This change sets the groundwork for migrating other modules incrementally.
Main changes:
- Replace `junit` 4.13 with `junit-jupiter` and `junit-vintage` 5.7.0-RC1.
- All modules except for `tools` depend on `junit-vintage`.
- `tools` depends on `junit-jupiter`.
- Convert `tools` tests to JUnit 5.
- Update `PushHttpMetricsReporterTest` to use `mockito` instead of `powermock` and `easymock`
(powermock doesn't seem to work well with JUnit 5 and we don't need it since mockito can mock
static methods).
- Update `mockito` to 3.5.7.
- Update `TestUtils` to use JUnit 5 assertions since `tools` depends on it.
Unrelated clean-ups:
- Remove `unit` from package names in a few `core` tests.
- Replace `try/catch/fail` with `assertThrows` in a number of places.
- Tag `CoordinatorTest` as integration test.
- Remove unnecessary type parameters when invoking methods and constructors.
Tested with IntelliJ and gradle. Verified that the following commands work as expected:
* ./gradlew tools:unitTest
* ./gradlew tools:integrationTest
* ./gradlew tools:test
* ./gradlew core:unitTest
* ./gradlew core:integrationTest
* ./gradlew clients:test
Reviewers: Manikumar Reddy <>