This is a system test for doing a rolling upgrade of a topology with a named repartition topic.
1. An initial Kafka Streams application is started on 3 nodes. The topology has one operation forcing a repartition and the repartition topic is explicitly named.
2. Each node is started and processing of data is validated
3. Then one node is stopped (full stop is verified)
4. A property is set signaling the node to add operations to the topology before the repartition node which forces a renumbering of all operators (except repartition node)
5. Restart the node and confirm processing records
6. Repeat the steps for the other 2 nodes completing the rolling upgrade
I ran two runs of the system test with 25 repeats in each run for a total of 50 test runs.
All test runs passed
Reviewers: John Roesler <>, Matthias J. Sax <>