diff --git a/core/src/main/java/feign/Feign.java b/core/src/main/java/feign/Feign.java
index 4b19c781..2618365f 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/feign/Feign.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/feign/Feign.java
@@ -40,17 +40,28 @@ public abstract class Feign {
- *
Configuration keys are formatted as unresolved see tags.
For example.
- {@code Route53}: would match a class such as {@code
- * denominator.route53.Route53}
- {@code Route53#list()}: would match a method such as {@code
- * denominator.route53.Route53#list()}
- {@code Route53#listAt(Marker)}: would match a method
- * such as {@code denominator.route53.Route53#listAt(denominator.route53.Marker)}
- {@code
- * Route53#listByNameAndType(String, String)}: would match a method such as {@code
- * denominator.route53.Route53#listAt(String, String)}
Note that there is no whitespace
- * expected in a key!
+ * Configuration keys are formatted as unresolved see tags. This method exposes that format, in case you need to create the same value as
+ * {@link MethodMetadata#configKey()} for correlation purposes.
+ *
+ * Here are some sample encodings:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * - {@code Route53}: would match a class {@code route53.Route53}
+ * - {@code Route53#list()}: would match a method {@code route53.Route53#list()}
+ * - {@code Route53#listAt(Marker)}: would match a method {@code
+ * route53.Route53#listAt(Marker)}
+ * - {@code Route53#listByNameAndType(String, String)}: would match a method {@code
+ * route53.Route53#listAt(String, String)}
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Note that there is no whitespace expected in a key!
* @param targetType {@link feign.Target#type() type} of the Feign interface.
* @param method invoked method, present on {@code type} or its super.
+ * @see MethodMetadata#configKey()
public static String configKey(Class targetType, Method method) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
@@ -136,9 +147,9 @@ public abstract class Feign {
* This flag indicates that the {@link #decoder(Decoder) decoder} should process responses with
* 404 status, specifically returning null or empty instead of throwing {@link FeignException}.
- * All first-party (ex gson) decoders return well-known empty values defined by
- * {@link Util#emptyValueOf}. To customize further, wrap an existing
- * {@link #decoder(Decoder) decoder} or make your own.
+ * All first-party (ex gson) decoders return well-known empty values defined by {@link
+ * Util#emptyValueOf}. To customize further, wrap an existing {@link #decoder(Decoder) decoder}
+ * or make your own.
* This flag only works with 404, as opposed to all or arbitrary status codes. This was an
* explicit decision: 404 -> empty is safe, common and doesn't complicate redirection, retry or
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/feign/MethodMetadata.java b/core/src/main/java/feign/MethodMetadata.java
index 0fb90bc9..166c60ea 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/feign/MethodMetadata.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/feign/MethodMetadata.java
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ public final class MethodMetadata implements Serializable {
+ * Used as a reference to this method. For example, {@link Logger#log(String, String, Object...)
+ * logging} or {@link ReflectiveFeign reflective dispatch}.
+ *
* @see Feign#configKey(Class, java.lang.reflect.Method)
public String configKey() {
@@ -145,8 +148,8 @@ public final class MethodMetadata implements Serializable {
- * After {@link #indexToExpanderClass} is populated, this is set by contracts that support
- * runtime injection.
+ * After {@link #indexToExpanderClass} is populated, this is set by contracts that support runtime
+ * injection.
public MethodMetadata indexToExpander(Map indexToExpander) {
this.indexToExpander = indexToExpander;