@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Spring Cloud Netflix provides the following beans by default for feign (`BeanTyp
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Spring Cloud Netflix provides the following beans by default for feign (`BeanTyp
* `Client` feignClient: if Ribbon is enabled it is a `LoadBalancerFeignClient`, otherwise the default feign client is used.
The OkHttpClient and ApacheHttpClient feign clients can be used by setting `feign.okhttp.enabled` or `feign.httpclient.enabled` to `true`, respectively, and having them on the classpath.
You can customize the HTTP client used by providing a bean of either `ClosableHttpClient` when using Apache or `OkHttpClient` when using OK HTTP.
You can customize the HTTP client used by providing a bean of either `org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient` when using Apache or `feign.okhttp.OkHttpClient` when using OK HTTP.
Spring Cloud Netflix _does not_ provide the following beans by default for feign, but still looks up beans of these types from the application context to create the feign client: