* Move DeclarativeContract to new file
* Get spring4 contract to compile with feign10
* Move to declarative contract
* Brought spring 4 contract back to life
* Remove old badges
* Throw error when contract mark a method as ignored
Configured the code formatting plugin to ignore any files in the travis folder. This was impacting certain builds after the signing keys are made available.
This change replaces JCenter with Sonatype OSSRH for snapshot and
release management. To complete this change, we will need to add
additional information to Travis, specifically the GPG information
to sign the artifacts during a release.
It's my opinion that those values should be in Travis directly and
not here in this repository. I'm open to other suggestions and
feedback on this approach.
Additional changes include:
* Updating BOM template to include SCM per OSSRH rules.
* Removed Bintray and GitHub credentials, they are no longer needed.
* Adding GPG Signing Values
* Code Signing Paths
Simplified the `travis` configuration back to it's minimal form to create
a new starting point.
* Adding Explicit Deploy stage
* Updating documentation and adding tagging to the release script
* Adding tag configuration to pom
* Configured Travis to Skip the commits created when preparing the release
* Adding Git Credentials
* Added Sync Stage during releases
A number of new changes introduced do not build on Windows
machines. This PR corrects the following issues:
* Java11 POM Parent
* BOM Plugin Template Paths for Windows and Unix/Linux/Mac
* SOAP Default encoding is now set to UTF-8 by default, not System default.
Adding support for Reactive Streams `Publisher` return types. Support
is provided through the `ReactiveInvocationHandler` and follows a similar
pattern used by `feign-hystrix`. Each method invocation is wrapped in a
`Callable`, which is then wrapped into the appropriate Reactive Streams
`Publisher`, as defined in the builder and the return type of the method.
This approach is not "reactive all the way down". The requests are still
executed via a regular `Client` and are synchronous. However, it is possible
to still take advantage of the backpressure, scheduling, and functional support
provided by the library implementations.
Limitations: Streams are not supported and Iterable responses are not treated
reactively. Iterables must be explicitly cast into a reactive type.
Reworked Builders and removed the need for the enumerator