|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.cache.capacity | 256 | Initial cache capacity expressed as int.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.cache.enabled | true | Enables Spring Cloud LoadBalancer caching mechanism.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.cache.ttl | 35s | Time To Live - time counted from writing of the record, after which cache entries are expired, expressed as a {@link Duration}. The property {@link String} has to be in keeping with the appropriate syntax as specified in Spring Boot <code>StringToDurationConverter</code>. @see <a href= "https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/blob/master/spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/main/java/org/springframework/boot/convert/StringToDurationConverter.java">StringToDurationConverter.java</a>
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.initial-delay | | Initial delay value for the HealthCheck scheduler.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.initial-delay | 0 | Initial delay value for the HealthCheck scheduler.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.interval | 25s | Interval for rerunning the HealthCheck scheduler.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.path | |
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.hint | | Allows setting the value of <code>hint</code> that is passed on to the LoadBalancer request and can subsequently be used in {@link ReactiveLoadBalancer} implementations.