This change adds an ApplicationListener that sets some high priority
properties in the Environment to allow server.port and management.port
to keep their usual meaning, but have server.port apply only to turbine.
Actuator endpoints can be enabled with management.port (different to
server.port otherwise there will be a conflict between Netty and Tomcat).
Fixes gh-143, fixes gh-140
fixes gh-135
created to allow disabling of sending the context id as the metric id. Turbine AMQP then defaults to serviceId:host:port
fixes gh-131
It's nice to have an annotation to say "I want Eureka discovery".
At the moment it is a pass thru for @EnableDiscoveryClient, but
in principle it could be used to select Eureka over another provider
even if both were on the classpath.
If the ClientFactory from netflix is used directly it bypasses
all the goodness in SpringClientFactory, so clients created
in Feign before this change were getting the default native
configuration instead of that provided by
There are no remaining references to the raw ClientFactory in
Spring Cloud, so we probably have seen the last of this.
Fixes gh-118
With just a bit more hackery on the Zuul request wrapper we can mask
off the input stream and content lengths, and fix them so they contain
the expected content. Doesn't work (yet) for multipart content.
Fixes gh-109
Overrides Spring Boot's FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration to prefer using a
SpringTemplateLoader instead of the file system. This corrects an issue
where Spring Boot may use an empty 'templates' file resource to resolve
templates instead of the packaged Hystrix classpath templates.
When creating a new project with Spring initializer, an empty
'templates' resource directory is automatically added to the new
project, causing a scenario where this issue may occur.
With this change users can elect not to install the proxy features
but still have a Zuul server with @Beans of type ZuulFilter added
Fixes gh-104