Before, `LoadBalancingTarget` stripped out the path and only used
`URI.getScheme()` and `URI.getHost()` to generate the `Request`.
Now, it will add `URI.getPath()` to the `Request` as well; this is
useful if you want to interact with endpoints with a context-path.
Update Travis CI to point to correct git repository
Before, LBClients were created for each request, which led to issues
such as #182. Moreover, a user could not avoid using Ribbon's static
factories. Adding LBClientFactory allows users to control how Ribbon
resources are created.
Files had various formatting differences, as did pull requests. Rather than
create our own style, this inherits and requires the well documented Google
Java Style.
Dagger 1.x and 2.x are incompatible. Rather than choose one over the
other, this change removes Dagger completely. Users can now choose any
injector, constructing Feign via its Builder.
This change also drops support for javax.inject.Named, which has
been replaced by feign.Param.
see #120
Feign 8.x will no longer support Dagger, nor interfaces annotated with `javax.inject.@Named`. Users must migrate from `javax.inject.@Named` to `feign.@Param` via Feign v7.1+ before attempting to update to Feign 8.0.
For example, the following uses `@Param` as opposed to `@Named` to annotate template parameters.
interface GitHub {
@RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);
AssertJ has more powerful test assertions and does not run the risk of
interfering with the classpath of main code, such as guava does. This
removes guava from test and example code and adjusts using AssertJ in
some cases.
JUnit Rules, such as MockWebServerRule, reduce boilerplate setup present
in our tests. By migrating off TestNG, and onto rules, our tests become
more maintainable as JUnit is well understood.
Request/Response/RequestTemplate are now fundamentally based on a byte[] body field.
For Request/RequestTemplate, if a charset is provided, it can be treated as text.
For many users of the library, the change should barely be noticeable, as the methods that
were changed were mostly used internally.
There were some non-backwards-compatible signature changes that require a
major version bump, however.