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@ -27,7 +27,3 @@ node_modules @@ -27,7 +27,3 @@ node_modules


@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
|Name | Default | Description
| | | List of filter definitions that are applied to every route.
| | `+++false+++` | Flag that enables DiscoveryClient gateway integration.
| | |
| | `+++true+++` | SpEL expression that will evaluate whether to include a service in gateway integration or not, defaults to: true.
| | `+++false+++` | Option to lower case serviceId in predicates and filters, defaults to false. Useful with eureka when it automatically uppercases serviceId. so MYSERIVCE, would match /myservice/**
| | |
| | | The prefix for the routeId, defaults to discoveryClient.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_". Service Id will be appended to create the routeId.
| | `+++'lb://'+serviceId+++` | SpEL expression that create the uri for each route, defaults to: 'lb://'+serviceId.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables gateway functionality.
| | `+++true+++` | Option to fail on route definition errors, defaults to true. Otherwise, a warning is logged.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the add-request-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the add-request-parameter filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the add-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the circuit-breaker filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the dedupe-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the fallback-headers filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the hystrix filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the JSON to gRPC filter.
| | `+++false+++` | Enables the local-response-cache filter.
| | `+++5m+++` | Maximum size of the cache to evict entries for this route (in KB, MB and GB).
| | | Time to expire a cache entry (expressed in s for seconds, m for minutes, and h for hours).
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the map-request-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the modify-request-body filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the modify-response-body filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the prefix-path filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the preserve-host-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the redirect-to filter.
| | |
| | `+++0+++` |
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the remove-request-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the remove-request-parameter filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the remove-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the request-header-size filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the request-header-to-request-uri filter.
| | |
| | |
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the request-rate-limiter filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the request-size filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the retry filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the rewrite-location-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the rewrite-location filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the rewrite-path filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the rewrite-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the save-session filter.
| | `+++default-src 'self' https:; font-src 'self' https: data:; img-src 'self' https: data:; object-src 'none'; script-src https:; style-src 'self' https: 'unsafe-inline'+++` |
| | `+++nosniff+++` |
| | |
| | `+++noopen+++` |
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the secure-headers filter.
| | `+++DENY+++` |
| | `+++none+++` |
| | `+++no-referrer+++` |
| | `+++max-age=631138519+++` |
| | `+++1 ; mode=block+++` |
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the set-path filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the set-request-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the set-request-host-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the set-response-header filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the set-status filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the strip-prefix filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the ForwardedHeadersFilter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the adapt-cached-body global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the forward-path global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the forward-routing global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the load-balancer-client global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the local-response-cache filter for all routes, it allows to add a specific configuration at route level using LocalResponseCache filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the netty-routing global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the netty-write-response global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the reactive-load-balancer-client global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the remove-cached-body global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the route-to-request-url global filter.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the websocket-routing global filter.
| | `+++false+++` | If global CORS config should be added to the URL handler.
| | |
| | `+++1+++` | The order of RoutePredicateHandlerMapping.
| | `+++false+++` | Enables compression for Netty HttpClient.
| | | The connect timeout in millis, the default is 30s.
| | | The max response header size.
| | | The max initial line length.
| | | Only for type FIXED, the maximum time in millis to wait for acquiring.
| | `+++0+++` | Perform regular eviction checks in the background at a specified interval. Disabled by default ({@link Duration#ZERO})
| | | Only for type FIXED, the maximum number of connections before starting pending acquisition on existing ones.
| | | Time in millis after which the channel will be closed. If NULL, there is no max idle time.
| | | Duration after which the channel will be closed. If NULL, there is no max life time.
| | `+++false+++` | Enables channel pools metrics to be collected and registered in Micrometer. Disabled by default.
| | `+++proxy+++` | The channel pool map name, defaults to proxy.
| | | Type of pool for HttpClient to use, defaults to ELASTIC.
| | | Hostname for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient.
| | | Regular expression (Java) for a configured list of hosts. that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy
| | | Password for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient.
| | | Port for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient.
| | | proxyType for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient.
| | | Username for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient.
| | | The response timeout.
| | `+++3000ms+++` | SSL close_notify flush timeout. Default to 3000 ms.
| | `+++0+++` | SSL close_notify read timeout. Default to 0 ms.
| | `+++10000ms+++` | SSL handshake timeout. Default to 10000 ms
| | | Key password, default is same as keyStorePassword.
| | | Keystore path for Netty HttpClient.
| | | Keystore password.
| | | Keystore provider for Netty HttpClient, optional field.
| | `+++JKS+++` | Keystore type for Netty HttpClient, default is JKS.
| | | Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate.
| | `+++false+++` | Installs the netty InsecureTrustManagerFactory. This is insecure and not suitable for production.
| | | Max frame payload length.
| | `+++true+++` | Proxy ping frames to downstream services, defaults to true.
| | `+++false+++` | Enables wiretap debugging for Netty HttpClient.
| | `+++false+++` | Enables wiretap debugging for Netty HttpServer.
| | `+++false+++` |
| | `+++false+++` | Enables the collection of metrics data.
| | `` | The prefix of all metrics emitted by gateway.
| | | Tags map that added to metrics.
| | `+++true+++` | If Micrometer Observability support should be turned on.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the after predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the before predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the between predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the cloud-foundry-route-service predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the cookie predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the header predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the host predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the method predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the path predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the query predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the read-body predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the remote-addr predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the weight predicate.
| | `+++true+++` | Enables the xforwarded-remote-addr predicate.
| | `+++X-RateLimit-Burst-Capacity+++` | The name of the header that returns the burst capacity configuration.
| | |
| | `+++true+++` | Whether or not to include headers containing rate limiter information, defaults to true.
| | `+++X-RateLimit-Remaining+++` | The name of the header that returns number of remaining requests during the current second.
| | `+++X-RateLimit-Replenish-Rate+++` | The name of the header that returns the replenish rate configuration.
| | `+++X-RateLimit-Requested-Tokens+++` | The name of the header that returns the requested tokens configuration.
| | `+++true+++` | Restricts method and property access in SpEL.
| | | List of Routes.
| | | The name of the header which contains http code of the proxied request.
| | |
| | `+++true+++` | If the XForwardedHeadersFilter is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If appending X-Forwarded-For as a list is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If X-Forwarded-For is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If appending X-Forwarded-Host as a list is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If X-Forwarded-Host is enabled.
| | `+++0+++` | The order of the XForwardedHeadersFilter.
| | `+++true+++` | If appending X-Forwarded-Port as a list is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If X-Forwarded-Port is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If appending X-Forwarded-Prefix as a list is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If X-Forwarded-Prefix is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If appending X-Forwarded-Proto as a list is enabled.
| | `+++true+++` | If X-Forwarded-Proto is enabled.


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
=== Observability - Conventions
Below you can find a list of all `GlobalObservationConvention` and `ObservationConvention` declared by this project.
.ObservationConvention implementations
|ObservationConvention Class Name | Applicable ObservationContext Class Name


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
=== Observability - Metrics
Below you can find a list of all metrics declared by this project.
==== Gateway Http Client Observation
Observation created when sending a request through the gateway.
**Metric name** `http.client.requests` (defined by convention class ``). **Type** `timer`.
**Metric name** `` (defined by convention class ``). **Type** `long task timer`.
IMPORTANT: KeyValues that are added after starting the Observation might be missing from the *.active metrics.
IMPORTANT: Micrometer internally uses `nanoseconds` for the baseunit. However, each backend determines the actual baseunit. (i.e. Prometheus uses seconds)
Fully qualified name of the enclosing class ``.
.Low cardinality Keys
|Name | Description
|`http.method` _(required)_|HTTP Method.
|`http.status_code` _(required)_|HTTP Status.
|`` _(required)_|Route ID.
|`` _(required)_|HTTP URI taken from the Route.
.High cardinality Keys
|Name | Description
|`http.uri` _(required)_|Full HTTP URI.


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
=== Observability - Spans
Below you can find a list of all spans declared by this project.
==== Gateway Http Client Observation Span
> Observation created when sending a request through the gateway.
**Span name** `http.client.requests` (defined by convention class ``).
Fully qualified name of the enclosing class ``.
.Tag Keys
|Name | Description
|`http.method` _(required)_|HTTP Method.
|`http.status_code` _(required)_|HTTP Status.
|`http.uri` _(required)_|Full HTTP URI.
|`` _(required)_|Route ID.
|`` _(required)_|HTTP URI taken from the Route.