@ -758,17 +758,15 @@ In the following example, the `CSV` format is used instead of the default `EXPLO
@@ -758,17 +758,15 @@ In the following example, the `CSV` format is used instead of the default `EXPLO
@FeignClient(name = "demo")
protected interface PageableFeignClient {
protected interface DemoFeignClient {
@GetMapping(path = "/page")
ResponseEntity performRequest(Pageable page);
@GetMapping(path = "/test")
ResponseEntity performRequest(String test);
TIP: Set the `CSV` format while sending `Pageable` as a query parameter in order for it to be encoded correctly.
=== Reactive Support
As the https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign[OpenFeign project] does not currently support reactive clients, such as https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/reactive/function/client/WebClient.html[Spring WebClient], neither does Spring Cloud OpenFeign.We will add support for it here as soon as it becomes available in the core project.