### Global gh-pages pre-amble safe: true lsi: false highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown encoding: UTF-8 github: [metadata] kramdown: input: GFM hard_wrap: false smart_quotes: ["apos", "apos", "quot", "quot"] gems: - jekyll-coffeescript - jekyll-paginate ### The following properties will change on a project-by-project basis # Context path in the remote website (usually /), will be prepended to absolute URLs for static resources baseurl: /spring-cloud-commons # Name of the project for display in places like page titles name: Spring Cloud Commons # ID of the project in the metadata API at spring.io (if this is not a # valid project ID the javascript widgets in the home page will not work) project: spring-cloud-commons # Project github URL github_repo_url: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-commons # Project forum URL forum: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spring-cloud # If you want to include a custom pom.xml or gradle template set these value to true and add _include files custom_pom_template: false custom_gradle_template: false ### The following properties are constant for most projects main_site_url: https://spring.io projects_site_url: https://projects.spring.io questions_url: https://spring.io/questions