Applications can define their own LoadBalancerRequestTransformer beans
which can modify the HttpRequest to be executed. These beans can be
@Ordered in case of multiple transformers.
The import-selected AutoServiceRegistrationConfiguration now creates the configuration properties bean, which is used as a marker bean for AutoServiceRegistrationAutoConfiguration. This gives auto registration implementations a chance to create an AutoServiceRegistration impl bean.
Allow service discovery systems to register more than one instance.
Automatic registration will still take place.
Add boolean autoRegister() to EnableDiscoveryClient, defaults to true.
Add ServiceRegistryEndpoint.
fixes gh-9
Added useOnlySiteLocalInterfaces and preferredNetworks properties to
InetUtils. The preferredNetworks property allows for a whitelist of
networks. The useOnlySiteLocalInterfaces allows InetAddresses where
isSiteLocalAddress is true.
Fixes gh-114
Currently, if an exception is thrown when deregistering the service (maybe the registry is not available) the latch used by the DefaultLifecycleProcessor is not decremented and you have to wait for the latch timeout (30 seconds) for shutdown to complete. With this fix, the exception is logged and normal shutdown execution continues.
Users now need to create their own bean and qualify it, and Spring
Cloud will customize it (instead of providing the @Bean itself).
This is much better for users, since they remain in control of the
bean declarations, and can choose which one (if any) is @Primary.
It's a breaking change for some apps (if they rely on a
@LoadBalanced RestTemplate being automatically injected).