entityId = entityConfig["entity_id"]
port = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "port")
producerConfigList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(entityConfigList, "role", "producer_performance")
for producerConfig in producerConfigList:
host = producerConfig["hostname"]
entityId = producerConfig["entity_id"]
jmxPort = producerConfig["jmx_port"]
role = producerConfig["role"]
thread.start_new_thread(start_producer_in_thread, (testcaseEnv, entityConfigList, producerConfig, kafka07Client))
testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning += 1
logger.debug("testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning : " + str(testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning), extra=d)
def start_producer_in_thread(testcaseEnv, entityConfigList, producerConfig, kafka07Client):
host = producerConfig["hostname"]
entityId = producerConfig["entity_id"]
jmxPort = producerConfig["jmx_port"]
role = producerConfig["role"]
clusterName = producerConfig["cluster_name"]
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(entityConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(entityConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home")
jmxPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(entityConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "jmx_port")
kafkaRunClassBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"
# testcase configurations:
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "topic")
threads = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "threads")
compCodec = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "compression-codec")
messageSize = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "message-size")
noMsgPerBatch = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "message")
requestNumAcks = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "request-num-acks")
syncMode = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "sync")
retryBackoffMs = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "producer-retry-backoff-ms")
numOfRetries = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "producer-num-retries")
# for optional properties in testcase_xxxx_properties.json,
# check the length of returned value for those properties:
if len(retryBackoffMs) == 0: # no setting for "producer-retry-backoff-ms"
retryBackoffMs = "100" # default
if len(numOfRetries) == 0: # no setting for "producer-num-retries"
numOfRetries = "3" # default
brokerListStr = ""
if clusterName == "source":
brokerListStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"]
elif clusterName == "target":
brokerListStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"]
logger.error("Unknown cluster name: " + clusterName, extra=d)
logger.info("starting producer preformance", extra=d)
producerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "producer_performance", entityId, "default")
producerLogPathName = producerLogPath + "/producer_performance.log"
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["producerLogPathName"] = producerLogPathName
counter = 0
producerSleepSec = int(testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["sleep_seconds_between_producer_calls"])
boolArgumentsStr = ""
if syncMode.lower() == "true":
boolArgumentsStr = boolArgumentsStr + " --sync"
# keep calling producer until signaled to stop by:
# testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["stopBackgroundProducer"]
while 1:
logger.debug("calling testcaseEnv.lock.acquire()", extra=d)
if not testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["stopBackgroundProducer"]:
initMsgId = counter * int(noMsgPerBatch)
logger.info("#### [producer thread] status of stopBackgroundProducer : [False] => producing [" \
+ str(noMsgPerBatch) + "] messages with starting message id : [" + str(initMsgId) + "]", extra=d)
cmdList = ["ssh " + host,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaRunClassBin + " kafka.perf.ProducerPerformance",
"--broker-list " + brokerListStr,
"--initial-message-id " + str(initMsgId),
"--messages " + noMsgPerBatch,
"--topics " + topic,
"--threads " + threads,
"--compression-codec " + compCodec,
"--message-size " + messageSize,
"--request-num-acks " + requestNumAcks,
"--producer-retry-backoff-ms " + retryBackoffMs,
"--producer-num-retries " + numOfRetries,
"--metrics-dir " + get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "producer_performance", entityId, "metrics"),
" >> " + producerLogPathName,
" & echo pid:$! > " + producerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
if kafka07Client:
cmdList[:] = []
brokerInfoStr = ""
tokenList = brokerListStr.split(',')
index = 1
for token in tokenList:
if len(brokerInfoStr) == 0:
brokerInfoStr = str(index) + ":" + token
brokerInfoStr += "," + str(index) + ":" + token
index += 1
brokerInfoStr = "broker.list=" + brokerInfoStr
cmdList = ["ssh " + host,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaRunClassBin + " kafka.perf.ProducerPerformance",
"--brokerinfo " + brokerInfoStr,
"--messages " + noMsgPerBatch,
"--topic " + topic,
"--threads " + threads,
"--compression-codec " + compCodec,
"--message-size " + messageSize,
"--vary-message-size --async",
" >> " + producerLogPathName,
" & echo pid:$! > " + producerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
pass # dummy loop to wait until producer is completed
testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning -= 1
logger.debug("testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning : " + str(testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning), extra=d)
counter += 1
logger.debug("calling testcaseEnv.lock.release()", extra=d)
# wait until other producer threads also stops and
# let the main testcase know all producers have stopped
while 1:
if testcaseEnv.numProducerThreadsRunning == 0:
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["backgroundProducerStopped"] = True
logger.debug("waiting for TRUE of testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict['backgroundProducerStopped']", extra=d)
def stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, parentPid, signalType="SIGTERM"):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "hostname")
pidStack = system_test_utils.get_remote_child_processes(hostname, parentPid)
logger.debug("terminating (" + signalType + ") process id: " + parentPid + " in host: " + hostname, extra=d)
if signalType.lower() == "sigterm":
system_test_utils.sigterm_remote_process(hostname, pidStack)
elif signalType.lower() == "sigkill":
system_test_utils.sigkill_remote_process(hostname, pidStack)
logger.error("Invalid signal type: " + signalType, extra=d)
raise Exception("Invalid signal type: " + signalType)
def force_stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, parentPid):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
hostname = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", entityId, "hostname")
pidStack = system_test_utils.get_remote_child_processes(hostname, parentPid)
logger.debug("terminating process id: " + parentPid + " in host: " + hostname, extra=d)
system_test_utils.sigkill_remote_process(hostname, pidStack)
def create_topic(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
prodPerfCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "producer_performance")
for prodPerfCfg in prodPerfCfgList:
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", prodPerfCfg["entity_id"], "topic")
zkEntityId = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "zookeeper", "entity_id")
zkHost = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "zookeeper", "hostname")
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "java_home")
createTopicBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-create-topic.sh"
logger.debug("zkEntityId : " + zkEntityId, extra=d)
logger.debug("createTopicBin : " + createTopicBin, extra=d)
if len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"]) > 0:
logger.info("creating topic: [" + topic + "] at: [" + testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"] + "]", extra=d)
cmdList = ["ssh " + zkHost,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
" --topic " + topic,
" --zookeeper " + testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"],
" --replica " + testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["replica_factor"],
" --partition " + testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["num_partition"] + " >> ",
testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir + "/logs/create_source_cluster_topic.log'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
if len(testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"]) > 0:
logger.info("creating topic: [" + topic + "] at: [" + testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"] + "]", extra=d)
cmdList = ["ssh " + zkHost,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
" --topic " + topic,
" --zookeeper " + testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetZkConnectStr"],
" --replica " + testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["replica_factor"],
" --partition " + testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["num_partition"] + " >> ",
testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir + "/logs/create_target_cluster_topic.log'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
def get_message_id(logPathName):
logLines = open(logPathName, "r").readlines()
messageIdList = []
for line in logLines:
if not "MessageID" in line:
matchObj = re.match('.*MessageID:(.*?):', line)
messageIdList.append( matchObj.group(1) )
return messageIdList
def get_message_checksum(logPathName):
logLines = open(logPathName, "r").readlines()
messageChecksumList = []
for line in logLines:
if not "checksum:" in line:
matchObj = re.match('.*checksum:(\d*?).*', line)
if matchObj is not None:
messageChecksumList.append( matchObj.group(1) )
logger.error("unexpected log line : " + line, extra=d)
return messageChecksumList
def validate_data_matched(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
validationStatusDict = testcaseEnv.validationStatusDict
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
prodPerfCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "producer_performance")
consumerCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer")
for prodPerfCfg in prodPerfCfgList:
producerEntityId = prodPerfCfg["entity_id"]
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", producerEntityId, "topic")
acks = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", producerEntityId, "request-num-acks")
consumerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer", "entity_id")
matchingConsumerEntityId = None
for consumerEntityId in consumerEntityIdList:
consumerTopic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", consumerEntityId, "topic")
if consumerTopic in topic:
matchingConsumerEntityId = consumerEntityId
if matchingConsumerEntityId is None:
msgIdMissingInConsumerLogPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname( \
testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default") + "/msg_id_missing_in_consumer.log"
producerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "producer_performance", producerEntityId, "default")
producerLogPathName = producerLogPath + "/producer_performance.log"
consumerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default")
consumerLogPathName = consumerLogPath + "/console_consumer.log"
producerMsgIdList = get_message_id(producerLogPathName)
consumerMsgIdList = get_message_id(consumerLogPathName)
producerMsgIdSet = set(producerMsgIdList)
consumerMsgIdSet = set(consumerMsgIdList)
missingMsgIdInConsumer = producerMsgIdSet - consumerMsgIdSet
outfile = open(msgIdMissingInConsumerLogPathName, "w")
for id in missingMsgIdInConsumer:
outfile.write(id + "\n")
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] sent from publisher : " + str(len(producerMsgIdSet)), extra=d)
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] received by consumer : " + str(len(consumerMsgIdSet)), extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from producer on [" + topic + "]"] = str(len(producerMsgIdSet))
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from consumer on [" + topic + "]"] = str(len(consumerMsgIdSet))
if ( len(missingMsgIdInConsumer) == 0 and len(producerMsgIdSet) > 0 ):
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "PASSED"
elif (acks == "1"):
missingPercentage = len(missingMsgIdInConsumer) * 100 / len(producerMsgIdSet)
print "#### missing Percent : ", missingPercentage
if missingPercentage <= 1:
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "PASSED"
logger.warn("Test case passes with less than 1% data loss : [" + str(len(missingMsgIdInConsumer)) + "] missing messages", extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "FAILED"
logger.info("See " + msgIdMissingInConsumerLogPathName + " for missing MessageID", extra=d)
def validate_leader_election_successful(testcaseEnv, leaderDict, validationStatusDict):
if ( len(leaderDict) > 0 ):
leaderBrokerId = leaderDict["brokerid"]
leaderEntityId = leaderDict["entity_id"]
leaderPid = testcaseEnv.entityBrokerParentPidDict[leaderEntityId]
hostname = leaderDict["hostname"]
logger.info("found leader in entity [" + leaderEntityId + "] with brokerid [" + \
leaderBrokerId + "] for partition [" + leaderDict["partition"] + "]", extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Validate leader election successful"] = "PASSED"
return True
except Exception, e:
logger.error("leader info not completed: {0}".format(e), extra=d)
print leaderDict
validationStatusDict["Validate leader election successful"] = "FAILED"
return False
validationStatusDict["Validate leader election successful"] = "FAILED"
return False
def cleanup_data_at_remote_hosts(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
for clusterEntityConfigDict in systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList:
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
entityId = clusterEntityConfigDict["entity_id"]
role = clusterEntityConfigDict["role"]
kafkaHome = clusterEntityConfigDict["kafka_home"]
testCaseBaseDir = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
cmdStr = ""
dataDir = ""
logger.info("cleaning up data dir on host: [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
if role == 'zookeeper':
dataDir = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "dataDir")
elif role == 'broker':
dataDir = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "log.dir")
logger.info("skipping role [" + role + "] on host : [" + hostname + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " 'rm -rf " + dataDir + "'"
if not dataDir.startswith("/tmp"):
logger.warn("possible destructive command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
logger.warn("check config file: system_test/cluster_config.properties", extra=d)
logger.warn("aborting test...", extra=d)
# ============================
# cleaning data dir
# ============================
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
# ============================
# cleaning log/metrics/svg, ...
# ============================
if system_test_utils.remote_host_file_exists(hostname, kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"):
# so kafkaHome is a real kafka installation
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " \"find " + testCaseBaseDir + " -name '*.log' | xargs rm 2> /dev/null\""
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " \"find " + testCaseBaseDir + " -name '*_pid' | xargs rm 2> /dev/null\""
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " \"find " + testCaseBaseDir + " -name '*.csv' | xargs rm 2> /dev/null\""
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " \"find " + testCaseBaseDir + " -name '*.svg' | xargs rm 2> /dev/null\""
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
cmdStr = "ssh " + hostname + " \"find " + testCaseBaseDir + " -name '*.html' | xargs rm 2> /dev/null\""
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def get_entity_log_directory(testCaseBaseDir, entity_id, role):
return testCaseBaseDir + "/logs/" + role + "-" + entity_id
def get_entities_for_role(clusterConfig, role):
return filter(lambda entity: entity['role'] == role, clusterConfig)
def stop_consumer():
system_test_utils.sys_call("ps -ef | grep ConsoleConsumer | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' ' | xargs kill -15")
def ps_grep_terminate_running_entity(systemTestEnv):
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
username = getpass.getuser()
for clusterEntityConfigDict in systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList:
hostname = clusterEntityConfigDict["hostname"]
cmdList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"\"ps auxw | grep -v grep | grep -v Bootstrap | grep -v vim | grep ^" + username,
"| grep -i 'java\|server\-start\|run\-\|producer\|consumer\|jmxtool' | grep kafka",
"| tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d ' ' | xargs kill -9" + "\""]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def get_reelection_latency(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, leaderDict, leaderAttributesDict):
leaderEntityId = None
leaderBrokerId = None
leaderPPid = None
shutdownLeaderTimestamp = None
leaderReElectionLatency = -1
if testcaseEnv.validationStatusDict["Validate leader election successful"] == "FAILED":
# leader election is not successful - something is wrong => so skip this testcase
return None
# leader elected => stop leader
leaderEntityId = leaderDict["entity_id"]
leaderBrokerId = leaderDict["brokerid"]
leaderPPid = testcaseEnv.entityBrokerParentPidDict[leaderEntityId]
logger.info("leader details unavailable", extra=d)
logger.info("stopping leader in entity "+leaderEntityId+" with pid "+leaderPPid, extra=d)
signalType = None
signalType = testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["signal_type"]
if signalType is None or signalType.lower() == "sigterm":
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, leaderEntityId, leaderPPid)
elif signalType.lower() == "sigkill":
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, leaderEntityId, leaderPPid, "SIGKILL")
logger.error("Unsupported signal type: " + signalType, extra=d)
raise Exception("Unsupported signal type: " + signalType)
logger.info("sleeping for 10s for leader re-election to complete", extra=d)
# get broker shut down completed timestamp
shutdownBrokerDict = get_broker_shutdown_log_line(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, leaderAttributesDict)
shutdownTimestamp = -1
shutdownTimestamp = shutdownBrokerDict["timestamp"]
logger.debug("unix timestamp of shut down completed: " + str("{0:.6f}".format(shutdownTimestamp)), extra=d)
logger.warn("unable to find broker shut down timestamp", extra=d)
logger.info("looking up new leader", extra=d)
leaderDict2 = get_leader_elected_log_line(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, leaderAttributesDict)
logger.debug("unix timestamp of new elected leader: " + str("{0:.6f}".format(leaderDict2["timestamp"])), extra=d)
if shutdownTimestamp > 0:
leaderReElectionLatency = float(leaderDict2["timestamp"]) - float(shutdownTimestamp)
logger.info("leader Re-election Latency: " + str(leaderReElectionLatency) + " sec", extra=d)
return leaderReElectionLatency
def stop_all_remote_running_processes(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
entityConfigs = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
for hostname, producerPPid in testcaseEnv.producerHostParentPidDict.items():
producerEntityId = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(entityConfigs, "hostname", hostname, "entity_id")
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, producerEntityId, producerPPid)
for hostname, consumerPPid in testcaseEnv.consumerHostParentPidDict.items():
consumerEntityId = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(entityConfigs, "hostname", hostname, "entity_id")
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, consumerEntityId, consumerPPid)
for entityId, jmxParentPidList in testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict.items():
for jmxParentPid in jmxParentPidList:
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, jmxParentPid)
for entityId, mirrorMakerParentPid in testcaseEnv.entityMirrorMakerParentPidDict.items():
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, mirrorMakerParentPid)
for entityId, brokerParentPid in testcaseEnv.entityBrokerParentPidDict.items():
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, brokerParentPid)
for entityId, zkParentPid in testcaseEnv.entityZkParentPidDict.items():
stop_remote_entity(systemTestEnv, entityId, zkParentPid)
def start_migration_tool(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterConfigList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
migrationToolConfigList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigList, "role", "migration_tool")
migrationToolConfig = migrationToolConfigList[0]
host = migrationToolConfig["hostname"]
entityId = migrationToolConfig["entity_id"]
jmxPort = migrationToolConfig["jmx_port"]
role = migrationToolConfig["role"]
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home")
jmxPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfigList, "entity_id", entityId, "jmx_port")
kafkaRunClassBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"
logger.info("starting kafka migration tool", extra=d)
migrationToolLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "migration_tool", entityId, "default")
migrationToolLogPathName = migrationToolLogPath + "/migration_tool.log"
testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["migrationToolLogPathName"] = migrationToolLogPathName
testcaseConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
numProducers = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "num.producers")
numStreams = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "num.streams")
producerConfig = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "producer.config")
consumerConfig = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "consumer.config")
zkClientJar = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "zkclient.01.jar")
kafka07Jar = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka.07.jar")
whiteList = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "whitelist")
logFile = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", entityId, "log_filename")
cmdList = ["ssh " + host,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
"JMX_PORT=" + jmxPort,
kafkaRunClassBin + " kafka.tools.KafkaMigrationTool",
"--whitelist=" + whiteList,
"--num.producers=" + numProducers,
"--num.streams=" + numStreams,
"--producer.config=" + systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/" + producerConfig,
"--consumer.config=" + systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/" + consumerConfig,
"--zkclient.01.jar=" + systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/" + zkClientJar,
"--kafka.07.jar=" + systemTestEnv.SYSTEM_TEST_BASE_DIR + "/" + kafka07Jar,
" &> " + migrationToolLogPath + "/migrationTool.log",
" & echo pid:$! > " + migrationToolLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
def validate_07_08_migrated_data_matched(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
validationStatusDict = testcaseEnv.validationStatusDict
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
prodPerfCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "producer_performance")
consumerCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer")
for prodPerfCfg in prodPerfCfgList:
producerEntityId = prodPerfCfg["entity_id"]
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", producerEntityId, "topic")
consumerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer", "entity_id")
matchingConsumerEntityId = None
for consumerEntityId in consumerEntityIdList:
consumerTopic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", consumerEntityId, "topic")
if consumerTopic in topic:
matchingConsumerEntityId = consumerEntityId
if matchingConsumerEntityId is None:
msgChecksumMissingInConsumerLogPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(
testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default") \
+ "/msg_checksum_missing_in_consumer.log"
producerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "producer_performance", producerEntityId, "default")
producerLogPathName = producerLogPath + "/producer_performance.log"
consumerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default")
consumerLogPathName = consumerLogPath + "/console_consumer.log"
producerMsgChecksumList = get_message_checksum(producerLogPathName)
consumerMsgChecksumList = get_message_checksum(consumerLogPathName)
producerMsgChecksumSet = set(producerMsgChecksumList)
consumerMsgChecksumSet = set(consumerMsgChecksumList)
missingMsgChecksumInConsumer = producerMsgChecksumSet - consumerMsgChecksumSet
outfile = open(msgChecksumMissingInConsumerLogPathName, "w")
for id in missingMsgChecksumInConsumer:
outfile.write(id + "\n")
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] sent from publisher : " + str(len(producerMsgChecksumList)), extra=d)
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] received by consumer : " + str(len(consumerMsgChecksumList)), extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from producer on [" + topic + "]"] = str(len(producerMsgChecksumList))
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from consumer on [" + topic + "]"] = str(len(consumerMsgChecksumList))
if ( len(missingMsgChecksumInConsumer) == 0 and len(producerMsgChecksumList) > 0 ):
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "PASSED"
#return True
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "FAILED"
logger.info("See " + msgChecksumMissingInConsumerLogPathName + " for missing MessageID", extra=d)
#return False
def validate_broker_log_segment_checksum(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv, clusterName="source"):
anonLogger.info("validating merged broker log segment checksums")
brokerLogCksumDict = {}
testCaseBaseDir = testcaseEnv.testCaseBaseDir
tcConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
validationStatusDict = testcaseEnv.validationStatusDict
clusterConfigList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
#brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigList, "role", "broker", "entity_id")
allBrokerConfigList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigList, "role", "broker")
brokerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts(allBrokerConfigList, "cluster_name", clusterName, "entity_id")
# loop through all brokers
for brokerEntityId in brokerEntityIdList:
logCksumDict = {}
# remoteLogSegmentPathName : /tmp/kafka_server_4_logs
# => remoteLogSegmentDir : kafka_server_4_logs
remoteLogSegmentPathName = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(tcConfigsList, "entity_id", brokerEntityId, "log.dir")
remoteLogSegmentDir = os.path.basename(remoteLogSegmentPathName)
logPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "broker", brokerEntityId, "default")
localLogSegmentPath = logPathName + "/" + remoteLogSegmentDir
# localLogSegmentPath :
# .../system_test/mirror_maker_testsuite/testcase_5002/logs/broker-4/kafka_server_4_logs
# |- test_1-0
# |- 00000000000000000000.index
# |- 00000000000000000000.log
# |- 00000000000000000020.index
# |- 00000000000000000020.log
# |- . . .
# |- test_1-1
# |- 00000000000000000000.index
# |- 00000000000000000000.log
# |- 00000000000000000020.index
# |- 00000000000000000020.log
# |- . . .
# loop through all topicPartition directories such as : test_1-0, test_1-1, ...
for topicPartition in os.listdir(localLogSegmentPath):
# found a topic-partition directory
if os.path.isdir(localLogSegmentPath + "/" + topicPartition):
# md5 hasher
m = hashlib.md5()
# logSegmentKey is like this : kafka_server_9_logs:test_1-0 (delimited by ':')
logSegmentKey = remoteLogSegmentDir + ":" + topicPartition
# log segment files are located in : localLogSegmentPath + "/" + topicPartition
# sort the log segment files under each topic-partition and get the md5 checksum
for logFile in sorted(os.listdir(localLogSegmentPath + "/" + topicPartition)):
# only process log file: *.log
if logFile.endswith(".log"):
# read the log segment file as binary
offsetLogSegmentPathName = localLogSegmentPath + "/" + topicPartition + "/" + logFile
fin = file(offsetLogSegmentPathName, 'rb')
# keep reading 64K max at a time
while True:
data = fin.read(65536)
if not data:
# update it into the hasher
# update the md5 checksum into brokerLogCksumDict with the corresponding key
brokerLogCksumDict[logSegmentKey] = m.hexdigest()
# print it out to the console for reference
# brokerLogCksumDict will look like this:
# {
# 'kafka_server_1_logs:tests_1-0': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_1_logs:tests_1-1': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_1_logs:tests_2-0': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_1_logs:tests_2-1': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_2_logs:tests_1-0': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_2_logs:tests_1-1': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_2_logs:tests_2-0': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'kafka_server_2_logs:tests_2-1': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
# }
checksumDict = {}
# organize the checksum according to their topic-partition and checksumDict will look like this:
# {
# 'test_1-0' : ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'],
# 'test_1-1' : ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'],
# 'test_2-0' : ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'],
# 'test_2-1' : ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e']
# }
for brokerTopicPartitionKey, md5Checksum in brokerLogCksumDict.items():
tokens = brokerTopicPartitionKey.split(":")
brokerKey = tokens[0]
topicPartition = tokens[1]
if topicPartition in checksumDict:
# key already exist
# new key => create a new list to store checksum
checksumDict[topicPartition] = []
failureCount = 0
# loop through checksumDict: the checksums should be the same inside each
# topic-partition's list. Otherwise, checksum mismatched is detected
for topicPartition, checksumList in checksumDict.items():
checksumSet = frozenset(checksumList)
if len(checksumSet) > 1:
failureCount += 1
logger.error("merged log segment checksum in " + topicPartition + " mismatched", extra=d)
elif len(checksumSet) == 1:
logger.debug("merged log segment checksum in " + topicPartition + " matched", extra=d)
logger.error("unexpected error in " + topicPartition, extra=d)
if failureCount == 0:
validationStatusDict["Validate for merged log segment checksum in cluster [" + clusterName + "]"] = "PASSED"
validationStatusDict["Validate for merged log segment checksum in cluster [" + clusterName + "]"] = "FAILED"
def start_simple_consumer(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
clusterList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
consumerConfigList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterList, "role", "console_consumer")
for consumerConfig in consumerConfigList:
host = consumerConfig["hostname"]
entityId = consumerConfig["entity_id"]
jmxPort = consumerConfig["jmx_port"]
clusterName = consumerConfig["cluster_name"]
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterList, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterList, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home")
kafkaRunClassBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"
consumerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", entityId, "default")
# testcase configurations:
testcaseList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseList, "entity_id", entityId, "topic")
brokerListStr = ""
if clusterName == "source":
brokerListStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceBrokerList"]
elif clusterName == "target":
brokerListStr = testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["targetBrokerList"]
logger.error("Invalid cluster name : " + clusterName, extra=d)
raise Exception("Invalid cluster name : " + clusterName)
if len(brokerListStr) == 0:
logger.error("Empty broker list str", extra=d)
raise Exception("Empty broker list str")
numPartitions = None
numPartitions = testcaseEnv.testcaseArgumentsDict["num_partition"]
if numPartitions is None:
logger.error("Invalid no. of partitions: " + numPartitions, extra=d)
raise Exception("Invalid no. of partitions: " + numPartitions)
numPartitions = int(numPartitions)
replicaIndex = 1
brokerPortList = brokerListStr.split(',')
for brokerPort in brokerPortList:
k = 0
while (k < numPartitions):
logger.info("starting debug consumer for replica on [" + brokerPort + "] partition [" + str(k) + "]", extra=d)
brokerPortLabel = brokerPort.replace(":", "_")
cmdList = ["ssh " + host,
"'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
kafkaRunClassBin + " kafka.tools.SimpleConsumerShell",
"--broker-list " + brokerListStr,
"--topic " + topic,
"--partition " + str(k),
"--replica " + str(replicaIndex),
"--no-wait-at-logend ",
" >> " + consumerLogPath + "/simple_consumer_" + str(replicaIndex) + ".log",
" & echo pid:$! > " + consumerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdList)
logger.debug("executing command: [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
pidCmdStr = "ssh " + host + " 'cat " + consumerLogPath + "/entity_" + entityId + "_pid'"
logger.debug("executing command: [" + pidCmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(pidCmdStr)
# keep track of the remote entity pid in a dictionary
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
if line.startswith("pid"):
line = line.rstrip('\n')
logger.debug("found pid line: [" + line + "]", extra=d)
tokens = line.split(':')
testcaseEnv.consumerHostParentPidDict[host] = tokens[1]
logger.info("sleeping for 5 sec",extra=d)
k += 1
replicaIndex += 1
def validate_simple_consumer_data_matched(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
validationStatusDict = testcaseEnv.validationStatusDict
clusterEntityConfigDictList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
prodPerfCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "producer_performance")
consumerCfgList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer")
mismatchCount = 0
for prodPerfCfg in prodPerfCfgList:
producerEntityId = prodPerfCfg["entity_id"]
topic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", producerEntityId, "topic")
acks = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", producerEntityId, "request-num-acks")
logger.debug("request-num-acks [" + acks + "]", extra=d)
consumerEntityIdList = system_test_utils.get_data_from_list_of_dicts( \
clusterEntityConfigDictList, "role", "console_consumer", "entity_id")
matchingConsumerEntityId = None
for consumerEntityId in consumerEntityIdList:
consumerTopic = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList, "entity_id", consumerEntityId, "topic")
if consumerTopic in topic:
matchingConsumerEntityId = consumerEntityId
if matchingConsumerEntityId is None:
producerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "producer_performance", producerEntityId, "default")
producerLogPathName = producerLogPath + "/producer_performance.log"
producerMsgIdList = get_message_id(producerLogPathName)
producerMsgIdSet = set(producerMsgIdList)
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] sent from publisher : " + str(len(producerMsgIdSet)), extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from producer on [" + topic + "]"] = str(len(producerMsgIdSet))
consumerLogPath = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default")
for logFile in sorted(os.listdir(consumerLogPath)):
# only process log file: *.log
if logFile.endswith(".log"):
consumerLogPathName = consumerLogPath + "/" + logFile
consumerMsgIdList = get_message_id(consumerLogPathName)
consumerMsgIdSet = set(consumerMsgIdList)
missingMsgIdInConsumer = producerMsgIdSet - consumerMsgIdSet
msgIdMissingInConsumerLogPathName = get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(
testcaseEnv, "console_consumer", matchingConsumerEntityId, "default") + \
"/" + logFile + "_msg_id_missing_in_consumer.log"
outfile = open(msgIdMissingInConsumerLogPathName, "w")
for id in missingMsgIdInConsumer:
outfile.write(id + "\n")
logger.info("no. of unique messages on topic [" + topic + "] at " + logFile + " : " + str(len(consumerMsgIdSet)), extra=d)
validationStatusDict["Unique messages from consumer on [" + topic + "] at " + logFile] = str(len(consumerMsgIdSet))
if acks == "-1" and len(missingMsgIdInConsumer) > 0:
mismatchCount += 1
elif acks == "1" and len(missingMsgIdInConsumer) > 0:
missingPercentage = len(missingMsgIdInConsumer) * 100 / len(producerMsgIdSet)
logger.debug("missing percentage [" + str(missingPercentage) + "]", extra=d)
if missingPercentage <= 1:
logger.warn("Test case (acks == 1) passes with < 1% data loss : [" + \
str(len(missingMsgIdInConsumer)) + "] missing messages", extra=d)
mismatchCount += 1
if mismatchCount == 0:
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "PASSED"
validationStatusDict["Validate for data matched on topic [" + topic + "]"] = "FAILED"
def get_controller_attributes(systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):
logger.info("Querying Zookeeper for Controller info ...", extra=d)
# keep track of controller data in this dict such as broker id & entity id
controllerDict = {}
clusterConfigsList = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList
tcConfigsList = testcaseEnv.testcaseConfigsList
zkDictList = system_test_utils.get_dict_from_list_of_dicts(clusterConfigsList, "role", "zookeeper")
firstZkDict = zkDictList[0]
hostname = firstZkDict["hostname"]
zkEntityId = firstZkDict["entity_id"]
clientPort = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(tcConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "clientPort")
kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "kafka_home")
javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfigsList, "entity_id", zkEntityId, "java_home")
kafkaRunClassBin = kafkaHome + "/bin/kafka-run-class.sh"
cmdStrList = ["ssh " + hostname,
"\"JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome,
kafkaRunClassBin + " org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain",
"-server " + testcaseEnv.userDefinedEnvVarDict["sourceZkConnectStr"],
"'get /controller' 2> /dev/null | tail -1\""]
cmdStr = " ".join(cmdStrList)
logger.debug("executing command [" + cmdStr + "]", extra=d)
subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(cmdStr)
for line in subproc.stdout.readlines():
brokerid = line.rstrip('\n')
controllerDict["brokerid"] = brokerid
controllerDict["entity_id"] = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(
tcConfigsList, "brokerid", brokerid, "entity_id")
return controllerDict