apply plugin: 'java' dependencies { compile '' compile '' provided 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2' } // create a self-contained jar that is executable // the output is both a 'fat' project artifact and // a convenience file named "build/github" task fatJar(dependsOn: classes, type: Jar) { classifier 'fat' doFirst { // Delay evaluation until the compile configuration is ready from { configurations.compile.collect { zipTree(it) } } } from (sourceSets*.output.classesDir) { } // really executable jar // manifest { attributes 'Main-Class': 'feign.example.wikipedia.WikipediaExample' } // for convenience, we make a file in the build dir named github with no extension doLast { def srcFile = new File("${buildDir}/libs/${archiveName}") def shortcutFile = new File("${buildDir}/wikipedia") shortcutFile.delete() shortcutFile << "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n" shortcutFile << 'exec java -jar $0 "$@"' + "\n" shortcutFile << srcFile.bytes shortcutFile.setExecutable(true, true) srcFile.delete() srcFile << shortcutFile.bytes srcFile.setExecutable(true, true) } } artifacts { archives fatJar }