Support for using OpenFeign in Spring Cloud apps
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2012 lines
34 KiB

URL Cleanup This commit updates URLs to prefer the https protocol. Redirects are not followed to avoid accidentally expanding intentionally shortened URLs (i.e. if using a URL shortener). # Fixed URLs ## Fixed But Review Recommended These URLs were fixed, but the https status was not OK. However, the https status was the same as the http request or http redirected to an https URL, so they were migrated. Your review is recommended. * [ ] (ConnectTimeoutException) with 2 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result ConnectTimeoutException). * [ ] (ConnectTimeoutException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result ConnectTimeoutException). * [ ] http://PROD-SVC (UnknownHostException) with 2 occurrences migrated to: https://PROD-SVC ([https](https://PROD-SVC) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://Url/ (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://Url/ ([https](https://Url/) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://bad_hostname (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://bad_hostname ([https](https://bad_hostname) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://bar (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://bar ([https](https://bar) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://bar/ (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://bar/ ([https](https://bar/) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://foo (UnknownHostException) with 19 occurrences migrated to: https://foo ([https](https://foo) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://foo/ (UnknownHostException) with 4 occurrences migrated to: https://foo/ ([https](https://foo/) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://foo/?name=%7bcookie (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://foo/?name=%7bcookie ([https](https://foo/?name=%7bcookie) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://foo:7777/ (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://foo:7777/ ([https](https://foo:7777/) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://good-name (UnknownHostException) with 2 occurrences migrated to: https://good-name ([https](https://good-name) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://listener (UnknownHostException) with 6 occurrences migrated to: https://listener ([https](https://listener) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] http://tp/abc/bcd.json (UnknownHostException) with 1 occurrences migrated to: https://tp/abc/bcd.json ([https](https://tp/abc/bcd.json) result UnknownHostException). * [ ] (404) with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 404). ## Fixed Success These URLs were switched to an https URL with a 2xx status. While the status was successful, your review is still recommended. * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 2 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 2 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 200). * [ ] with 2 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 301). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 301). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 301). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 302). * [ ] with 2 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 302). * [ ] with 1 occurrences migrated to: ([https]( result 302). # Ignored These URLs were intentionally ignored. * http://localhost with 11 occurrences * http://localhost:8080/ with 1 occurrences * http://localhost:8081/ with 1 occurrences
6 years ago
/* Asciidoctor default stylesheet | MIT License | */
/* Remove the comments around the @import statement below when using this as a custom stylesheet */
/*@import ",300italic,400,400italic,600,600italic|Noto+Serif:400,400italic,700,700italic|Droid+Sans+Mono:400";*/
6 years ago
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section, summary {
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font-style: normal;
color: #ba3925;
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color: #e99b8f;
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font-size: 1.6875em
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font-size: 1em
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color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .85)
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font-size: inherit
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text-transform: uppercase
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padding-left: 1.125em;
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