### Version 9.5.1 * When specified, Content-Type header is now included on OkHttp requests lacking a body. * Sets empty HttpEntity if apache request body is null. ### Version 9.5 * Introduces `feign-java8` with support for `java.util.Optional` * Adds `Feign.Builder.mapAndDecode()` to allow response preprocessing before decoding it. ### Version 9.4.1 * 404 responses are no longer swallowed for `void` return types. ### Version 9.4 * Adds Builder class to JAXBDecoder for disabling namespace-awareness (defaults to true). ### Version 9.3 * Adds `FallbackFactory`, allowing access to the cause of a Hystrix fallback * Adds support for encoded parameters via `@Param(encoded = true)` ### Version 9.2 * Adds Hystrix `SetterFactory` to customize group and command keys * Supports context path when using Ribbon `LoadBalancingTarget` * Adds builder methods for the Response object * Deprecates Response factory methods * Adds nullable Request field to the Response object ### Version 9.1 * Allows query parameters to match on a substring. Ex `q=body:{body}` ### Version 9.0 * Migrates to maven from gradle * Changes maven groupId to `io.github.openfeign` ### Version 8.18 * Adds support for expansion of @Param lists * Content-Length response bodies with lengths greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE report null length * Previously the OkhttpClient would throw an exception, and ApacheHttpClient would report a wrong, possibly negative value * Adds support for encoded query parameters in `@QueryMap` via `@QueryMap(encoded = true)` * Keys in `Response.headers` are now lower-cased. This map is now case-insensitive with regards to keys, and iterates in lexicographic order. * This is a step towards supporting http2, as header names in http1 are treated as case-insensitive and http2 down-cases header names. ### Version 8.17 * Adds support to RxJava Completable via `HystrixFeign` builder with fallback support * Upgraded hystrix-core to 1.4.26 * Upgrades dependency version for OkHttp/MockWebServer 3.2.0 ### Version 8.16 * Adds `@HeaderMap` annotation to support dynamic header fields and values * Add support for default and static methods on interfaces ### Version 8.15 * Adds `@QueryMap` annotation to support dynamic query parameters * Supports runtime injection of `Param.Expander` via `MethodMetadata.indexToExpander` * Adds fallback support for HystrixCommand, Observable, and Single results * Supports PUT without a body parameter * Supports substitutions in `@Headers` like in `@Body`. (#326) * **Note:** You might need to URL-encode literal values of `{` or `%` in your existing code. ### Version 8.14 * Add support for RxJava Observable and Single return types via the `HystrixFeign` builder. * Adds fallback implementation configuration to the `HystrixFeign` builder * Bumps dependency versions, most notably Gson 2.5 and OkHttp 2.7 ### Version 8.13 * Never expands >8kb responses into memory ### Version 8.12 * Adds `Feign.Builder.decode404()` to reduce boilerplate for empty semantics. ### Version 8.11 * Adds support for Hystrix via a `HystrixFeign` builder. ### Version 8.10 * Adds HTTP status to FeignException for easier response handling * Reads class-level @Produces/@Consumes JAX-RS annotations * Supports POST without a body parameter ### Version 8.9 * Skips error handling when return type is `Response` ### Version 8.8 * Adds jackson-jaxb codec * Bumps dependency versions for integrations * OkHttp/MockWebServer 2.5.0 * Jackson 2.6.1 * Apache Http Client 4.5 * JMH 1.10.5 ### Version 8.7 * Bumps dependency versions for integrations * OkHttp/MockWebServer 2.4.0 * Gson 2.3.1 * Jackson 2.6.0 * Ribbon 2.1.0 * SLF4J 1.7.12 ### Version 8.6 * Adds base api support via single-inheritance interfaces ### Version 7.5/8.5 * Added possibility to leave slash encoded in path parameters ### Version 8.4 * Correct Retryer bug that prevented it from retrying requests after the first 5 retry attempts. * **Note:** If you have a custom `feign.Retryer` implementation you now must now implement `public Retryer clone()`. It is suggested that you simply return a new instance of your Retryer class. ### Version 8.3 * Adds client implementation for Apache Http Client ### Version 8.2 * Allows customized request construction by exposing `Request.create()` * Adds JMH benchmark module * Enforces source compatibility with animal-sniffer ### Version 8.1 * Allows `@Headers` to be applied to a type ### Version 8.0 * Removes Dagger 1.x Dependency * Removes support for parameters annotated with `javax.inject.@Named`. Use `feign.@Param` instead. * Makes body parameter type explicit. ### Version 7.4 * Allows `@Headers` to be applied to a type ### Version 7.3 * Adds Request.Options support to RibbonClient * Adds LBClientFactory to enable caching of Ribbon LBClients * Updates to Ribbon 2.0-RC13 * Updates to Jackson 2.5.1 * Supports query parameters without values ### Version 7.2 * Adds `Feign.Builder.build()` * Opens constructor for Gson and Jackson codecs which accepts type adapters * Adds EmptyTarget for interfaces who exclusively declare URI methods * Reformats code according to [Google Java Style](https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javaguide.html) ### Version 7.1 * Introduces feign.@Param to annotate template parameters. Users must migrate from `javax.inject.@Named` to `feign.@Param` before updating to Feign 8.0. * Supports custom expansion via `@Param(value = "name", expander = CustomExpander.class)` * Adds OkHttp integration * Allows multiple headers with the same name. * Ensures Accept headers default to `*/*` ### Version 7.0 * Expose reflective dispatch hook: InvocationHandlerFactory * Add JAXB integration * Add SLF4J integration * Upgrade to Dagger 1.2.2. * **Note:** Dagger-generated code prior to version 1.2.0 is incompatible with Dagger 1.2.0 and beyond. Dagger users should upgrade Dagger to at least version 1.2.0, and recompile any dependency-injected classes. ### Version 6.1.3 * Updates to Ribbon 2.0-RC5 ### Version 6.1.1 * Fix for #85 ### Version 6.1.0 * Add [SLF4J](http://www.slf4j.org/) integration ### Version 6.0.1 * Fix for BasicAuthRequestInterceptor when username and/or password are long. ### Version 6.0 * Support binary request and response bodies. * Don't throw http status code exceptions when return type is `Response`. ### Version 5.4.0 * Add `BasicAuthRequestInterceptor` * Add Jackson integration ### Version 5.3.0 * Split `GsonCodec` into `GsonEncoder` and `GsonDecoder`, which are easy to use with `Feign.Builder` * Deprecate `GsonCodec` * Update to Ribbon 0.2.3 ### Version 5.2.0 * Support usage of `GsonCodec` via `Feign.Builder` ### Version 5.1.0 * Correctly handle IOExceptions wrapped by Ribbon. * Miscellaneous findbugs fixes. ### Version 5.0.1 * `Decoder.decode()` is no longer called for `Response` or `void` types. ### Version 5.0 * Remove support for Observable methods. * Use single non-generic Decoder/Encoder instead of sets of type-specific Decoders/Encoders. * Decoders/Encoders are now more flexible, having access to the Response/RequestTemplate respectively. * Moved SaxDecoder into `feign-sax` dependency. * SaxDecoder now decodes multiple types. * Remove pattern decoders in favor of SaxDecoder. * Added Feign.Builder to simplify client customizations without using Dagger. * Gson type adapters can be registered as Dagger set bindings. * `Feign.create(...)` now requires specifying an encoder and decoder. ### Version 4.4.1 * Fix NullPointerException on calling equals and hashCode. ### Version 4.4 * Support overriding default HostnameVerifier. * Support GZIP content encoding for request bodies. * Support Iterable args for query parameters. * Support urls which have query parameters. ### Version 4.3 * Add ability to configure zero or more RequestInterceptors. * Remove `overrides = true` on codec modules. ### Version 4.2/3.3 * Document and enforce JAX-RS annotation processing from server POV * Skip query template parameters when corresponding java arg is null ### Version 4.1/3.2 * update to dagger 1.1 * Add wikipedia search example * Allow `@Path` on types in feign-jaxrs ### Version 4.0 * Support RxJava-style Observers. * Return type can be `Observable` for an async equiv of `Iterable`. * `Observer` replaces `IncrementalCallback` and is passed to `Observable.subscribe()`. * On `Subscription.unsubscribe()`, `Observer.onNext()` will stop being called. ### Version 3.1 * Log when an http request is retried or a response fails due to an IOException. ### Version 3.0 * Added support for asynchronous callbacks via `IncrementalCallback` and `IncrementalDecoder.TextStream`. * Wire is now Logger, with configurable Logger.Level. * Added `feign-gson` codec, used via `new GsonModule()` * changed codec to be similar to [WebSocket JSR 356](http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/websocket/package-summary.html) * Decoder is now `Decoder.TextStream` * BodyEncoder is now `Encoder.Text` * FormEncoder is now `Encoder.Text>` * Encoder and Decoders are specified via `Provides.Type.SET` binding. * Default Encoder and Form Encoder is `Encoder.Text` * Default Decoder is `Decoder.TextStream` * ErrorDecoder now returns Exception, not fallback. * There can only be one `ErrorDecoder` and `Request.Options` binding now. ### Version 2.0.0 * removes guava and jax-rs dependencies * adds JAX-RS integration ### Version 1.1.0 * adds Ribbon integration * adds cli example * exponential backoff customizable via Retryer.Default ctor ### Version 1.0.0 * Initial open source release