Mirror of Apache Kafka
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

502 lines
23 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os.path
import random
import signal
import time
import requests
from ducktape.errors import DucktapeError
from ducktape.services.service import Service
from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
from kafkatest.directory_layout.kafka_path import KafkaPathResolverMixin
class ConnectServiceBase(KafkaPathResolverMixin, Service):
"""Base class for Kafka Connect services providing some common settings and functionality"""
PERSISTENT_ROOT = "/mnt/connect"
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect.properties")
# The log file contains normal log4j logs written using a file appender. stdout and stderr are handled separately
# so they can be used for other output, e.g. verifiable source & sink.
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect.log")
STDOUT_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect.stdout")
STDERR_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect.stderr")
LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect-log4j.properties")
PID_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect.pid")
EXTERNAL_CONFIGS_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect-external-configs.properties")
HEAP_DUMP_FILE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect_heap_dump.bin")
# Currently the Connect worker supports waiting on three modes:
"""STARTUP_MODE_INSTANT: Start Connect worker and return immediately"""
"""STARTUP_MODE_LOAD: Start Connect worker and return after discovering and loading plugins"""
"""STARTUP_MODE_LISTEN: Start Connect worker and return after opening the REST port."""
logs = {
"connect_log": {
"path": LOG_FILE,
"collect_default": True},
"connect_stdout": {
"path": STDOUT_FILE,
"collect_default": False},
"connect_stderr": {
"path": STDERR_FILE,
"collect_default": True},
"connect_heap_dump_file": {
"collect_default": True}
def __init__(self, context, num_nodes, kafka, files, startup_timeout_sec = 60):
super(ConnectServiceBase, self).__init__(context, num_nodes)
self.kafka = kafka
self.security_config = kafka.security_config.client_config()
self.files = files
self.startup_mode = self.STARTUP_MODE_LISTEN
self.startup_timeout_sec = startup_timeout_sec
self.environment = {}
self.external_config_template_func = None
def pids(self, node):
"""Return process ids for Kafka Connect processes."""
return [pid for pid in node.account.ssh_capture("cat " + self.PID_FILE, callback=int)]
return []
def set_configs(self, config_template_func, connector_config_templates=None):
Set configurations for the worker and the connector to run on
it. These are not provided in the constructor because the worker
config generally needs access to ZK/Kafka services to
create the configuration.
self.config_template_func = config_template_func
self.connector_config_templates = connector_config_templates
def set_external_configs(self, external_config_template_func):
Set the properties that will be written in the external file properties
as used by the org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.FileConfigProvider.
When this is used, the worker configuration must also enable the FileConfigProvider.
This is not provided in the constructor in case the worker
config generally needs access to ZK/Kafka services to
create the configuration.
self.external_config_template_func = external_config_template_func
def listening(self, node):
self.logger.debug("Connect worker started serving REST at: '%s:%s')", node.account.hostname,
return True
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
self.logger.debug("REST resources are not loaded yet")
return False
def start(self, mode=STARTUP_MODE_LISTEN):
self.startup_mode = mode
super(ConnectServiceBase, self).start()
def start_and_return_immediately(self, node, worker_type, remote_connector_configs):
cmd = self.start_cmd(node, remote_connector_configs)
self.logger.debug("Connect %s command: %s", worker_type, cmd)
def start_and_wait_to_load_plugins(self, node, worker_type, remote_connector_configs):
with node.account.monitor_log(self.LOG_FILE) as monitor:
self.start_and_return_immediately(node, worker_type, remote_connector_configs)
monitor.wait_until('Kafka version', timeout_sec=self.startup_timeout_sec,
err_msg="Never saw message indicating Kafka Connect finished startup on node: " +
"%s in condition mode: %s" % (str(node.account), self.startup_mode))
def start_and_wait_to_start_listening(self, node, worker_type, remote_connector_configs):
self.start_and_return_immediately(node, worker_type, remote_connector_configs)
wait_until(lambda: self.listening(node), timeout_sec=self.startup_timeout_sec,
err_msg="Kafka Connect failed to start on node: %s in condition mode: %s" %
(str(node.account), self.startup_mode))
def stop_node(self, node, clean_shutdown=True):
self.logger.info((clean_shutdown and "Cleanly" or "Forcibly") + " stopping Kafka Connect on " + str(node.account))
pids = self.pids(node)
sig = signal.SIGTERM if clean_shutdown else signal.SIGKILL
for pid in pids:
node.account.signal(pid, sig, allow_fail=True)
if clean_shutdown:
for pid in pids:
wait_until(lambda: not node.account.alive(pid), timeout_sec=self.startup_timeout_sec, err_msg="Kafka Connect process on " + str(
node.account) + " took too long to exit")
node.account.ssh("rm -f " + self.PID_FILE, allow_fail=False)
def restart(self, clean_shutdown=True):
# We don't want to do any clean up here, just restart the process.
for node in self.nodes:
self.logger.info("Restarting Kafka Connect on " + str(node.account))
self.restart_node(node, clean_shutdown)
def restart_node(self, node, clean_shutdown=True):
self.stop_node(node, clean_shutdown)
def clean_node(self, node):
node.account.kill_process("connect", clean_shutdown=False, allow_fail=True)
other_files = " ".join(self.config_filenames() + self.files)
node.account.ssh("rm -rf -- %s %s" % (ConnectServiceBase.PERSISTENT_ROOT, other_files), allow_fail=False)
def config_filenames(self):
return [os.path.join(self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect-connector-" + str(idx) + ".properties") for idx, template in enumerate(self.connector_config_templates or [])]
def list_connectors(self, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors', node=node, **kwargs)
def create_connector(self, config, node=None, **kwargs):
create_request = {
'name': config['name'],
'config': config
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors', create_request, node=node, method="POST", **kwargs)
def get_connector(self, name, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name, node=node, **kwargs)
def get_connector_config(self, name, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name + '/config', node=node, **kwargs)
def set_connector_config(self, name, config, node=None, **kwargs):
# Unlike many other calls, a 409 when setting a connector config is expected if the connector already exists.
# However, we also might see 409s for other reasons (e.g. rebalancing). So we still perform retries at the cost
# of tests possibly taking longer to ultimately fail. Tests that care about this can explicitly override the
# number of retries.
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name + '/config', config, node=node, method="PUT", **kwargs)
def get_connector_tasks(self, name, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name + '/tasks', node=node, **kwargs)
def delete_connector(self, name, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name, node=node, method="DELETE", **kwargs)
def get_connector_status(self, name, node=None):
return self._rest('/connectors/' + name + '/status', node=node)
def restart_connector(self, name, node=None, **kwargs):
return self._rest_with_retry('/connectors/' + name + '/restart', node=node, method="POST", **kwargs)
def restart_task(self, connector_name, task_id, node=None):
return self._rest('/connectors/' + connector_name + '/tasks/' + str(task_id) + '/restart', node=node, method="POST")
def pause_connector(self, name, node=None):
return self._rest('/connectors/' + name + '/pause', node=node, method="PUT")
def resume_connector(self, name, node=None):
return self._rest('/connectors/' + name + '/resume', node=node, method="PUT")
def list_connector_plugins(self, node=None):
return self._rest('/connector-plugins/', node=node)
def validate_config(self, connector_type, validate_request, node=None):
return self._rest('/connector-plugins/' + connector_type + '/config/validate', validate_request, node=node, method="PUT")
def _rest(self, path, body=None, node=None, method="GET"):
if node is None:
node = random.choice(self.nodes)
meth = getattr(requests, method.lower())
url = self._base_url(node) + path
self.logger.debug("Kafka Connect REST request: %s %s %s %s", node.account.hostname, url, method, body)
resp = meth(url, json=body)
self.logger.debug("%s %s response: %d", url, method, resp.status_code)
if resp.status_code > 400:
self.logger.debug("Connect REST API error for %s: %d %s", resp.url, resp.status_code, resp.text)
raise ConnectRestError(resp.status_code, resp.text, resp.url)
if resp.status_code == 204 or resp.status_code == 202:
return None
return resp.json()
def _rest_with_retry(self, path, body=None, node=None, method="GET", retries=40, retry_backoff=.25):
Invokes a REST API with retries for errors that may occur during normal operation (notably 409 CONFLICT
responses that can occur due to rebalancing or 404 when the connect resources are not initialized yet).
exception_to_throw = None
for i in range(0, retries + 1):
return self._rest(path, body, node, method)
except ConnectRestError as e:
exception_to_throw = e
if e.status != 409 and e.status != 404:
raise exception_to_throw
def _base_url(self, node):
return 'http://' + node.account.externally_routable_ip + ':' + str(self.CONNECT_REST_PORT)
def append_to_environment_variable(self, envvar, value):
env_opts = self.environment[envvar]
if env_opts is None:
env_opts = "\"%s\"" % value
env_opts = "\"%s %s\"" % (env_opts.strip('\"'), value)
self.environment[envvar] = env_opts
class ConnectStandaloneService(ConnectServiceBase):
"""Runs Kafka Connect in standalone mode."""
def __init__(self, context, kafka, files, startup_timeout_sec = 60):
super(ConnectStandaloneService, self).__init__(context, 1, kafka, files, startup_timeout_sec)
# For convenience since this service only makes sense with a single node
def node(self):
return self.nodes[0]
def start_cmd(self, node, connector_configs):
cmd = "( export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % self.LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE
heap_kafka_opts = "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=%s" % \
other_kafka_opts = self.security_config.kafka_opts.strip('\"')
cmd += "export KAFKA_OPTS=\"%s %s\"; " % (heap_kafka_opts, other_kafka_opts)
for envvar in self.environment:
cmd += "export %s=%s; " % (envvar, str(self.environment[envvar]))
cmd += "%s %s " % (self.path.script("connect-standalone.sh", node), self.CONFIG_FILE)
cmd += " ".join(connector_configs)
cmd += " & echo $! >&3 ) 1>> %s 2>> %s 3> %s" % (self.STDOUT_FILE, self.STDERR_FILE, self.PID_FILE)
return cmd
def start_node(self, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
if self.external_config_template_func:
node.account.create_file(self.EXTERNAL_CONFIGS_FILE, self.external_config_template_func(node))
node.account.create_file(self.CONFIG_FILE, self.config_template_func(node))
node.account.create_file(self.LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE, self.render('connect_log4j.properties', log_file=self.LOG_FILE))
remote_connector_configs = []
for idx, template in enumerate(self.connector_config_templates):
target_file = os.path.join(self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, "connect-connector-" + str(idx) + ".properties")
node.account.create_file(target_file, template)
self.logger.info("Starting Kafka Connect standalone process on " + str(node.account))
if self.startup_mode == self.STARTUP_MODE_LOAD:
self.start_and_wait_to_load_plugins(node, 'standalone', remote_connector_configs)
elif self.startup_mode == self.STARTUP_MODE_INSTANT:
self.start_and_return_immediately(node, 'standalone', remote_connector_configs)
# The default mode is to wait until the complete startup of the worker
self.start_and_wait_to_start_listening(node, 'standalone', remote_connector_configs)
if len(self.pids(node)) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No process ids recorded")
class ConnectDistributedService(ConnectServiceBase):
"""Runs Kafka Connect in distributed mode."""
def __init__(self, context, num_nodes, kafka, files, offsets_topic="connect-offsets",
configs_topic="connect-configs", status_topic="connect-status", startup_timeout_sec = 60):
super(ConnectDistributedService, self).__init__(context, num_nodes, kafka, files, startup_timeout_sec)
self.offsets_topic = offsets_topic
self.configs_topic = configs_topic
self.status_topic = status_topic
# connector_configs argument is intentionally ignored in distributed service.
def start_cmd(self, node, connector_configs):
cmd = "( export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % self.LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE
heap_kafka_opts = "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=%s" % \
other_kafka_opts = self.security_config.kafka_opts.strip('\"')
cmd += "export KAFKA_OPTS=\"%s %s\"; " % (heap_kafka_opts, other_kafka_opts)
for envvar in self.environment:
cmd += "export %s=%s; " % (envvar, str(self.environment[envvar]))
cmd += "%s %s " % (self.path.script("connect-distributed.sh", node), self.CONFIG_FILE)
cmd += " & echo $! >&3 ) 1>> %s 2>> %s 3> %s" % (self.STDOUT_FILE, self.STDERR_FILE, self.PID_FILE)
return cmd
def start_node(self, node):
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
if self.external_config_template_func:
node.account.create_file(self.EXTERNAL_CONFIGS_FILE, self.external_config_template_func(node))
node.account.create_file(self.CONFIG_FILE, self.config_template_func(node))
node.account.create_file(self.LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE, self.render('connect_log4j.properties', log_file=self.LOG_FILE))
if self.connector_config_templates:
raise DucktapeError("Config files are not valid in distributed mode, submit connectors via the REST API")
self.logger.info("Starting Kafka Connect distributed process on " + str(node.account))
if self.startup_mode == self.STARTUP_MODE_LOAD:
self.start_and_wait_to_load_plugins(node, 'distributed', '')
elif self.startup_mode == self.STARTUP_MODE_INSTANT:
self.start_and_return_immediately(node, 'distributed', '')
# The default mode is to wait until the complete startup of the worker
self.start_and_wait_to_start_listening(node, 'distributed', '')
if len(self.pids(node)) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No process ids recorded")
class ErrorTolerance(object):
ALL = "all"
NONE = "none"
class ConnectRestError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, status, msg, url):
self.status = status
self.message = msg
self.url = url
def __unicode__(self):
return "Kafka Connect REST call failed: returned " + self.status + " for " + self.url + ". Response: " + self.message
class VerifiableConnector(object):
def messages(self):
Collect and parse the logs from Kafka Connect nodes. Return a list containing all parsed JSON messages generated by
this source.
self.logger.info("Collecting messages from log of %s %s", type(self).__name__, self.name)
records = []
for node in self.cc.nodes:
for line in node.account.ssh_capture('cat ' + self.cc.STDOUT_FILE):
data = json.loads(line)
except ValueError:
self.logger.debug("Ignoring unparseable line: %s", line)
# Filter to only ones matching our name to support multiple verifiable producers
if data['name'] != self.name:
data['node'] = node
return records
def stop(self):
self.logger.info("Destroying connector %s %s", type(self).__name__, self.name)
class VerifiableSource(VerifiableConnector):
Helper class for running a verifiable source connector on a Kafka Connect cluster and analyzing the output.
def __init__(self, cc, name="verifiable-source", tasks=1, topic="verifiable", throughput=1000):
self.cc = cc
self.logger = self.cc.logger
self.name = name
self.tasks = tasks
self.topic = topic
self.throughput = throughput
def committed_messages(self):
return filter(lambda m: 'committed' in m and m['committed'], self.messages())
def sent_messages(self):
return filter(lambda m: 'committed' not in m or not m['committed'], self.messages())
def start(self):
self.logger.info("Creating connector VerifiableSourceConnector %s", self.name)
'name': self.name,
'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.VerifiableSourceConnector',
'tasks.max': self.tasks,
'topic': self.topic,
'throughput': self.throughput
class VerifiableSink(VerifiableConnector):
Helper class for running a verifiable sink connector on a Kafka Connect cluster and analyzing the output.
def __init__(self, cc, name="verifiable-sink", tasks=1, topics=["verifiable"]):
self.cc = cc
self.logger = self.cc.logger
self.name = name
self.tasks = tasks
self.topics = topics
def flushed_messages(self):
return filter(lambda m: 'flushed' in m and m['flushed'], self.messages())
def received_messages(self):
return filter(lambda m: 'flushed' not in m or not m['flushed'], self.messages())
def start(self):
self.logger.info("Creating connector VerifiableSinkConnector %s", self.name)
'name': self.name,
'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.VerifiableSinkConnector',
'tasks.max': self.tasks,
'topics': ",".join(self.topics)
class MockSink(object):
def __init__(self, cc, topics, mode=None, delay_sec=10, name="mock-sink"):
self.cc = cc
self.logger = self.cc.logger
self.name = name
self.mode = mode
self.delay_sec = delay_sec
self.topics = topics
def start(self):
self.logger.info("Creating connector MockSinkConnector %s", self.name)
'name': self.name,
'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.MockSinkConnector',
'tasks.max': 1,
'topics': ",".join(self.topics),
'mock_mode': self.mode,
'delay_ms': self.delay_sec * 1000
class MockSource(object):
def __init__(self, cc, mode=None, delay_sec=10, name="mock-source"):
self.cc = cc
self.logger = self.cc.logger
self.name = name
self.mode = mode
self.delay_sec = delay_sec
def start(self):
self.logger.info("Creating connector MockSourceConnector %s", self.name)
'name': self.name,
'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.MockSourceConnector',
'tasks.max': 1,
'mock_mode': self.mode,
'delay_ms': self.delay_sec * 1000