@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ This project provides an API Gateway built on top of the Spring Ecosystem, inclu
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ This project provides an API Gateway built on top of the Spring Ecosystem, inclu
|spring.cloud.gateway.predicate.read-body.enabled | `true` | Enables the read-body predicate.
|spring.cloud.gateway.predicate.remote-addr.enabled | `true` | Enables the remote-addr predicate.
|spring.cloud.gateway.predicate.weight.enabled | `true` | Enables the weight predicate.
|spring.cloud.gateway.predicate.xforwarded-remote-addr.enabled | `true` | Enables the xforwarded-remote-addr predicate.
|spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.burst-capacity-header | `X-RateLimit-Burst-Capacity` | The name of the header that returns the burst capacity configuration.
|spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.include-headers | `true` | Whether or not to include headers containing rate limiter information, defaults to true.
|spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.remaining-header | `X-RateLimit-Remaining` | The name of the header that returns number of remaining requests during the current second.
|spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.replenish-rate-header | `X-RateLimit-Replenish-Rate` | The name of the header that returns the replenish rate configuration.
|spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.requested-tokens-header | `X-RateLimit-Requested-Tokens` | The name of the header that returns the requested tokens configuration.
|spring.cloud.gateway.restrictive-property-accessor.enabled | `true` | Restricts method and property access in SpEL.
|spring.cloud.gateway.routes | | List of Routes.
|spring.cloud.gateway.set-status.original-status-header-name | | The name of the header which contains http code of the proxied request.