- Removed Scala consumers (`SimpleConsumer` and `ZooKeeperConsumerConnector`)
and their tests.
- Removed Scala request/response/message classes.
- Removed any mention of new consumer or new producer in the code
with the exception of MirrorMaker where the new.consumer option was
never deprecated so we have to keep it for now. The non-code
documentation has not been updated either, that will be done
- Removed a number of tools that only made sense in the context
of the Scala consumers (see upgrade notes).
- Updated some tools that worked with both Scala and Java consumers
so that they only support the latter (see upgrade notes).
- Removed `BaseConsumer` and related classes apart from `BaseRecord`
which is used in `MirrorMakerMessageHandler`. The latter is a pluggable
interface so effectively public API.
- Removed `ZkUtils` methods that were only used by the old consumers.
- Removed `ZkUtils.registerBroker` and `ZKCheckedEphemeral` since
the broker now uses the methods in `KafkaZkClient` and no-one else
should be using that method.
- Updated system tests so that they don't use the Scala consumers except
for multi-version tests.
- Updated LogDirFailureTest so that the consumer offsets topic would
continue to be available after all the failures. This was necessary for it
to work with the Java consumer.
- Some multi-version system tests had not been updated to include
recently released Kafka versions, fixed it.
- Updated findBugs and checkstyle configs not to refer to deleted
classes and packages.
Reviewers: Dong Lin <lindong28@gmail.com>, Manikumar Reddy <manikumar.reddy@gmail.com>