Simplified the `travis` configuration back to it's minimal form to create
a new starting point.
* Adding Explicit Deploy stage
* Updating documentation and adding tagging to the release script
* Adding tag configuration to pom
* Configured Travis to Skip the commits created when preparing the release
* Adding Git Credentials
* Added Sync Stage during releases
A number of new changes introduced do not build on Windows
machines. This PR corrects the following issues:
* Java11 POM Parent
* BOM Plugin Template Paths for Windows and Unix/Linux/Mac
* SOAP Default encoding is now set to UTF-8 by default, not System default.
Adding support for Reactive Streams `Publisher` return types. Support
is provided through the `ReactiveInvocationHandler` and follows a similar
pattern used by `feign-hystrix`. Each method invocation is wrapped in a
`Callable`, which is then wrapped into the appropriate Reactive Streams
`Publisher`, as defined in the builder and the return type of the method.
This approach is not "reactive all the way down". The requests are still
executed via a regular `Client` and are synchronous. However, it is possible
to still take advantage of the backpressure, scheduling, and functional support
provided by the library implementations.
Limitations: Streams are not supported and Iterable responses are not treated
reactively. Iterables must be explicitly cast into a reactive type.
Reworked Builders and removed the need for the enumerator
* Copy of feign-mock from
* Fix license headers, remove .tool files and make code java 6 compatible
* Remove all badges
* Update feign GitHub link
* Remove link to orignal project
* FIXED unsupported jaxrs-2.1 annotations should not break entire interface, resolving #669
* UPDATED jaxrs: more defensive jaxrs2 support
* ADDED jsr311-api dependency to httpclient (as jsr311 is `provided` in feign-jaxrs now)
* UPDATED httpclient `jsr311-api` scope to test
UPDATED jaxrs readme