|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.configurations | `default` | Enables a predefined LoadBalancer configuration.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.enabled | `true` | Enables Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check | | Properties for <code>HealthCheckServiceInstanceListSupplier</code>.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.initial-delay | `0` | Initial delay value for the HealthCheck scheduler.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.interval | `25s` | Interval for rerunning the HealthCheck scheduler.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.path | | Path at which the health-check request should be made. Can be set up per `serviceId`. A `default` value can be set up as well. If none is set up, `/actuator/health` will be used.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.port | | Path at which the health-check request should be made. If none is set, the port under which the requested service is available at the service instance.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.refetch-instances | `false` | Indicates whether the instances should be refetched by the `HealthCheckServiceInstanceListSupplier`. This can be used if the instances can be updated and the underlying delegate does not provide an ongoing flux.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.refetch-instances-interval | `25s` | Interval for refetching available service instances.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.repeat-health-check | `true` | Indicates whether health checks should keep repeating. It might be useful to set it to `false` if periodically refetching the instances, as every refetch will also trigger a healthcheck.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.hint | | Allows setting the value of <code>hint</code> that is passed on to the LoadBalancer request and can subsequently be used in {@link ReactiveLoadBalancer} implementations.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.hint-header-name | `X-SC-LB-Hint` | Allows setting the name of the header used for passing the hint for hint-based service instance filtering.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry | | Properties for Spring-Retry and Reactor Retry support in Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.avoid-previous-instance | `true` | Enables wrapping ServiceInstanceListSupplier beans with `RetryAwareServiceInstanceListSupplier` if Spring-Retry is in the classpath.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.backoff.enabled | `false` | Indicates whether Reactor Retry backoffs should be applied.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.backoff.jitter | `0.5` | Used to set `RetryBackoffSpec.jitter`.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.backoff.max-backoff | `Long.MAX ms` | Used to set `RetryBackoffSpec.maxBackoff`.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.backoff.min-backoff | `5 ms` | Used to set `RetryBackoffSpec#minBackoff`.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.max-retries-on-next-service-instance | `1` | Number of retries to be executed on the next `ServiceInstance`. A `ServiceInstance` is chosen before each retry call.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.max-retries-on-same-service-instance | `0` | umber of retries to be executed on the same `ServiceInstance`.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.retry-on-all-operations | `false` | Indicates retries should be attempted on operations other than `HttpMethod.GET`}.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.retry.retryable-status-codes | `{}` | A `Set` of status codes that should trigger a retry.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.service-discovery.timeout | | String representation of Duration of the timeout for calls to service discovery.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.sticky-session | | Properties for LoadBalancer sticky-session.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.sticky-session.add-service-instance-cookie | `false` | Indicates whether a cookie with the newly selected instance should be added by LoadBalancer.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.sticky-session.instance-id-cookie-name | `sc-lb-instance-id` | The name of the cookie holding the preferred instance id.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.x-forwarded | | Enabling X-Forwarded Host and Proto Headers.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.x-forwarded.enabled | `false` | To Enable X-Forwarded Headers.
|spring.cloud.loadbalancer.zone | | Spring Cloud LoadBalancer zone.
|spring.cloud.refresh.additional-property-sources-to-retain | | Additional property sources to retain during a refresh. Typically only system property sources are retained. This property allows property sources, such as property sources created by EnvironmentPostProcessors to be retained as well.
|spring.cloud.refresh.enabled | `true` | Enables autoconfiguration for the refresh scope and associated features.
"description":"Path at which the health-check request should be made. Can be set up per `serviceId`. A `default` value can be set up as well. If none is set up, `/actuator/health` will be used.",
"description":"Path at which the health-check request should be made. If none is set, the port under which the requested service is available at the service instance.",
"description":"Indicates whether the instances should be refetched by the `HealthCheckServiceInstanceListSupplier`. This can be used if the instances can be updated and the underlying delegate does not provide an ongoing flux.",
"description":"Indicates whether health checks should keep repeating. It might be useful to set it to `false` if periodically refetching the instances, as every refetch will also trigger a healthcheck.",