Feign makes writing java http clients easier
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This module wraps Feign's http requests in Hystrix, which enables the Circuit Breaker Pattern.

To use Hystrix with Feign, add the Hystrix module to your classpath. Then, configure Feign to use the HystrixInvocationHandler:

GitHub github = HystrixFeign.builder()
        .target(GitHub.class, "https://api.github.com");

For asynchronous or reactive use, return HystrixCommand<YourType>.

For RxJava compatibility, use rx.Observable<YourType> or rx.Single<YourType>. Rx types are cold, which means a http call isn't made until there's a subscriber.

Methods that do not return HystrixCommand, rx.Observable or [rx.Single] are still wrapped in a HystrixCommand, but execute() is automatically called for you.

interface YourApi {
  @RequestLine("GET /yourtype/{id}")
  HystrixCommand<YourType> getYourType(@Param("id") String id);

  @RequestLine("GET /yourtype/{id}")
  Observable<YourType> getYourTypeObservable(@Param("id") String id);

  @RequestLine("GET /yourtype/{id}")
  Single<YourType> getYourTypeSingle(@Param("id") String id);

  @RequestLine("GET /yourtype/{id}")
  YourType getYourTypeSynchronous(@Param("id") String id);

YourApi api = HystrixFeign.builder()
                  .target(YourApi.class, "https://example.com");

// for reactive

// or apply hystrix to RxJava methods

// for asynchronous

// for synchronous

// or to apply hystrix to existing feign methods.

Fallback support

Fallbacks are known values, which you return when there's an error invoking an http method. For example, you can return a cached result as opposed to raising an error to the caller. To use this feature, pass a safe implementation of your target interface as the last parameter to HystrixFeign.Builder.target.

Here's an example:

// When dealing with fallbacks, it is less tedious to keep interfaces small.
interface GitHub {
  @RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
  List<String> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);

// This instance will be invoked if there are errors of any kind.
GitHub fallback = (owner, repo) -> {
  if (owner.equals("Netflix") && repo.equals("feign")) {
    return Arrays.asList("stuarthendren"); // inspired this approach!
  } else {
    return Collections.emptyList();

GitHub github = HystrixFeign.builder()
                            .target(GitHub.class, "https://api.github.com", fallback);