#!/bin/bash # This script will build the project. if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo -e "Build Pull Request #$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST => Branch [$TRAVIS_BRANCH]" ./gradlew build elif [ "${bintrayUser}" == "" ]; then echo -e "Building with no environment variables set => Forked repository" ./gradlew build elif [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_TAG" == "" ]; then echo -e 'Build Branch with Snapshot => Branch ['$TRAVIS_BRANCH']' ./gradlew -Prelease.travisci=true -PbintrayUser="${bintrayUser}" -PbintrayKey="${bintrayKey}" -PsonatypeUsername="${sonatypeUsername}" -PsonatypePassword="${sonatypePassword}" build snapshot elif [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_TAG" != "" ]; then echo -e 'Build Branch for Release => Branch ['$TRAVIS_BRANCH'] Tag ['$TRAVIS_TAG']' case "$TRAVIS_TAG" in *-rc\.*) ./gradlew -Prelease.travisci=true -Prelease.useLastTag=true -PbintrayUser="${bintrayUser}" -PbintrayKey="${bintrayKey}" -PsonatypeUsername="${sonatypeUsername}" -PsonatypePassword="${sonatypePassword}" candidate ;; *) ./gradlew -Prelease.travisci=true -Prelease.useLastTag=true -PbintrayUser="${bintrayUser}" -PbintrayKey="${bintrayKey}" -PsonatypeUsername="${sonatypeUsername}" -PsonatypePassword="${sonatypePassword}" final ;; esac else echo -e 'WARN: Should not be here => Branch ['$TRAVIS_BRANCH'] Tag ['$TRAVIS_TAG'] Pull Request ['$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST']' ./gradlew build fi