# Feign APT test generator This module generates mock clients for tests based on feign interfaces ## Usage Just need to add this module to dependency list and Java [Annotation Processing Tool](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/apt/GettingStarted.html) will automatically pick up the jar and generate test clients. There are 2 main alternatives to include this to a project: 1. Just add to classpath and java compiler should automaticaly detect and run code generation. On maven this is done like this: ```xml io.github.openfeign.experimental feign-apt-test-generator ${feign.version} test ``` 1. Use a purpose build tool that allow to pick output location and don't mix dependencies onto classpath ```xml com.mysema.maven apt-maven-plugin 1.1.3 process target/generated-test-sources/feign feign.apttestgenerator.GenerateTestStubAPT io.github.openfeign.experimental feign-apt-test-generator ${feign.version} org.codehaus.mojo build-helper-maven-plugin 3.0.0 feign-stubs-source generate-test-sources add-test-source target/generated-test-sources/feign ```