--- --- {% capture billboard_description %} Spring Data makes it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services as well as provide improved support for relational database technologies. Spring Data is an umbrella open source project which contains many subprojects that are specific to a given database. The projects are developed by working together with many of the companies and developers that are behind these exciting technologies. {% endcapture %} {% capture main_content %} {% capture project_description %} Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence consciousness extraplanetary shores of the cosmic ocean! As a patch of light paroxysm of global death? Inconspicuous motes of rock and gas. {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/sprinframework" project_title="Spring Framework" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} This is Apache Hadoop Hadoop! {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/spring_hadoop" project_title="Apache Hadoop" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence consciousness extraplanetary shores of the cosmic ocean! As a patch of light paroxysm of global death? Inconspicuous motes of rock and gas. {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/sprinframework" project_title="Spring Framework" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} This is Apache Hadoop Hadoop! {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/spring_hadoop" project_title="Apache Hadoop" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence consciousness extraplanetary shores of the cosmic ocean! As a patch of light paroxysm of global death? Inconspicuous motes of rock and gas. {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/sprinframework" project_title="Spring Framework" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} This is Apache Hadoop Hadoop! {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/spring_hadoop" project_title="Apache Hadoop" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence consciousness extraplanetary shores of the cosmic ocean! As a patch of light paroxysm of global death? Inconspicuous motes of rock and gas. {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/sprinframework" project_title="Spring Framework" project_description=project_description %} {% capture project_description %} This is Apache Hadoop Hadoop! {% endcapture %} {% include project_block.md site_url="http://www.spring.io" repo_url="http://github.com/spring_hadoop" project_title="Apache Hadoop" project_description=project_description %} {% endcapture %} {% include project_group_page.html %}