@ -114,38 +114,14 @@ following command:
@@ -114,38 +114,14 @@ following command:
The generated eclipse projects can be imported by selecting `import existing projects`
from the `file` menu.
==== Adding Project Lombok Agent
Spring Cloud uses http://projectlombok.org/features/index.html[Project Lombok]
to generate getters and setters etc. Compiling from the command line this
shouldn't cause any problems, but in an IDE you need to add an agent
to the JVM. Full instructions can be found in the Lombok website. The
sign that you need to do this is a lot of compiler errors to do with
missing methods and fields, e.g.
The method getInitialStatus() is undefined for the type EurekaInstanceConfigBean EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka line 120 Java Problem
The method getInitialStatus() is undefined for the type EurekaInstanceConfigBean EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka line 121 Java Problem
The method setNonSecurePort(int) is undefined for the type EurekaInstanceConfigBean EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka line 112 Java Problem
The type EurekaInstanceConfigBean.IdentifyingDataCenterInfo must implement the inherited abstract method DataCenterInfo.getName() EurekaInstanceConfigBean.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka line 131 Java Problem
The method getId() is undefined for the type ProxyRouteLocator.ProxyRouteSpec PreDecorationFilter.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/zuul/filters/pre line 60 Java Problem
The method getLocation() is undefined for the type ProxyRouteLocator.ProxyRouteSpec PreDecorationFilter.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/zuul/filters/pre line 55 Java Problem
==== Importing into Intellij
Spring Cloud projects use annotation processing, particularly Lombok, which requires configuration
or you will encounter compile problems. It also needs a specific version of maven and a profile
enabled. Intellij 14.1+ requires some configuration to ensure these are setup properly.
1. Click Preferences, Plugins. *Ensure Lombok is installed*
2. Click New, Project from Existing Sources, choose your spring-cloud project directory
3. Choose Maven, and select Environment Settings. *Ensure you are using Maven 3.3.3*
4. In the next screen, *Select the profile `spring`* click Next until Finish.