This module overrides annotation processing to instead use standard ones supplied by the JAX-RS specification. This is currently targeted at the 1.1 spec.
## Limitations
While it may appear possible to reuse the same interface across client and server, bear in mind that JAX-RS resource
annotations were not designed to be processed by clients. Moreover, JAX-RS 2.0 has a different package hierarchy for
client invocation. Finally, JAX-RS is a large spec and attempts to implement it completely would be a project larger
than feign itself. In other words, this implementation is *best efforts* and concedes far from 100% compatibility with
server interface behavior.
## Currently Supported Annotation Processing
Feign only supports processing java interfaces (not abstract or concrete classes).
ISE is raised when any annotation's value is empty or null. Ex. `Path("")` raises an ISE.
Here are a list of behaviors currently supported.
### Type Annotations
#### `@Path`
Appends the value to `Target.url()`. Can have tokens corresponding to `@PathParam` annotations.
### Method Annotations
#### `@HttpMethod` meta-annotation (present on `@GET`, `@POST`, etc.)
Sets the request method.
#### `@Path`
Appends the value to `Target.url()`. Can have tokens corresponding to `@PathParam` annotations.