#!/bin/bash -x git remote set-url --push origin `git config remote.origin.url | sed -e 's/^git:/https:/'` if ! (git remote set-branches --add origin gh-pages && git fetch -q); then echo "No gh-pages, so not syncing" exit 0 fi if ! [ -d docs/target/generated-docs ]; then echo "No gh-pages sources in docs/target/generated-docs, so not syncing" exit 0 fi # The script should be executed from the root folder ROOT_FOLDER=`pwd` echo "Current folder is ${ROOT_FOLDER}" if [[ ! -e "${ROOT_FOLDER}/.git" ]]; then echo "You're not in the root folder of the project!" exit 1 fi # Retrieve properties ################################################################### # Prop that will let commit the changes COMMIT_CHANGES="no" # Get the name of the `docs.main` property MAIN_ADOC_VALUE=$(mvn -q \ -Dexec.executable="echo" \ -Dexec.args='${docs.main}' \ --non-recursive \ org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.1:exec) echo "Extracted 'main.adoc' from Maven build [${MAIN_ADOC_VALUE}]" # Get whitelisted branches - assumes that a `docs` module is available under `docs` profile WHITELIST_PROPERTY="docs.whitelisted.branches" WHITELISTED_BRANCHES_VALUE=$(mvn -q \ -Dexec.executable="echo" \ -Dexec.args="\${${WHITELIST_PROPERTY}}" \ org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.1:exec \ -P docs \ -pl docs) echo "Extracted '${WHITELIST_PROPERTY}' from Maven build [${WHITELISTED_BRANCHES_VALUE}]" # Code getting the name of the current branch. For master we want to publish as we did until now # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1593051/how-to-programmatically-determine-the-current-checked-out-git-branch CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) CURRENT_BRANCH=${CURRENT_BRANCH##refs/heads/} CURRENT_BRANCH=${CURRENT_BRANCH:-HEAD} echo "Current branch is [${CURRENT_BRANCH}]" # Stash any outstanding changes ################################################################### git diff-index --quiet HEAD dirty=$? if [ "$dirty" != "0" ]; then git stash; fi # Switch to gh-pages branch to sync it with master ################################################################### git checkout gh-pages git pull origin gh-pages # Add git branches ################################################################### mkdir -p ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${CURRENT_BRANCH} if [[ "${CURRENT_BRANCH}" == "master" ]] ; then echo -e "Current branch is master - will copy the current docs only to the root folder" for f in docs/target/generated-docs/*; do file=${f#docs/target/generated-docs/*} if ! git ls-files -i -o --exclude-standard --directory | grep -q ^$file$; then # Not ignored... cp -rf $f ${ROOT_FOLDER}/ git add -A ${ROOT_FOLDER}/$file fi done COMMIT_CHANGES="yes" else echo -e "Current branch is [${CURRENT_BRANCH}]" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29300806/a-bash-script-to-check-if-a-string-is-present-in-a-comma-separated-list-of-strin if [[ ",${WHITELISTED_BRANCHES_VALUE}," = *",${CURRENT_BRANCH},"* ]] ; then echo -e "Branch [${CURRENT_BRANCH}] is whitelisted! Will copy the current docs to the [${CURRENT_BRANCH}] folder" for f in docs/target/generated-docs/*; do file=${f#docs/target/generated-docs/*} if ! git ls-files -i -o --exclude-standard --directory | grep -q ^$file$; then # Not ignored... # We want users to access 1.0.0.RELEASE/ instead of 1.0.0.RELEASE/spring-cloud.sleuth.html if [[ "${file}" == "${MAIN_ADOC_VALUE}.html" ]] ; then # We don't want to copy the spring-cloud-sleuth.html # we want it to be converted to index.html cp -rf $f ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${CURRENT_BRANCH}/index.html git add -A ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${CURRENT_BRANCH}/index.html else cp -rf $f ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${CURRENT_BRANCH} git add -A ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${CURRENT_BRANCH}/$file fi fi done COMMIT_CHANGES="yes" else echo -e "Branch [${CURRENT_BRANCH}] is not on the white list! Check out the Maven [${WHITELIST_PROPERTY}] property in [docs] module available under [docs] profile. Won't commit any changes to gh-pages for this branch." fi fi if [[ "${COMMIT_CHANGES}" == "yes" ]] ; then git commit -a -m "Sync docs from ${CURRENT_BRANCH} to gh-pages" # Uncomment the following push if you want to auto push to # the gh-pages branch whenever you commit to master locally. # This is a little extreme. Use with care! ################################################################### git push origin gh-pages fi # Finally, switch back to the master branch and exit block git checkout ${CURRENT_BRANCH} if [ "$dirty" != "0" ]; then git stash pop; fi exit 0